Experiences From student, parents, teachers and others With the
Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom program

2024 June, Siddhant grade 6, Nepal,  My Experience with Bhagwan Baba, Ssssb and my school

Experience with school

I am reading in SSSVM. It is a very nice school. In this school, I have learned many things. My life is changed. I have learned many things in my school like spiritual, Veda, how to help, care, etc. I love my school very much.

Experience with Swami

I was reading in grade 1. We were at the canteen, we were eating lunch. Bhagwan Baba came near us and fed us. We ate food very nicely. I didn't want to eat, but I ate very nicely.

Experience with SSSSB class

I was riding in grade one. I knew that there was a running SSSSB class so I joined it. After coming to class, my life is changed. I have not only got book knowledge but also got extra things in class so I like it very much. My whole family is happy with the SSSSB class.

2024 June, Palakshya Silwal, grade 3 , Balkot , Nepal,  My Experience with Bhagwan Baba and my school

Aum Shree Sairom!!!

Experiences about school and Bhagwan Baba

Every morning I wake up with a great smile because I love to go to my school. I feel very lucky to be a part of this school. My mother works in this school so I came to know about this school and got admission after completing all the process.

Our school is a free school established with the motto "education for character development," which means education is the only thing which develops the character of a person. Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba is the patron of our school. He has established this school to serve the people with quality education for free of cost.

Our school has all the facilities as that of a normal school. I am studying in this school from grade one. Teachers of our school are very friendly and experienced. They teach us very nicely. They also tell the stories about the teachings of Bhagwan Baba. Baba himself visits the school and guides us.

We celebrate different types of programs in our school such as competitions, Guru Purnima, Baba’s birthday celebrations, and many more. Bhagwan Baba teaches us to be kind, helpful. I am very inspired by the teachings of Baba. From my birthday, I offered all to Baba as my small contribution to his mission. I always put tika from Baba in Dashain.

I am very happy to be a student of this school and Bhagwan Baba. I love going to my school and learning new things every day. I have lovely friends, helpful teachers, and kind seniors, which makes my everyday in school much more fun.

Besides all these, I have Bhagwan Baba himself guiding me towards the right paths.

I love my school very much, and thank you Bhagwan Baba for making me a part of your mission and making you proud.

2024 May, Ishan gr9, Dang , Nepal,  My Experience with Ssssb, Bhagwan Baba and my school

My experiences with SSSSB

I joined SSSSB 4 years ago. It was a day before Guruji Daju's Birthday. Since then I am a part of SSSSB. After joining SSSSB there are a lot of changes in my life. Before joining SSSSB I could not control my anger but now I am able to control my anger. There are a lot of positive changes in my life. Now I am able to think positive and focus on a thing very nicely.

My experience with Bhagwan Baba

I have been to Baba’s Ashram only once. It was about 2 years ago. I went to Ashram with Reshma Ma'am. We arrived late at Ashram and Baba has already started his pravachan. I went and sat in a place in the ashram without any seat but one of the Sairam saw me and offered me his seat. Then I sat on the seat. Then Baba gave pravachan about Mahabharat. Then I ate the parshad made at the ashram. I came to know that Baba has made this parshad and it was very tasty.

My experience about my school

The name of my school is Kashi Noble Academy. I have been reading in this school since class 2. It has been six years. When I joined soul blossom I was in class 4. After joining SSSSB I quit playing mobile games which saved a lot of my time for reading and studying. I am utilizing this time to complete my homework and play physical games. Because of this class, I am one of the most physically active students in my class, and my students reading in my class are not good. They speak rudely and their behavior is not good. So I am proud being a soul blossom student.

2024 May, Sunil Marapin, Coordinator Ssssb and chairmen Holland chapter. [My Experience with Ssssb, Bhagwan Baba and School or Work

Experiences with SSSSB, Swami, and with school or work SSSSB:

The "Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom" SSSSB program is a program that has the potential, if the teachers involved apply it themselves and continue to develop constantly, to make all the people who manage the program a little bit and especially apply it in practice to make themselves and thereby also the world even better. Of course, there are more programs in the world that also have a good influence on our character maintenance and growth. As the international coordinator of the SSSSB program, I call on everyone to at least study it a little and especially apply it in practice to experience its influence themselves. The program is not only intended for students, but for everyone. If there are schools and organizations in the world that do not pay attention to character maintenance and improvement, then the SSSSB program is a perfect addition to make the organization and the participants even more complete. I invite everyone to come and see, investigate and participate in the weekly Zoom-online family classes.

Experiences with Swami / Bhagwan Baba:
About Swami, I can be brief. Swami is the same energy that came as Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, and Lord Parthi Sai. It is best to investigate and experience for yourself. It would be a shame if you did not at least investigate Swami and experience what is going on.

Experiences with school and work:
SSSVM is a school that, in addition to regular education, is also focused on further improving the characters of the students and all those involved. Everywhere character maintenance and improvement come first, and where our words, thoughts, and actions are more and more connected, there will be super-fast and super-abundant success in all areas. Today's sorrow and discord will eventually disappear like snow in the sun. If you are not students or staff of SSSVM, you can participate in the family classes so that you can at least experience the positive influence of this program. Om Sairam. Thank you, Swami.

2024 May, Bandana gr10  My Experience with Bhagwan Baba

1.Experience with Bhagwan Baba.
Om Shree Sairam! My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. I have known bhagwan for 7 years. My mother told me that we will shift to another school and there is one baba and when i heard baba i think baba means that bhole baba so i was so scared to meet him. I had already given the entrance exam and only the interview was left and me and my mother went to the interview. While going to school I was so scared to meet Baba but when I reached school and saw Bhagwan Baba I felt so relaxed and I was not scared anymore. In the interview Bhagwan Baba laughed while seeing my report card because there was only A+. When we joined the school , my brother forgot to wear an Identity Card and Bhagwan Baba called us in his office and we both said sir to Bhagwan Baba and he laughed and said don't tell me sir and we again said ‘ok sir’. He and the teacher laughed so hard. It was such a beautiful moment. One day I forgot to wear a scarf while going to the ashram and when bhagwan baba came to take flowers he called me and asked ‘Where is your scarf?’ and I said that I forgot to wear it and he slowly beat in my head. One of my friends said that BHagwan Baba gave you a blessing by hitting on your head and protecting you and I was so blessed. And on my birthday when I went to give chocolate to Bhagwan Baba he said ‘ Today is rabbit birthday’ and all of us laughed. When I talk with Bhagwan Baba I feel so relaxed and when he sings bhajan I forget all my sadness and I enjoy bhajan. I am so lucky to read in this school and blessed to have Bagwan Baba’s hand on my head.

2024 May, Bandana gr10  My Experience with SSSVM

1.Experience with school S.S.S.V.M.
Om Shree Sairam! My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. For 7 years I have been reading this school S.S.S.V.M. I started reading in this school when I was in Grade-3 and now I am in grade-10. These 7 years went by so quickly. I read grade-1 and 2 in Pacific Secondary School and I can see that there are many differences in this school and my previous school. In my previous school teachers only focused on the study related to books but in this school teachers not only focused on teaching the thing related to books but also mantras, bhajan and moral values. As the motto of our school is ‘ Education For Character Development’ this school helps students to develop their character and behavior. Compared to other schools this school is very good and better for all the people and the teachers are also loving, caring and understanding.

2024 May, Sonaniya gr10  My Experience with SSSSB

Om Shree Sai Ram!

My Experiences with SSSSB

My name is Sonaniya Kunwar. I have really wonderful experiences with SSSSB class! I joined this class in 2023 and am still joining it. SSSSB class is related to spirituality, dharma, values, etc. I really feel a great change after joining this class. I came to build my confidence and speaking. This is the platform where we can learn various things. There are many Gurus who taught us how to be good, punctual, and hardworking. This class is so great that anyone can join, either they are from a different country, different school, or different place. I want to be connected with this class, with Swami, and with you all.

Thank you.

Name: Sonaniya Kunwar
Class: 10

2024 May, Sonaniya gr10  My Experience with SSSVM


Om Shree Sai Ram!

My experience with my school SSSVM

My school name is SSSVM. I am the first batch of this school. I study here from nursery class. It’s already 12 years, and I’m still studying in this school. I have really great experiences as this is the only one school that I study in my school life. This school really has different potential to change people, children, and make them follow a good path. My school gave me confidence and motivation. These things I cannot get anywhere else. Most importantly, it is the place where I recognized my uniqueness and individuality. My school life is no less than a treasure for me, which gave me invaluable joys in life. There are many teachers who are really great. My school is the best school for me, and I really want to see my school growing more.

Thank you.

Name: Sonaniya Kunwar
Class: 10

2024 May, Sonaniya gr10  My Experience with Swami

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Om Shree Sai Ram!

My experience with Swami

As I join this school from nursery, I had a great experience with Swami. I am the luckiest person to have an interview with him while I am joining this school SSSVM. I used to go a lot to the ashram with my mom. Still, I am going. I get a great chance to be close to divine power. I had always thought that I never want to be far from him. Swami is a living god who has provided free education for us. I feel really blessed to become part of him and his mission. I really want to help in his mission, and I will. If I was not with him, I may be in a different path. So Swami is a great power who has brought me to this path and made my future bright.

Thank you.

2024 May, Sanu Ma'am [Parent, Poem Sssvm]

Ai: The image contains a beautiful Nepali poem. Here's the text transcribed from the image:

जन्मै कसम सरी खेला
आऊँछौ तिमी साई दूत बनी
सफा गरिदिन्छौं मनको फोहोर
बस्छौं तिमी सुलुक्कै बनी॥

तिमीले केको सबै ज्ञान
बस्ने सधैंमा आत्मबल बनी
बढाई हाम्रै जागर तिमीले
पतक्कै टं शनिबार कहिले आउँछौ भनौ॥

हाम्रो लागि मिहिनेत कति
सबै काममा भरी गुण बनी
तिम्रो अभियानमा साथी बन्छौं सधैं
बस्छौं तिमी मन मनमा ज्ञानको ज्योति बनी।

This poem seems to praise a figure (possibly a guru or a spiritual entity), who cleanses minds, brings light, and serves as a companion in the journey of life. The words express devotion, enlightenment, and a sense of eternal support. Beautifully written!

2024 May, Sidhdhima, gr 09, Biratnagar, Nepal [ With Swami and School]

About my Swami experience

It has been more than a year I have joined soul blossom class. When I was small, I was too weak due to fever. My parents took me to many hospitals, but I couldn’t be fine. Then my parents took me to Balaji and Pashupatinath. There I got Bhagwan Baba's blessing. After 13 years, I became a member of the SSSS blossom class of Sanjay Sai Baba. Although I cannot meet with Swami, I always love Swami forever.

About my school Heritage International BRT

My school name is Heritage International BRT, which was discovered in 2020. My school motive is to teach students good manners and make students strong. Our school provides schooling for classes up to 8 and 9. In our school, there is every bookless Friday. Our school provides food, sport, club activity, STEM class, and many more.

2024 March, Suweksha Jha, Sai Youth, Nepal

"Work is worship and duty is God"

Om Shree Sairam my humble pranam at thy lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. I am Suweksha Jha, a Sai youth and an alumni of SSSVM, and today let me take you on a journey through the wonders of SB classes. SB stands for Soul Blossom classes, which ascertain to bring positive change in us. It all started during the lockdown when I found myself unsure about joining the classes. But as time unfolded, I realized the immense value it holds in our lives.

SB classes became more than just a routine; they became the cornerstone of my character development. Together, we built a strong foundation of confidence and resilience. I even had the opportunity to contribute by assisting in classes, using my skills and hobbies to propel the Sai Mission forward.

Over the past years, despite graduating from SSSVM and moving on from school life, my connection with SB classes has only grown stronger. It's become a part of who I am. I urge every student to join these classes, for they are the catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Through SB, I've not only honed my skills but also discovered a new family – my Sai family. Together, we've learned the power of unity and the strength it brings. I am immensely grateful to our beloved Swami for blessing us with these classes.

At last, let us remember that in unity, we find strength, and in SB classes, we find not only knowledge but also a community that uplifts and supports us on our journey of self-discovery. Thank you.

Suweksha Jha, Sai Youth, April 2024

2024 March, Aaryan Chalagian, Student gr 6, Nepal

My experience of being a student of SSSSB

"Om Shree Sairam, my humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. I’m Aaryan Chalagian, here to share my experience of being a student of SSSSB."

First of all, introducing SSSSB, it is a program to blossom the values already present in each of us in manners of thinking, talking, etc. When I first listened about it, I was shocked. The online class, where we can learn the moral values. It taught me about love, truth, dharma, peace, punctuality, non-violence, and right behavior that should be shown to all creatures. Teachers here teach us to choose the right way to live life and help us to forget our sorrow, unhappiness, and worries. It helps our body to be focused.

Similarly, it helps in developing right communication skills, problem-solving logic, leadership, teamwork, and involves us in new research. It also promotes our creativity by giving points in SSSSB sites by our teachers. Our teachers — Meena ma’am, Neerana ma’am, Lijta ma’am, Kureshma ma’am, Reshma ma’am, Gurudayi, and other gurus — help us to develop our self-confidence and teach us about the need for hard work for better results.
SSSSB develops good manners. According to research, it is said that it takes 7 weeks to win over a new habit, but SSSSB has something which makes us able to do it in just a few days.

2024 February, Uhana Bakhrel, gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience about Soulblossom class

My name is Uhana Bakhrell. I read in grade 3. Now going to say about soulblossom class. I like when we play games, sing bhajans, and learn moral values. I go to soulblossom class on Saturday. We learn we should have to help needy people.

2024 February, Ruksana Thapa, gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About my Soulblossom

My name is Rukcana Thapa. I read in grade 3. My school name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir. I join soulblossom class regularly to learn moral values. I am taking soulblossom class on Saturday. I have improved my study. I have improved my discipline. I have learned Bhajan.

2024 February, Rayan Raut, gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About Soul Blossom Class

I am taking soulblossom class on Saturdays. In this class, we learn many moral values. We also learn division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction in maths. There will be meditation. It makes us fresh and good. We learn different types of games. This class encouraged me to be with Bhagwan Baba. I love this class. In the class, we also do bhajans, mantras, and meditation.

Written by: Rayan Raut, Class 3

2024 February, Aarohi Pokhara, gr6 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience with SSSSB

SSSSB is a class where our soul blossoms out from a bud, which is organized by Swami. SSSSB is taken from national places and international places.

SSSSB is a great place where we can show our talent, increase our abilities, and get gifts for our good deeds. SSSSB teaches us good things and gives us spiritual knowledge.

SSSSB has various chapters from various countries where a lot of people teach us a lot of things that are useful in our life later or now.

SSSSB has taught us to love, care for everyone, and never disrespect anyone, whether it is an animal or a bird or a human, everyone is equal. SSSSB is a great platform.

If someone is new there, they are greeted. If someone's birthday is then, they are wished. Everyone can get a place there.

I had joined it for two years, and my knowledge, memory power, and concentration have all been stronger. I am sad that I can't join the class again, but I will for sure not forget the things from SSSSB.

Thank you
Aarohi Pokhrel

2024 February, Siddhant, gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal

Topic of Saturday family class - January 27th

My experience on SSSSB class

When I heard about this class I wanted to join this class. When I joined this class I did not know anyone. When I started going for some years, I felt a change in me. The moral stories give me positive vibes, and games, which increase my intelligence. This class has had increased my level. This class is a class that makes me feel confident to speak. It increases our mental health and concentration power. This class has improved me on my confidence level, concentration, and mental health. For all things, I am grateful for this class to make me up to this.

Thank you
Roshan Karki
Class - 5

2024 January, Siddhant, gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal

“This is my experience with Soul Blossom.
I used to have some bad habits, like occasionally forgetting to bring a book.
I also lacked concentration power. However, I have now gained better concentration, and I no longer forget my books and copies.
I am now able to practice meditation every day.”

2024 January, Sarita, gr9 Student SSSVM, Nepal

"Om Shree Sai Ram!
By joining the SSSSB class, I have learned many values.
This class is the most interesting and inspiring one to me.
It provides the opportunity to transform bad habits into positivity.
I have learned numerous spiritual and moral lessons by being a part of this class.
I enjoy the way they present their views, as well as the bhajans, games, and new topics they introduce every day.

I feel very happy to be a part of the SSSSB family as an SSSSB student.
Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to all the SSSSB teachers, gurus, and Swami for providing this opportunity."


2024 January, Shristi Timalsina, bachelor student, passed out student SSSVM Nepal

January 06, Heart-work

"As a SSSSB student, I’ve learnt many things till now. Being humble, dedicated towards the work, loving nature and one of the most important is service to mankind. Not only mine but I find it very crucial in everyone’s life. As we know, every good step we take for us is always beneficial for us. So, it makes us to be responsible towards our duty and successful for our dream. Soul blossom is not just only an organization or a class, it is something which not every individual can know the worth. It is a platform that can nourish the talent every students have. Only thing I don’t like about this class is it ends. It is the only reason where we get connected and learn a lot.

Talking about myself, I’ve experienced a lot of transformation inside me during this entire time. Being connected to this class directly or indirectly makes me feel amazed every time."

2024 January, Siddhant, gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal

"Now, this is my experience at school. On the first day, there was a sports meet.
I went to school and sat in the assembly line.
I participated in the assembly and then went to my class.
I spent some time there, and Swami came to the school.
We lined up house-wise and performed a march past in front of him.
Afterward, there was a demonstration game in front of Swami, and at that moment, Swami blew the whistle.
All the students became very happy."

2024 January, Sarita, gr9 Student SSSVM, Nepal

"Om Shree Sai Ram!
I started studying at Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir (SSSVM) in grade 4, and now I am in grade 9.
The environment at SSSVM is different from other schools.
It is hard to find any similarities between SSSVM and my previous school.
Our school actively engages students in various extracurricular activities, along with providing free education and other facilities. It offers positions of responsibility, helping us build self-confidence and leadership skills.
I have learned many bhajans, mantras, and valuable human moral values at SSSVM.
Our school doesn't solely focus on academics but also emphasizes the development of students' characters.
Hence, the motto of this school is 'Education For Character Development.'
So far, during my time at SSSVM, I have come to believe in Bhagwan Baba's saying, 'See Always Inside.'"

2024 January, Shristi Timalsina, bachelor student, passed out student SSSVM Nepal

“SSSVM, my second home. Two years as a student and 3 years as an alumna. I've had so many experiences from my school life. From making new friends to the disappointment of being parted from them. School life had taught me a lot. Action with discipline, words with humility, and work with dedication. This includes every point to be included. To be honest, I was not the mischievous child in school. I used to be very afraid. I was not allowed to go out with friends except for school. So, luckily, a deusi vailo program was organized from school. It was the first time I realized how beautiful it was to enjoy with friends and represent the culture. It was the most memorable moment of my life. After passing out also, I've never felt like I am away from here. I'm becoming more and more closer to school day by day. Programs, picnics, mee%ngs always keep making our way back to our lovely home, SSSVM.”

2024 January, Bandana gr9, Student SSSVM Nepal

My Heart-work of January 6, 2024
What kind of lesson would you create if you were the SSSSB guru of this class??
"Om Shree Sairam! This SSSSB class is running very nicely. In my point of view, this class is very good and interesting. There are bhajan and games, and there is at least one topic to discuss. The classes that happened till now are very great and it is the best class for all people all people should join to learn moral values and other things for their development of character, behavior, etc.
I think this class doesn't need improvement because the class is managed properly from time to time and it has great rules and regulations, plans, etc. But if I were the guru of this SSSSB class I would ask and tell students as well as Gurus and Teachers to share their views and experiences related to topics. I will try to increase students’ confidence to talk something about the topic. I will encourage them to share and show their skill and talent like dancing, singing, drawing, etc. I will continue this class like Guru Daju and the Team. This class was nice, is nice, and will be nice forever. This class is very important for all people."

2023 January, Sadikshya gr7, Student SSSVM Nepal

"My experience with soul blossom class is in soul blossom class the gurus teach me human values, how to be disciplined and puntual student, etc.
This class helps me to be good student . There are also lots of interesting topics, games, bhajans,etc.
In this class lots of students and other people's are joining."

"My experience with guru daju is he opens this class to everyone. He is very good teacher and he search lots of games, topics, etc. for all."

2023 January, Samikshya gr4, Student SSSVM Nepal

"Sairam everyone, I am Samikshya from Grade 4
My experience with guru daju is he is very good teacher. Because he opens the soul blossom classes for all the students, family and other people. When some students have maths problem he helps them. He teach the students very nicely"

2022 November, Swosti gr8, Student Adarsha Jana premi Higher secondary school, Nepal 

"Sairam everyone, I am Swosti Bohora from Grade 8, a member of SSSSB family.
I feel myself very lucky to be a part of Soul Blossom.
By joining Soul Blossom class I feel changes in my behaviour and the way of handling problems.
My positive way of thinking and my self confidence upon myself which I got through Soul Blossom class and Gurus is a great blessing which had helped me to achieve success in my study.

It had also helped me to concentrate in my study. Lastly, this class also taught me to change myself into a beautiful soul. So, I would like to thank all my gurus and members of our Soul Blossom class."

2022 November, Smarika gr7, Student SSSVM Nepal

Om Shree Sairam

Write an experience about SSSSB class

At first, Sairam to all. It's me, Smarika. Today I am going to talk about my experience with the SSSSB class.

First of all, I will tell how I knew about the SSSSB class. I know the SSSSB class from Meena Ma'am. She teaches us moral education. While teaching us, she told us to join the SSSSB class.

Then I joined the SSSSB class. It was very good, and by joining, we can learn many things such as Bhajans, values, songs, etc. Guruji also sends us some topics to write about based on our own experience.

I feel that after my grandparents passed away, I was broken, but after joining Soul Blossom class, I know that if people are born, they will die. It is in this class that we can do quizzes, Bhajans, etc.

I feel how fast I connect with Guruji, Kusuma, and all. We can learn English with Kusuma. After joining SSSSB class, I feel that positive energy or vibe is coming towards me.

Smarika Subedi
Grade: 7
Date: 2022/11/26

2022 November, Prashanti, Sai youth, Biratnagar, Nepal
"My experience in Soul Blossom class is very good. When I joined first I never thought I would be so attached to my soul blossom family. When I lost my father before 1 yr we were really bad with our mental conditions specially my mom but through an SSSSB guru I got contact with this Soul Blossom family. It helped my mom a lot. Weekly bhajans, games and a value topic made our mind fresh and stable.
Soul blossom is not only class its my second family .
Special thanks to Bhagwan Baba and to all the entire gurus, ,brothers and sisters. Om Sairam"

2022 November, Sidhdhima gr8, Student from Biratnagar Nepal
"First of all sairam and koti koti pranam to Lord Shree Sanjay Sai Baba lotus feet. 
My experience in the SSSSB class is so amazing. I make there so many friends and family. I feel so happy when i join Soul Blossom🌸 class. When i join Soul Blossom class it remove my negative energy and bring positive energy towards me. I learn so many good habits, bhajan (devotional and value songs), how to handle with daily issues etc etc. My Soul Blossom family are the only one who understood me so well in a short period. Thank you so much my Soul Blossom family from the bottom of my heart.
I love you all so much and thank you so much for being with me in every situation. Om Sairam"

2022 October, Sarita, gr8 Student SSSVM, Nepal

"Aum Shree Sairam My humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of our Swami. When I found out about the Soul Blossom class, I wanted to join it too. I understand soul blossom means like a small bud blossoming into a beautiful flower, it means soul blossom classes help us to develop our soul by teaching us creativity, moral values, extra knowledge, etc.

The first time I joined the class, it was a Saturday. I didn't know about the class. There was drama that teaches moral values, games that helps to build creativity and my experience was much excellent on the first day of Soul Blossom class. I really enjoyed that class. It helps me do spiritual things and it help me to be positive. This class inspired me to do good work.

In the end I would like to thank our soul blossom class, soul blossom teachers ad Swami for giving us a wonderful opportunity to transform us, thank you for giving me a chance to become a student of Sai and be a part of our soul blossom class.

And I am sure that everyone who regularly attends this class can change their soul and manners. All ssssb students will do their best.
Thanks to all the gurus, teachers and soul blossom class".

2022 October, Ishwor, grade 6 Student SSSVM, Nepal

"Aum shree sairam, my humble paranams at the holy divine lotus feet of our bhagwan baba. Soul Blossom from which I have learned many good things and values ​​that no one can learn by going to school only. The true meaning of the soul blossom is not only to develop your soul. The real meaning of soul blossom is "creative creator by developing the soul by teaching moral values ​​and general knowledge".

"In the first one, when I joined the soul blossom class, I asked myself "what kind of class is this?" because I felt very bored. But after the many classes, I was glad to join the Soul Blossom classes. I was completely filled with positive thoughts and the vibes from the class which were so outstanding. Before joining the class I had low confidence, but after joining the classes I felt changes in myself. All the teachers at Soul Blossom helped me with many things that increased my abilities to do work."

"I am very happy to be a part of Soul Blossom and founded a diamond opportunity to develop my soul with patriotic feelings. Thanks to the Soul Blossom class and the Soul Blossom teachers.
Thank you!!!Om Shree Sairam!"

2022 September, Bigyan grade 8, Student SSSVM, Nepal
"Om Shree Sairam, my humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of our dearest Swami. From my experiences on soul blossom classes i have learn that we should always speak truth and politely to everyone, help everyone but hurt nobody and many more things. It is a very interactive class where the childrens can ask questions, play various riddles and game and share their thoughts and feelings. Before I joined Soul Blossom class I was not very confident person. I always wanted to sing bhajans in front of others. Also I wasn't that much interactive and creative. But by joining this class I get the whole new chance to show my talent. To be succesfull person we need to develop our character and I think this is the way to develop my character. I am very thankfull to all my gurus and teachers along with Baba to give me this golden oppurtunity to join this class. Thank you"

2021 June, Adwij, 11 years old, Student SSSVM, Nepal  

"Om Shree Sai Ram, My humble Pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba.
My Soul blossom experience has been remarkably amazing starting from 1st day, where i was unknown about the theme motive of the class and comparing it now, it has been excellent .

It has helped me to be creative. It has helped me invest my spare time into productive work. It has enhanced my creativity. The members of Soul Blossom have helped me with my studies as well. They are cooperative towards me .

Overall, I'm glad to be part of Soul Blossom and i consider myself lucky to get this opportunity. Thank you Guru Daju and all the members of Soul Blossom".

2021 June, Ankita, 15 years old, Student SSSVM, Nepal  

"The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love"
"Om shree sairam my humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba.
According to my experience Soul Blossom class is one of the most wonderful and inspiring class which is totally filled with love support devotion and knowledge about spiritual and moral values.
The first day when i joined this class made be totally inspired and positive. The inspiring and knowledge full lectures from guru daju and other teachers changed my vibes in to positiveness. All the students reading in Soul Blossom class are very good and well disciplined.
I feel myself very luck and blessed to be in Swami's school and to be a part of SB class.
Lastly i want to thank Bhagwan Baba and our school management who gave us the golden opportunity to be a part of Swami's golden mission and Soul Blossom class".
"Twam Sharnam Mama".

2021 June, Rama Ma'am, Soul Blossom guru from Nepal 

"Soul blossom class is the program for students, parents and relatives. It was started in 2019 in Katunje Bhaktapur under Sairam foundation by using the principle of Shree Sanjaya Sai Sewa Organization. The main aim of this class is to uplift spiritual knowledge, educational performance and social values in students.

SB classes are sustained program through creative performance by students.

We are committed to our motto of Shree Sanjaya Sai Sewa Organization, Nepal. Love All Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never."
"I have noticed the positive changes to the students through SB class. This class really helps the students to differentiate between right and wrong behavior. Furthermore, students can  think in creative and innovative way."

2021 June, Kabya, 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

" In my experience this class is wonderful
I learn many spiritual things. it is so good
Soul blossom class make me to do more spiritual things. I have change my bad habits
It is very good that to start soul blossom class we have learn moral values etc..

2021 May, Garima 15 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

Sairam everyone, I am Garima Pandey, one of the member of the SSSSB family like you all. Sairam! again, It's my experience with the Soul Blossom classes and the SSSSB family but before sharing it , I would  like to say what is the real meaning of experience for me. In my opinion "*Experience is a event or feeling, that teaches us the a new and a better way to live life.*"
A person is neither good or bad from his/her birth, they have both good and bad things in them but only their experiences decide whether they'll become good or bad. Every experience have both good and bad aspects and our way of thinking only decides either we can learn good things from our experience's or bad one's and our way of thinking depends on the circle around us. In the Soul Blossom class there's only positive vibe and positive people around us so, the experiences in the Soul Blossom class are only good.

As per my experience in Soul Blossom classes, I have many good experiences that I have got from the first day I've joined the Soul Blossom classes. On the first day , I joined the Soul Blossom classes, I have got a new family which is my SSSSB family now. As Soul Blossom classes provides a platform for we children and youths with positive vibes and positive circle of people it helps us to develop a good character. We know that the motive of these Soul Blossom classes is "*Education for Character Formation.*", so it will be a beneficial for all people to join this classes.
I myself have experienced the importance and grace of Soul Blossom classes in our daily life of a human either a child or a youth or a senior citizen. It teaches people the importance of 5 human values ( _Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence_ ), 5D's ( Duty, Discipline, Determination, Devotion and Discrimination), spirituality etc. in life. Most importantly Soul Blossom teaches and helps us to form a good character. As I have been a member of this class since one year, I have get to learn many things myself also.
Soul Blossom classes helped me to strengthen my self confidence, it helped me to help and care for others, it helped me to improve my skills like drawing, poetry etc. It also helped us to have a positive thinking in the time of this pandemic,

So, for today's children it is a must to join the Soul Blossom class to lead a way towards a happy and satisfied spiritual life.

2021 April, Simran, 16 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

"From the soul blossom class i learned a many things among them being humble and honest will takes us to the success."

2021 March, Smarika, 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

"I feel very blessed to be in Soul Blossom class. I feel very good and comfortable with that time I think Soul Blossom class is good and I join all time when Soul Blossom class happens I feel good to join. At Soul Blossom class we play quiz, sing bajan and Lear many things at that time. It is fun at Soul Blossom class because gurus tell in soul blossom class you will learn many things in here".
Om Sai Ram

Feb. 2021, Bishal, 16 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

"Sairam everyone,Today i want to share my experiences with Soul blossom class. At first, i want to thanks all our gurus and specially our dearest Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba who give me chance to think positive and who give me knowledge to be a good person. I find positive change on myself even people around me find positive change on me. So if we really wants to be good or if we want to have positive change on ourselves then I think soul blossom class is the best option.I'm very thankful to our SB classes teacher's and guru's for managing their time for us students and teaching us to think positive, new things. It has really helped us a lot and I want to be part of this class in future also and be good and independent person. I also want to teach others to go and choose right path for their life."The spiritual values and norms I got to learn from this class was very helpful and helped me remain dedicated towards my study and other activities."

"There we also learned different mantras and vajans and the main thing is that through spiritual class we all students got an excellent opportunity to increase our speaking and interacting habits."

Feb. 2021, Anbeshika KC, 15 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"I used to be very angry maximum time before i joined SB class but now I am just calm down in a minute. I got positive vibes when i joined soul blossom class"

Feb. 2021, Rashu, 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"First of all heartly sairam to all!
I feel that, to be a part of soul blossom is not only a luck its a blessing, after joining soul blossom class I find positive change on myself even people around me find positive change on me. So if we really wants to be good or if we want to have positive change on ourselves then I think soul blossom class is the best option.
" The person who see the positive things will understand positive,
The person who listen the positive things will imagine positive
and the person who practise positive things will be positive."
"Twam Saranam Mama"

Feb. 2021, Enjilina 10 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

"Aum shree sai ram my humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba.
Today i am going to share my experience on SSSSB classes. First of all i would like to heartily gratitude to our Bhagwan Baba for your good and free education and command to the direction of soul blossom classes. When i the join first time Soul Blossom class. I think my future is going to great and positive. I forgot all the superstition. Then i enjoyed it felt devotion towards many things and we are getting all the opportunity in this class." 
"We are having entertainment and we can show all our talents and I have many changes in myself by having soul blossom classes i know that my habits are more develop because i speak politely, helping and caring to old people, respecting to neighbors  teachers and my parents, play with children and make them happy and praying to god. I am happily doing all the works which gurus, teachers told us in Soul Blossom classes. I would like to thank to soul blossom organization and I am thankful to all the Respected Gurus for your good and positive things. Aum Shree Sanjay Sai ram." 

Jan. 2021, Garima Tamang 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

" Om Shree Sairam my humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. Today I am so happy to share my experience with Soul Blossom Class. I feel so lucky to be a student of soul blossoms class. I am very thankful to all the teachers and Guru`s for managing their time for us student. In soul blossom class I learn very important things like speaking truth, Human values ,moral values , spiritual values etc. "

" Before joining soul blossom class I wasn't good enough at drawing but this class improve my drawing. At soul blossoms class we also do meditation and we play games.
At last I want to tell that It has really helped us a lot and I also want to be a part of this class in future also."

Jan. 2021, Lipee 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

Soul Blossom class is very helpful class and gives positive vibes when you are stressed. It teaches us many positive things and we can share our experience with other SB students and gurus".

" Previously I used to think many negative things but now I have started to think positive in negative things also. I help my friends and family in work  which I didn't used to before."

" I'm very thankful to our SB classes teacher's and guru's for managing their time for us students and teaching us to think positive, new things. It has really helped us a lot and I want to be part of this class in future also and be good and independent person. I also want to  teach others to go and choose right path for their life."

Jan. 2021, Udaya 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal

"First and foremost I would like to thank daju for being such a wonderful personality and helping us throughout this time. I got to learn many spiritual values and the classes really helped me to keep my mindset positive and be more productive in the work I do . I learned about many things including crypto currency which was a new experience for me and The spiritual values and norms I got to learn from this class was very helpful and helped me remain dedicated towards my study and other activities."

Jan. 2021, Birat 15 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Om shree sairam, As we all know because of this pandemic virus we students were not able to join our schools and classes physically but we are very luck that we got a golden chance to join our school classes online as well as spiritual (Soul Blossom) classes too. According to me Soul Blossom class was the most interesting class which was used to be held every week" 
"In this class we students were able to know about the different things like the things about Holland miniature park, flower garden and along with these things guru daju used to teach us about many other spiritual things. In Soul Blossom class I got different things to know about and it also helped me to increase my speaking and interacting habits. I used to gain positive vibes and excellent knowledge about different things in every soul blossom class." 
"At last i would like to say that Soul Blossom class is a very interesting class through which we gained a lot of knowledge about the spiritual and moral values. There we also learned different mantras and vajans and the main thing is that through spiritual class we all students got an excellent opportunity to increase our speaking and interacting habits."
Twam Sharanam Mama

Jan. 2021, Suweksha 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Meaning of Soul Blossom is to make our soul pure and to teach code of behavior. I had a great experience with Soul Blossom. First time when I had a Soul Blossom class, I was really confused about the meaning of Soul Blossom. I don’t know what we are going to do in the class but as I continue attending my classes I get to learn new things that has a great importance in human life, but we didn’t focus them." 
"At Soul Blossom I learned to develop my character. I started seeing a lot of change in me after attending few Soul Blossom class. The understanding between each other and the love between each other in the class has attract me more towards this class. After attending Soul Blossom class, I build up my confidence and now I am actively taking participants in many programs. In this class, I get to know and learn that we shouldn’t always think and say I we should learn to think and say we, it means ‘nowadays all of the people are just thinking about themselves and they are ignoring others, but we should think of others too’.
"All of the soul blossom students and gurus are a family and we even share our problems and try to find the solution of the problem together. In each and every student the Soul Blossom has make some positive changes like the children’s have started speaking truth which is a really achievement. Even the children are being involved in social work. Soul blossom is really an important and useful class and it has made positive change in each and everyone who have attend this class. I feel me-myself blessed and lucky to have soul blossom as a part of my life."

Dec. 2020, Anamika 11 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
" I feel very blessed to be in Soul Blossom class. I feel very good. When i went soul blossom first time i was very happy and glad. Soul blossom is class where there are positive vibration. I learned many things in this class. l have been changed because of this class. An example: I used to throw dust anywhere but after i joined soul blossom i throw waste in Dustin only"

Dec. 2020, Apekshya 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Om shree sairam humble pranams at the divine lotus feet of Bhagwan shree sanjay sai baba.. Today I am going to share you my divine experience on SSSSB classes.. I started my classes a bit late so, I was not well known about the classes but from the day I started my Soul Blossom classes. I enjoyed it, felt the devotion towards many things. Got to know about many things.. I came to be able to differentiate between good and bad aspects of life. I felt more towards good works to do in my entire life. I wanted some of my habits to be better but I could change them after taking few classes of Soul Blossom.
Lastly I would like to thank Shree Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom Organization and every supporters to support me."

Dec. 2020, Bibika 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Sairam everyone,
Today i want to share my experiences with Soul blossom class. At first, i want to thank all our gurus and specially our dearest Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba who give me chance to think positive and who give me knowledge to be a good person. Before i never used to be involved in activities like singing bhajans but now i have been singing bhajans. Before i had only simple education but nowadays i am gaining moral, spiritual education. Now i have confidence in bhajan to sign with many people and I learnt about the good thing. And now i always think to do that."
''don't wait for the perfect moment to do something, take the movement and make it perfect,'"

Dec. 2020, Sangam 14 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"My experience with Soul Blossom class. Om Shree Sairam !!! 
10 weeks ago i joined Soul Blossom class. I feel lucky to be a Soul Blossom student because i learn very important things in the class. Before joined Soul Blossom class i used to afraid to talk with many people, now i can talk with many people easily. i learn Human Value and the way of character development."

Dec. 2020, Aditi 13 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
My Experiences with Soul Blossom Class
After being in Soul Bloosm class for 10 weeks, i can see many differences in myself in this short period. My experience in Soul Blossom class is great. With education, spiritual and moral values are also important in our life which Soul Blossom classes has been giving us. Soul Blossom class helps us to learn spiritual and moral values; sometimes through story while sometimes through drawings, etc. We can learn positive things and spread positivity. First we start from ourselves then others. Soul Blossom is really good for students because they are now in their first stage of life and if they become well in this stage, their full life journey will be full of happiness and success. Much-obliged to our Gurus for conducting Soul Blossom Classes. I am proud to be a Soul Bloosm student.

Thank You!

Dec. 2020: Soul Blossom Guru and SSSVM teacher, Nepal

"My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba and Sairam to all. I am also a teacher of Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir since 2073 B.S however being a subject teacher in school and being Guru Aama in Soul blossom classes is quite different experience. In school we have to be bounded by time, periods and academic syllabus but here we are bounded by one thing i.e truth. We are free to share whatever we know about life, god and religions. We teach students moral values and positive outlook towards life. I joined Soul blossom Classes as Guru Aama but even i am getting to learn more about true values of life each day from the other Gurus and my beloved students. I look forward to sharing more love and experience in days to come. At last, i express heartfelt gratitude to Bhagwan Baba for this wonderful opportunity."

Dec. 2020, Sumina, 11 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Sairam to you all.
Soul Blossom class is so fun and we learn very morality things. Our Gurus teach us many other new things. At 2077/08/28 we learnt a jyoty meditation. The next day i do the jyoti meditation, I feel so good and it gives me more energy to do my work. At Soul Blossom class we play Quiz, sing bhajan, play game and learnt many things. It is to fun in Soul Blossom class."  

Dec. 2020, Sajan 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"My name is Sajan Rijal. I am 12 years old. I study at grade 6. I learn many things in Soul Blossom class. After some classes I feel that ,my behavior changed. The Soul Blossoms gurus and other students inspire me a lot.
I have change this habits already.
1: I use to sleep very late and wake up very late from when I join Soul Blossom class i use to wake up earlier.
2: I do meditation daily now.
I am very lucky to be a Soul Blossom class student."

Dec. 2020, Sneha 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Sairam everyone. Today i want to share my experiences with Soul Blossoms class. I think i am the luckiest person who get chance to participate in this wonderful class. I came in this class before two months. In this class i get the moral values, human values. This class makes our mind fresh. Many habits have been changed when i came to this group. I feel nervous when i sing bhajan but now i sing bhajan without any nervousness. My confidence has also been increased. In school I do not talk properly with teacher but now i speak properly with the teacher.

At last, i want to thanks all our gurus and specially our dearest Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba who give me chance to think positive and who give me knowledge to be a good person , and who tells me to respect all people . I am proud to be a Sai Student."

Dec. 2020, Shikshya 17 years old, student youth class, Nepal
"OM Shree Sairam! Loving pranam at the divine lotus feet of our dearest Bhagwan. I think I am the luckiest person of the world because I get a chance to be a part of this wonderful class. I have been a student of soul blossom since 3 month. Within this 3 month i learn a lot of spiritual and moral values that leads me towards the path of positivity. As my drawing skill wasn't good enough but this class improve my drawing skill. Before taking this class i used to be unhappy or unsatisfied in every tiny things. But after being a part of this class i learn to search happiness in every small things. I also learn different positive values like speaking truth, respecting elders, being and talking friendly, protection of mother earth, etc. I also learn to see positive things on other and to find out negative things within my self and to correct them. I can proudly say that soul blossom class is leading me toward every positive thing that are essential for me in each and every step of life for making my life worthy."                                              

Dec. 2020, Shristi 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"My Experiences With Soul Blossom Class. OM SHREE SAIRAM !!
My humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwaan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. It has been two months since I joined Soul Blossom Class. Till then to now I have found many differences in myself. Before I never used to be involved in activities like singing bhajans but now I have been singing bhajans. Before I had only simple education but nowadays I am gaining moral, spiritual education. Our gurus teach us many things like speaking truth, being gratitude to Mother Earth, being kind, helpful, e.t.c. The main things that I have learnt from Soul Blossom class are: Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non Violence." 

Dec. 2020, Anmol , 10 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"My Experience with Soul Blossom, Sairam !! My name is Anmolkc. I am 10 years old. I feel very very lucky to be a SoulBlossom student because I gain different types of knowledge from SSSSB class. Now, I am more able to sing bhajans. I also get many opportunities to share my Experiences with Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. I am very very thankful to Shree Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom Class. At last I want to share one very good thing that I've learn from SB class.
"Always speak truth and see always inside." 
Om Shree Sairam !!

Dec. 2020, Yujina, 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"In this Soul blossom class and in SSSVM school i learnt morality, Human Values. My confidence has been motivated, while in school i don't have confidence to sing bhajan but in Soul Blossom class i have more confidence to sing bhajan and began to sing bhajan, but in extra curricular activities i have confidence but not in bhajan but in Soul Blossom class it gives me self confidence in bhajan also. In Soul Blossom class i have also learnt about the truth, dharma and other positive thinking. In this Soul Blossom class and Sai School it shows the right way. It gives knowledge. Not in all other schools we can learn about Dharma and God. But in Sai school and Soul Blossom class we learnt about dharma, God and extra knowledge. I am the luckiest student which get opportunity to study in Sai school and get the Sai Baba bless. I am thank full to God Sai Baba. I am proud to be the Sai student.
Sairam. Twam Saranam Mama Sairam."

Dec. 2020, Ram, 14 years old, student Noble House, Nepal

"First of all we learnt five human values in soul blossom classes. They are love, peace, truth, non-violence and right conduct. These are the 5 rules we should follow to get closer to god. We learn many other things related to these 5 human values. I am in soul blossom class since 4 years. We all know these 5 rules or values and we also know that these are very beneficial for us. We think we do not need such classes to know about these values cause we have been taught similar things from our family too. But most of the time we do not follow even 1 important value among 5. Soul Blossom class really helped me apply these values in my daily life and I will be lying if I said there were no change after I started applying it into my life. Knowledge isn't the only important thing but also applying it into our lives and I think Soul blossom lessons help us to apply the knowledge we already knew so that we can be a better human being."

Dec. 2020, after 10 weeks Soul Blossom class:
 13 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"Om Shree Sairam. Today I am very happy because of Soul Blossom class. It changes the internal soul of human. We are very lucky to be in SSSVM school and SSSSB class. It help to change my internal soul like when I go in front of many people to sing confidently. When I miss one class I also feel very sad, like I lost my soul from my body so, I join regularly so I can get new knowledge about spiritual things. I am very thank full to our Bhagawan Baba," 

Dec. 2020, .After 4 years Soul Blossom class:
Lila, 13 years old, student Noble House, Nepal
"Namaste, My name is Lila Bahadur. I am a student of Soul Blossom Class, Bhaktapur. In the beginning when I joined this class I thought it was like any ordinary moral lessons classes and I used to neglect the teachings but our teachers were very patient with me and didn't give up to show me that it wasn't like any ordinary classes. Slowly I started to see what my teachers were telling me and after that only I started to see change in myself. All my bad habits of being rude towards others, getting angry in small things changed and I feel very proud of myself that I am finally getting over the demons inside me."

Dec. 2020, after 10 weeks Soul Blossom class: Bandana, 12 years old, student SSSVM, Nepal
"I like Soul Blossom class very much. This class is very important than academic class. If we follow all the things that we learn in SBc, then we will obviously achieve success. This class teach us spiritual things as well as human values."

Dec. 2020, after 3 years Soul Blossom class:
Fal, 14 years old, student Noble House, Nepal 

"Namaste, My name is Fal Bahadur Roka. I joined Soul Blossom class 3 years ago. Before joining soul blossom class my behavior was not very good and I used to get angry in very small matters and used to fight with my friends. After some years into soul blossom lessons I can proudly say that my behaviors have changed a lot. Now I feel everyone is starting to like me because of my good behaviors. I am happy very happy that I got to be a part of Soul Blossom class."

Dec. 2020, after 10 weeks Soul Blossom class:

Shristi, 15 years old, student SSSVM Nepal
"Being a student of Soul Blossom class I am very happy and lucky. Get to know many things after joining this class. I learn human values and way of character development. Truth in words, Determination in work and Discipline in life. Learn the self-realization process." 
"Not only that, I learn to see the positive aspect of life from which negative will be solved easily."

Dec. 2020, after 4 years Soul Blossom class:
Laxman, 14 years old, student Nobel House, Nepal

"My name is Laxman Phuyal. I have been a student of soul blossom since 4 years. I have experienced a lot of good things in Soul Blossom class. Sudden good change were not seen in the beginning but after few years my behavior changed gradually. I learned so many things at soul blossom class. Before I was a student of Soul Blossom I was not very intellectual and spiritual but after I joined soul blossom, I changed a lot in good aspects".
"Before, I was unsatisfied and unhappy all the time. But after practicing Soul Blossom lessons I learned to be happy in small things too. I learned to focus on good things and eradicate negative things from my life. I learned how to make good choices and I think Soul blossom is important for every growing youths. Thank you."

Dec. 2019: Sunil Marapin (Guru Daju),
Soul Blossom Guru, Holland

"The difference in character between students of the Soul Blossom classes and the other students is noticeable in the community".
"It is the greatest blessing to be able to bring Bhagawan Baba's Soul Blossom program along with other teachers (gurus) to as many people as possible." 
"If the education institutions or any other organization integrate the Soul Blossom program into the program of the organization, growth of peace, love and goodness, will be noticeable within a few months."

"We all have the same goal in life. I learn a lot from each student. The students, gurus and others who practice what we discuss in the Soul Blossom classes inspire me the most."

Dec. 2019, after 5 weeks Soul Blossom class:
Shivani, 8 years, student, Holland 

"I really like the value classes. I learn new things. My teacher Uncle Sunil is nice and explains things calmly. My teacher also helps with homework and with other questions I have. I usually being the only student, I like these. If more children come to the class later, I am afraid that they will be not quiet, and therefore maybe its will  be not so fun as now."

2018: Gauri Maiya Karmarmacharya, parent

"In my opinion, this class succeeds in helping children develop skills to deal with the current situation in the world of today. I am happy that my daughters participate in the Soul Blossom project".
"Value-based education has great relevance for today. The world has become hectic than ever and I feel that the children get to much stress because of this."

2018: Mr. Manohar Das Shrestha, parent
"I am satisfied with the Soul Blossom program not only as a project coordinator but also as a parent of my two daughters who are attending the class regular".
"Soul Blossom is a very impactful program. Although character development is a gradual process, participants of this program definitely exhibit several positive changes very soon. I felt it personally."

2019 Anish, 18 years, student
"Feel very positive after coming in Soul Blossom class. We have learned about finding peace in mind & avoid violence."
"The most important thing I’ve learned in this class is helping people in need without any selfishness.
And also feel very calm and peaceful while meditating".
"Environment in Soul Blossom class is very peaceful and we feel very encouraging."

2018 Anita, 11  years, student
"I learn respect all other. I learn many things. I teach my friend about Soul Blossom class. I learn drawing pictures. I like to meditation. I learn to play. I like to write".
"I learn to make greeting card. I don’t fight with people. We learn many things, when i go to Soul Blossom class i change into another person".

December 2019: Meghna Shrestha (assistant teacher, Noble House)

"Soul Blossom is an education different from science and technology, it's the spiritual education that maybe won't provide you jobs or money but will grant you immense happiness and satisfaction in life and in my view happiness and satisfaction is more important than temporary money".

2018: Gauri Shrestha , parent of Sandesh

"Soul Blossom is a great platform for children to explore social skills and self-help skills".

2017: Suman, 10 years, student

"I like colors and to make fun things. I have learned to make so many new things. I also learned to be a good person".

2017: Kamala Shilakar, parent of Sanjeev 

"I believe the class is helpful for children as it is about spiritual awakening. I wish that more children get opportunity to participate in the class".

2017: Divyamsh, 8 years, student

"It's fun to be in class.
We get to hear stories, do fun group activities and sing songs". 

2017:  Rahul, 12 years, student

"From the class activities, i have realized that we have to help people then only we can be happy".

2017: Sujal, 10 years, student

"I like Soul Blossom class because it teaches us how and why we should be good.
Besides these, i have made many new friends in the class".

2018: Aditya, 10 years, student

"I like Soul Blossom programmers because I learnt so many positive thinks like; being kind, helpful and sharing happiness".

2018: Aditya, 10 years, student

"I have changed a lot because of the Soul Blossom class. I have learned to love young people and to help the elderly".

2018: Rusan, 12 years, student
"I love Soul Blossom class. I learn helping, loving etc. I learn also meditate. I do not like to drink milk, we don’t fight here, but out side we can fight. Soul Blossom is different then school classes because Soul Blossom teachers are good".

2018: Sameer, 14 years, student
"I learned to be positive and to help others when they need it. And to be happy and to share this with the others in the Soul Blossom class".

2017, Mendu, 16 years, student 

"I like to come in Soul Blossom class.
I also told my friend and parents about this.
I want to add all my friends in this class".
"I have ledarn various things in Soul Blossom class like drawing and to be creative. I like to come in Soul Blossom-class".

2017: Rusha, 15 years, student

"This class has helped me broaden my abilities to distinguish right actions from wrong by acknowledging their corresponding consequences in our daily lives".

2017: Krishna Laxmi Bati, parent 

"My two sons has attended the class for four years. I have noticed several changes on them like politeness, helpfulness and commitment of being responsible".

Topic of Saturday family class - January 27th

My experience on my school

As I have written, this school is also made by Swami. He is a hero of the world in my opinion. This school is also full of positive vibes. My school not only teaches subjects like science, English, and social studies, but it also teaches morals. My school was established in 2068 B.S. My school is a strict school with discipline. Not only that, my school also thinks about our physical health, so they have managed extra-curricular activities like PT, drill, football, basketball, etc.

My school is the best in every part. In my opinion, my school is the best school in the world.

Thank you
Roshan Karki
Class - 5

2022 November, Smarika gr7, Student SSSVM Nepal

Om Shree Sairam

  1. Do you have any experience when you meet Bhagwan Baba?
  • Yes, I have an experience when I met Bhagwan Baba in Grade 4. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, he put his hand on my head. I feel blessed. And another time, on the occasion of Shivaratri, and that day was my birthday too, we went to the ashram. Bhagwan Baba was coming towards us. I said, "Bhagwan Baba, today is my birthday," and after that, he wished me. This was my experience with Bhagwan Baba.

Name: Smarika Subedi
Class: Seven
Date: 2022/11/23

2022 November, Swosti gr8, Student Adarsha Jana premi Higher secondary school, Nepal 

"I was very excited to meet our beloved Bhagwan Baba when I heard about Him through my mother for the first time. My mother is a teacher in Baba's school (SSSVM, Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir) and she had just joined there when she told me about Bhagwan Baba.
And luckily, after few days I was blessed to meet Sai baba in ashram for the first time on the occasion of Guru Purnima. I was really very happy to see Sai baba infront of me. After that I had met Baba many times and whenever I got such opportunity I found a positive energy inside me which.

I think is a blessing of beloved Swami."

2023 September, Raj Narayan gr9, Student Science section, Bangladesh

"It was a miraculous moment for me! When I see my beloved Shri Sanjay Sai baba in online. I first saw Him in a YouTube video and I thought who is He? Is He a God? For knowing about Him I just search Him on Facebook and connect with His devotees in Nepal. When I hear that He is an Avatar (Incarnation of God) same as Lord Krishna and Lord Rama I became happy that Rama my beloved God is now living near to us."

"Everyday I listen Swami,s song named "Prema mudita manase kaho Ram Ram Ram" Swami is my mother, father, brother and all. Love you Swami forever. ❤❤❤ Raj Narayan from Bangladesh. Class= 9. Science section."

2024 January, Sarita gr9, Student SSSVM Nepal

"When I was 10 years old and gave Entrance in SSSVM [Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir] school.
I passed the exam and was ready for an interview with Bhagawan Baba and teachers. I was very excited and nervous to see Him after hearing about Him many times. I saw Him in my interview for the first time.

But now I often see Him and He have provided me the positivity and blessings I need. I was not sure if He was real God or not that time. But now know why He us known as beloved Swami.
I feel blessed to get opportunity like this."

2024 January, Sanu Ma'am, Mother from SSSVM students, Nepal

"Six years back, I was gravely ill and untreatable in hospitals. Despite my devotion to Lord Ganesh, my health worsened, leading to despair and dwindling faith in God.
This struggle, I now see, was a test. At a critical life juncture, my sister introduced me to Bhagwan Baba, suggesting a visit to his ashram. Skeptical at first, I doubted Bhagwan Sheetal's existence.
However, at the ashram, I experienced a shift. Although previously focused on idol worship, I started believing in Bhagwan's human embodiment. This aligned with my earlier devotions to deities, also believed to have human forms.

During a visit, I felt a strong, unexplained pull towards Bhagwan Baba. Our eyes met, and it seemed he understood my deepest questions. His divine discourse answered all my doubts.

This encounter profoundly changed me. I learned to embrace my karma without fear, gaining strength and resilience. In a dream, Swami alleviated my problems, inspiring me to face them. I discovered an unprecedented peace and recognized Bhagwan Baba as my true deity. My illness, I realized, was a divine intervention, leading me to Bhagwan Baba, akin to meeting an avatar."

2024 January, Siddhant grade 5, SSSVM students, Nepal

'I was reading at class one .
We wear at canteen my brother and we were eating the lunch.
Bhagwan Baba was rounding at the canteen we were eating lunch.
Bhagwan baba came near of us and feed us with his divine hand."

2024 January, Shristi Timalsina, bachelor student, passed out student SSSVM Nepal

“It has not been so long I've known Swami physically, but I've been feeling his existence from my birth in other forms.

I've experienced something great on how Swami's one glimpse can change everything.
It was an occasion of Guru Purnima. I was studying in class 9, and I was assigned a job to give a speech on my experience with Swami and School. I had almost prepared my words but was not confident enough to deliver it. I was shivering and was facing difficulty to be present over there. Finally, the patience was over, and my name was called through the microphone. Very frightened, I went to Swami to offer the flower before starting.

Then, I started. After welcoming everyone, it was the time to ask for divine permission to continue furthermore. I was still not confident enough. After asking for permission, I looked at Swami; He nodded and smiled at me as if He was telling me, "Don't be afraid; I'm there for you; just speak confidently." Then I continued with a big smile and with 100% confidence.
It can be one of the proofs of how only a glimpse of Swami can change the circumstances around, and we can be confident enough to tackle everything.”

2024 February, Roshan grade 5, SSSVM students, Nepal

Topic of Saturday family class - January 27th

My experience on Swami

When I joined this school, and when we go to the ashram sometimes, the first time in the bus, my friends—most of them—were thinking who is Baba. When I reached the ashram, I felt positive vibes. When I first saw Swami, the tika (bhibuti) from his hand, I was literally amazed. Then I knew how much power he has. From then, I am believing in Swami. I have also heard many sick people suffering from pneumonia and cancer are also fine because of Swami and his miracle. I thank Swami by my heart because he is doing many sewa and he has opened this school.

Thank you
Roshan Karki
Class - 5

2024 February, Aaron Pokhar grade 6, SSSVM students, Nepal

Experience with Swami

My humble pranams at the divine lotus feet of Swami. Swami is a god and our savior. Swami has done a lot of good deeds for the human world.

Swami has said that always that "my students are my property." Swami has opened a free school, he has done distributing works for the people, and has shown us the correct path of life.

Swami is a divine avatar. And he has proved it too. One time on Shivaratri, he had taken out a Shiva linga from his mouth and on another occasion, he had taken out a locket from his hand in the air. Swami has done a lot of deeds on free education. He always tries to educate us and remove the blindness of ours. His aim is to safeguard the eternal way of life, the Sanatana Dharma.

Swami’s divinity is apart from humans. But for us, he has come to earth for us. We all should feel lucky because we can see god with our own eyes, unlike others.

I would like to say that the vibhuti made by Swami makes us positive without his presence too. And I am glad that I have gotten the chance to be in his school and attend the programs in Ashrams!

Aarohi Pokhrel

2024 February, Pratijusha Silwal gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About Swami

My name is Pratyusha Silwal. I am in Grade 3. Now I am going to state my experience about Swami.

When Swami visits school, we feel blessed. Swami suggests to us that we should be in discipline everywhere. We should not fight with each other and we should behave good. We should respect our teachers, parents, brothers, and sisters.

Thank you

2024 February, Salina  Basel gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal

Shree Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba

This social and service organization Nepal is a purely holy, free and social organization. This organization had been officially registered in the District Administration Office Kathmandu, under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Nepal. It was registered as of 2063/02/11 B.S. (May 24, 2006 A.D.) and has been moving ahead with the sacred objective and benefit of working for human welfare. This organization has obtained a legal certificate as per section 4 of the registration act of 2034 B.S. The patron of this organization is Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba, the guardian of all religions and the promoter of human religion.

For the past 18 years, we have been providing free drinking water, free health care, free education, and assistance to the needy in rural areas, following the words of Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba: “Service to mankind is service to God.” Many humanitarian works are carried out regularly by conducting healthcare camps, blood donations, Narayan Seva, and immediate relief distribution campaigns during natural disasters. This organization is also dedicated to various awakening activities, including Sadhana, Sat Sanga, Bhajan Kirtan, rituals, and religious teachings, and has been continuously working with the spirit of selfless service to the destitute. Swami has determined on this earth to make the prevalent religious norms and values extremely firm and strong while maintaining Nepali religious, social, and cultural unity and tolerance, which have been intertwined like flesh and blood since time immemorial. Swami intends to move forward fearlessly, keeping the glory and dignity of religion high.

Based on the five human values and beliefs of truth, righteousness, peace, love, and non-violence, the work of awakening the light of unity among all Nepali is being done by Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba. For the past 12 years, the organization has been providing free drinking water, thanks to 5,000 liters in the drought-hit areas of Kathmandu. Such services are made available in Bramhatol, Buddhanagar, Koteshwar, Nyagahapanchet, and Hovikhol. On the occasion of the 31st Birthday of Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba, about 1,100 villagers were served by installing 100 water pumps in the poor Mushahar villages in Lumbini of Rupandehi district. Also, the distribution of free drinking water is being done in many places of the valley in coordination with Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited through the service teams of this ashram.

Swami says, “All human beings should get free health treatment.” Following the words of Swami, on the occasion of Baba’s 22nd Birthday, free surgery and treatment were provided to 42 women suffering from uterine disease at the philanthropic maternity hospital in Sasuyakshnyka, Okavre district.

In this context, the organization continues to move forward to maintain unity, harmony, and mutual love among human beings by continuously carrying out such humanitarian activities to maintain peace in Nepal and maintain mutual love and religious harmony.

2024 February, Rayan Raut gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About Swami

First, when my mother tried to take me out of Swami's school, Swami said, "No, he is my child," and what Swami said came real. I thought, "How has this miracle come true?" He has given me an award from his hand. I didn't know he would award me. Soul blossom teachers and Meena Ma'am, Rita Ma'am, Sabita Ma'am, and Sujita Ma'am, Soul blossom teachers love me. Swami helped me to stay in the school. Now, I am happy and want to help Swami in the future.

Written by: Rayan Raut
Class: 3

2024 February, Uhana Bakhrel gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About Swami

My name is Uhana Bakhrel. I read in grade 3. Now I am going to say about my experience with Swami. I like when Swami says we should be in discipline, and we should not fight with friends. We should behave good. We should respect our parents, our teachers, brothers, and sisters. I like when Swami comes to our school and blesses us.

2024 February, Ruksana Thapa gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My Swami

My name is Ruksana Thapa. I read in grade 3. My school’s name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir. I feel positive when Swami visits school and when I go to Ashram. I believe in Swami and do meditation and mantras. I join Soul Blossom class regularly to learn moral values.

2024 March, Suweksha Jha grade 11, Nepal

My experiences with Swami and with Sssvm

"If God is all you have, you have all you need"

Om Shree Sairam, my humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. I am Suweksha Jha, an alumni of Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir and a Sai youth, and I would like to share with you all a very special part of my life, a journey filled with faith, positivity, and blessings from Bhagwan Baba.

It all started when I had just moved to Kathmandu. At that time, I was introduced to Bhagwan Baba and his teachings. "Why fear when God is there" became more than just words to me; it became a mantra I lived by.

My first visit to the ashram was quite memorable, although I must admit, being a small child of 3 or 4 years old, I fell asleep! But that didn’t deter my family from feeling the positive vibes emanating from the organization. Soon, we became regular visitors to the ashram, even after my school hours.

As time passed, the ashram moved from Buddhanagar to Narephant, but our devotion remained unwavering. In fact, we were so drawn to the ashram that we eventually moved closer to it, making it a part of our daily lives.

When it was time for me to choose a school, fate intervened once again, and I found myself attending Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir. It was here that I completed my SEE exams with excellent marks, creating countless cherished memories along the way. Throughout this journey, Bhagwan Baba's guidance was my constant companion.

And when the time came for me to pursue higher studies, I cracked my entrance exams for class 11 with ease, all thanks to the blessings of Bhagwan Baba. Today, I am thriving in my studies, grateful for the unwavering support and blessings I’ve received along the way.

I am eternally grateful for the presence of Bhagwan Baba in my life. His teachings have instilled in me the courage to face any challenge and the faith to believe that I am never alone in my journey. Thank you.
Om Shree Sairam.

Suweksha Jha 2024-03

2024 June, Siddhant grade 6, Nepal

Experience With Swami

I was reading in grade 1. We were at the canteen. We were eating lunch. Bhagwan Baba came near us and fed us. We ate food very nicely. I didn’t want to eat, but I ate very nicely.

2024 February, Aarohi Pokhar, gr6 Student SSSVM, Nepal

Om Shree Sairam, my humble pranams at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba.

I am a student of Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir. I am a student of grade 6, reading here since two years now. The school SSSVM is not an ordinary school. Our school is different from other schools. We are not only taught about the knowledge from books but the knowledge of Vedas and spiritual knowledge too.

The teachers here are sweet, loving, and they teach us the things in brief while giving us extra knowledge.

The school provides us with various sports and other programs for our fun. The school's motto is "education for character development." Our school has provided free education for more than 500 students.

Our school is trying to change our character with the education. Our school doesn't treat anyone for their religion, caste, etc. Everyone is equal.

Since I have been in this school, I am glad that I am a student here. Me as a student of SSSVM has learned a lot more than only the book's knowledge, and I am thankful to my teachers and Swami.

Thank you
Aarohi Pokhrel

2024 February, Pratijusha Silwal gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My School

My name is Pratyusha Silwal. I am studying in class three. Now I am going to write about my school. I like the garden of my school. In Swami's school, I have studied from Nursery. My school is a vegetarian school. The teachers are teaching moral values. When Swami visits the school, we feel blessed. I like basketball and dance at my school. I am learning the moral values in my school.

Thank you

2024 February, Salina Basel gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal


My school was a private school. It has good discipline, humanity, and best hygiene and content. The teachers are so good. This school was made in 2068. From my class, the teacher teaches us a subject called moral. This teaches us many moral values. Our school sometimes does sports work, dance, sports quiz, and other more things. I like it. This is so good. It doesn't take us school fee. I like my school.

2024 February, Salina Basel gr5 Student SSSVM, Nepal

About school

The place which has taught me how to love the people of this world is my school. "Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir" is the school which is established by my lord Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. He has established this school for the character development of people. Our school is located at Suryabinayak-3, Balkot, Bhaktapur. It was established in 2010 A.D. (2067 B.S.).

Our school offers education programs from UKG to grade 10. Our school provides middle-level education with a moderate fee structure and also provides a scholarship scheme. Our school’s salient features are science lab, computer lab, cafeteria, library, sports, conference, counseling, scholarships, parking, classrooms with projector facilities from grade 8 to grade 10, tours, dance, music, multimedia, ECA, transportation, and soon.

Our school teaches human values to all the students. The five human values and beliefs are truth, righteousness, peace, love, and non-violence. Our school has taught us that we should love all and help them when they are in need.

2024 February, Pratyusha Silwal gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My School

My name is Pratyusha Silwal. I am studying in class three. Now I am going to write about my school. I like the garden of my school. In Swami's school, I have studied from nursery. My school is vegetarian school. The teachers are teaching moral values. When Swami visits the school, we feel blessed. I like basketball and dance in my school. I am learning the moral values in my school.

Thank you.

2024 February, Rayan Raut gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My School

In Swami's school, I have studied from Nursery. Now, I am studying in grade three. The education is also good. The teaching method is also good. The teachers also teach us different types of sports like football, basketball, volleyball, and table tennis. The teachers teach us moral values. They love us and counsel us. My friends also love me. I also love them. If they don't know a question, I will help them. I love my own school. This school made me from non-vegetarian to vegetarian. I also know how to chant mantras.

By: Rayan Raut, Class 3

2024 February, Uhana Bakhrel gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My School

My name is Uhana Bakhrel. I read in grade 3. Now I am going to say about my experience of school. I like the garden of my school. This school made me vegetarian. I like when Swami comes to the school and blesses us. I like the games like football, volleyball, and basketball, etc. I learn moral value and I know we should have to come to Soul Blossom class.

2024 February, Pryusha Thapa gr3 Student SSSVM, Nepal

My Experience About My School

My name is Ruksana Thapa. I read in grade 3. My school's name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidya Mandir. I like the garden of my school. I like the teachers of my school. I learn moral values. I like basketball, volleyball, football. I like healthy food at my school. We can learn dance. Swami comes to our school. I like bhajan at my school. I like the slide at my school.