SSSSB value Story 2001 to 2010
Story number | STORY | Writer of this story | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Drawings made by | We did this story in the Ssssb2 class of: |
STORY 2001 | A MESSY AND A DISCIPLINED BOY. (From global zoom meeting with Swami on Saturday January 22, 2022) | Bhagwan Baba | Yes | 02-36, 2022 February 12 | |
STORY 2002 | BATSAL CHANGES HIS FRIEND BY BEING AN EXAMPLE. | Sunil Marapin | Not yet | Not yet | |
STORY 2003 | HARSI WANTS TO BE THE BEST AT EVERYTHING. | Sunil Marapin | Not yet | Not yet | |
STORY 2004 | WHY ARE WE NOT EQUAL FROM BIRTH? | Sunil Marapin | Not yet | Not yet | |
STORY 2005 | MOVED FROM THE VILLAGE TO THE CITY | Sunil Marapin | Not yet | Not yet | |
STORY 2006 | IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AT A WORLD SCHOOL | Sunil Marapin | Yes | 02-35, 2022 February 05 | |
STORY 2007 | Parents and children in this modern age. | Sunil Marapin | Yes | 02-37, 2022 February 26 | |
STORY 2008 | Your classmates | Sunil Marapin | Yes | 02-33, 2021 December 04 | |
STORY 2009 | THE RICH BUSINESSWOMAN AND THE STUDENT WHO FOUND ONE OF HER WALLETS | Sunil Marapin | Yes | 02-34, 2021 December 18 | |
Info for the SSSSB gurus
the 5 parts of the SSSSB program:
01 Opening: 3 Om, 3 Shri Sanjay Sai Gaytrie Mantra
02 Silent Sitting/Mind Focusing: Light Meditation, Concentrating on the picture of the story and describing in details afterwards, etc.
03 My experience: About previous classes. Children can ask or share anything.
04 Activity: Story, Questions, our view-experience, Drama etc.
05 Hearth-work & Closing: h-w Students can do something related to the value of todays program. Closing: Asatoma, Aarati, Sarveshaam, Jay Kar of SSSSB program & Swami
the character of SSSSB gurus is the quality of the program. As the characters of the SSSSB guru improve, the whole program will improve. If SSSSB guru are not willing to constantly monitor their own character and improve it where necessary, then their students will lost interest in the classes.
request to the sSSsB Gurus:
01: The values in the story is the basis of a Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (SSSSB) program and therefore a story where the values come out clearly is important. Tell the story in such a way that the students understand it, like it and above all inspire them.
02: Choose only the stories you think are appropriate and which inspire you and you already practice the values of the story in your own life.
03: it's fine to create monthly quarterly programs, but check along the way to see if it still inspires the students. Do not hesitate to adjust the program if necessary to continue
04: It is not necessary to do every time a new program. if it the program is very exciting for the kids its ok to do the program (or parts of the program) 2-3 weeks
05 Don't copy everything from other gurus. Only take what you think is perfect for you and your children. And supplement it with your own ideas and experiences.
06: To know whether the students can follow the story, you can ask some questions during the stories. Consider whether it is necessary to divide students into age groups so that each student understands the story.
07: Students like the group activity, give an activity (questions, quiz, drama, drawing, etc) to do, which is related to the values of the story and which reflects their view of the values.
08 Make the class so interactive as possible. remember: ssssb is not as the subject at school, but it about the Knowledge what is already inside us, what we try to blossom.
09. Preparing keep the quality high, so don't do classes without enough preparing. Except by open topic and some programs were preparing is not necessary.
10: After a few lessons, give less directions but coordinate more. Give the students who want to express themselves plenty of space to express themselves. (never force kids to talk or join in, if they feel comfortable as a guest it's fine too)
Story 2001: a messy and a disciplined boy

"There are 2 guys.
The first is very messy.
If he's looking for something, he won't find it, because he doesn't know where he's put it.
His life is stressful".
"The second is disciplined and has everything well organized.
He is not dependent on others.
He has a nice and easy life".
Today's question: Let's give our opinion and share our experience on the value of Swami's story.
Today's play/drama: Let's recreate small scenes from Swami's story or our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01- A messy student comes to visit and is surprised by classmate's tidy room.
02- A neat student comes to visit and is surprised by the messy room of the classmate.
03- A messy student tries to convince a neat student that cleanliness isn't that important.
04- A tidy student tries to convince a messy student that a messy room is not good and pleasant.
05- Give a TV speech to all the children of the world about the importance of neatness and carelessness.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Goal & Moral of the story:
Story: From Bhagwan Baba's speech of Saturday January 22, 2022
Game-drama written in January 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
There were two boys, one was very disorderly and because of messing he didn't find anything and his life was full of stress and the second was disciplined and everything was well organized, he didn't depend on others and he has good and easy life.
Our life is also like this. If we want to get success and if we don't try to get it or if we try to get success, but also even if we depend on others, our character will not improve and success will also go far later. So,That's why if we want to get success,we should try to achieve that without depending on others because it will help us to make success infront of us or success in our fist (mutthi).
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2002: batsal changes his friends by being an example

Story 2002: Batsal changes his friend by being an example
Batsal was a 12...
Then something special happens. In his school, Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom gurus
Today's Conversation: Let's talk about our manners.
Question 01: Which manners have already improved.
Question 02: Which manners we will improve from now on.
Today's question: Let's give our opinion and share our experience on this story.
Today's play/drama: Let's recreate small scenes from the story or our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01- Someone needs help, but you don't help because your friends don't help either.
02- Play the role of a Soul Blossom Guru
03- Someone needs help, but you don't listen to your friends who don't want help. And start helping the person in need.
04- Your family and teachers notice the improvement in your character and are very happy with you.
05- Your friends also start to change one by one, because of your great example. And So one
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Story 2003: Harsi wants to be the best at everything

Story 2003: Harsi wants to be the best at everything
Hasri was an 11-year-old f..."If they weren't in my class, I'd always be top of my class"
There was another class 05 at the school, which had a very good student, Lopika. Harsi was good friends with Lopika. Harsi said: "Lopika,ed her again, just like they did when she was little......
Today's question: Let's give our opinion and share our experience on this story.
Today's Game/Drama: Let's recreate small scenes from the story or our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01- Harsi who got very jealous and angry when she didn't get the highest mark
02- Harsi who became very jealous and angry when she lost in sports and games.
03- Harsi ask Lopika view, and Lopika explains her opinion and reason very well.
04- Harsi is changing and is now much happier than before.
05- Comparing with others is not correct, but comparing with your own old results is fine, to get the best out of yourself.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Story 2004: why are we not equal from birth?

Story 2004: Why are we not equal from birth?
Do you also compare yourself with others? Some examples of comparison:
01) Why aren't my parents rich or why am I not the prime minister's daughter or son?
02) Why am I not as smart as some of the other kids in my class?
03) Why am I not the prettiest girl or boy in my town? And so on.
It is normal for such thoughts to occur to us. A group of children wanted to know why there are differences at birth already. The children went to GuruAama, who was known to have a wise answer to almost everything.
The children’s said: ”Sairam GuruAama,... GuruAama we are sad, can you please help us?”....
GuruAama said: “Since we all have different histories.....
Today's question: Let's give our opinion and share our experience on this story.
Today's Game/Drama: Let's recreate small scenes from the story or our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01- Children talk to each other, why life is so unfair.
02- Children decide to go to GuruAama to ask for a solution to their grief.
03- Meeting and light meditation with guru Aama
04- Guru Aama talks about Karma, mercy of God and the special time now with Bhagawan Baba on Earth.
05- Children are happy with GuruAama's explanation and go home singing and dancing.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Story 2005: Moved from the village to the city

Story 2005: Moved from the village to the city
Kwina was...
Today's Conversation:
Let's talk about our own experiences of moving from a village to the city or about our experiences with people who have moved from the village to the city.
Today's game/drama:
Let's play out little scenes from the story or about our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01- How was our first reaction when we arrived in the city.
02- How was our first day of school?
03- How our classmates helped us from the start
04- How we feel when people are nice and helpful to us
05- How we feel when people don't like us and ignore us.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter

People from different countries work at an international organization in the Netherlands. These people had moved to the Netherlands with their whole family. Their children all went to an international school. Of course, it was very strange for the children in a new country.
Can you imagine that you were a child at this international school with children from Congo, Australia, Spain, India, Switzerland, Bangladesh and many more countries. The children spoke different languages, had different habits, different foods. different kind of haircut, different kind of clothes, different religion, etc.
Today's question(s):
1) How would you react if your parents told you you were going abroad soon?
2) Do you remember, your first school day at your current school?
Today's game-drama; Let's play out out little scenes, about the international school.
01 Today is your first school day at the international school.
02 Argue with other kids because they're habits and life style are different.
03 Talk to other students in sign language and try to make friends.
04 Let play an country game
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in February 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Yes, like that. Mainly many people from different countries work in the same international organization. Those children will also go to international schools and then the children in the school will look each other (hereko herai) because the school will be different from different countrie, religion, culture etc. There children will also speak different languages. A child of another countries childrenthan ofcourse they will be shock by looking them.
Like If a businessman goes to another country from his country to make his business bigger than before. After seeing the different religious dress of the country and after hearing different language,he will be surprised of course.
It happens to me also because I went to my current school as Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir. This school surprised me because the behavior of the students in this school was amazing and excellent because this school taught them many good things and this school also gave us. A facility in the form of Shree Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom Class where we learn many moral and good values.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2007: Parents and children in this modern age

Story 2007: Parents and children in this modern age
One family consisted of the parents, Sabita of 10 and Dinesh of 13.
When the children were younger, they were very obedient, but as they got older, they became less obedient.
The children sometimes found their parents too old-fashioned and sometimes unnecessarily strict.
The children copied the behavior of some other children, which was sometimes the opposite of what their parents taught them.
Sometimes they felt that the parents did not understand the modern way of life.
Fortunately, things often went well, parents and children were in complete agreement.
Today's question(s):
1) Do you recognize anything from our story in your situation?
2) Normally children give parents worries, do you think parents can also worry children?
3) Normally children learn from parents, do you think parents can also learn from children?
Today's game-drama:
Let's play out out little scenes, about Parents - children situations.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in February 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story there were parents, Sabita and Dinesh. When and Dinesh where very small, They were obedient. But when they started to grow up they became less obedient. They also founded that their parents are of old fashioned and strict in unnecessary things. They used to copy behavior of other children which was almost opposite of lesion that their parents taught them.
We should not be like this. Who is very very obedient. We should not tell anything bad which will hurt our parents because parents are those who help us to grow. We should not think that our parents are unnecessarily strict because our parents are strict to make our good future.
But not only this, I think that only children do not give worries Do deer parents but also parents give worries to children.I think it because parents there tell kids to read, read, read and read
They also say that if you don't pass the exam, I will make your situation worse and then they have to be worry also.
I also think that children not only learn from parents but parents also learn more from their children because parents do not know English because they were from old age and what else happens in modern era and we should teach all those things.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2008: Your classmates

Story 2008: Your classmates
This story is about you and your classmates.
Some students in the class do not have good habits.
They gossip about others.
They are not calm in the classroom and therefore disrupt the lessons.
They are always up for mischief.
They lie and try to fool their teachers and parents.
They talk loud and rude.
They think they are very tough.
They don't do their homework; they copy it from others.
They want you to join in, or else they'll act weird to you too.
On the other hand, there are some exemplary students in the class. They are often the opposite of the other group.
They are calm.
They are trying their best.
They study together and help each other.
They organize their activities in such a way that they have time to help at home and also to do seva in the community.
They do not gossip about others, but only see the good things of others.
They monitor their own behavior and improve it where necessary
They unconsciously ensure that the name of their school and family is upheld by their exemplary behavior.
They donate a portion of the little money they have to charity.
Today's question(s): Do you recognize anything from our story in your situation?
Today's game-drama: Let's recreate small scenes from the story or our own experience. Some examples about which we can play drama:
01) A strict teacher and the students
02) A non-strict teacher and the students
03) Bad manners students, trying to influence the good character students
04) Good character students, try to influence the bad character students
05) Bad manners students, talk to each other and feel that their behavior is inappropriate.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in December 2021 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Thus, even in our class there are students who do not have good manners. They gossip about others, they are not quiet in the classroom and therefore disrupt lessons, they lie and try to fool their parents, they talk loudly and rudely, they do not do homework and copy from others.
And there are some exemplary students in our classroom who are quiet, who try their best, who help others, who don't talk about others, who monitor their own behavior and improve their selves.
In our classroom there are many students who do not have good manners and have only few good students. So we have to set an example for the students to improve and improve the classroom and school environment.
And another thing we should not put good and bad students in the same desk because instead of increasing the good behavior of bad students it is more likely to decrease the good behavior of good students. Teachers and parents should be strict to make bad students better where necessary.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6

Once upon a time there was a student walking in de city. He saw a very very rich businesswoman. He recognized her from the TV and the big companies she owned.
The rich businesswoman walked with a lot of wallets, with a lot of money in them.
She planned to buy everything she liked, as she often did.
She bought everything what she like, even she don’t need it.
By shopping she dropped / lost one of her wallets. The student picked it up and thought:
“Shall I give it back or shall i share it with people who were really in need?”
The Student hesitated between 2 thoughts.
1st thought: "What should I do, I will give half to the poor who really really need it and the other half I will keep for me and my family, because this rich businesswoman will use it to buy even more “unnecessary” things. Besides she has more than enough. God, you know how much money crazy she is, she doesn't even know how many purses/wallets she has. It is her money, maybe dharma is to give back, but maybe it’s a better dharma to give half to people in need and the other half I keep for me and my family. I feel, the best thing is to give it back”
2nd thought: “What should I do, if i give her back, she will buy me a present and continue with shopping. Because she did this to a friend of mine last time when she lost one of here wallets. She gives my friend (who give the wallet back) a present and continued shopping. God, now you have blessed me with money and also given me the opportunity to do something for others. I am not giving it back to the rich businesswoman. I feel the best thing is to keep half for me and my family and the other half will give it to people who are really in need”
Today's question: If you were this student what would you do? Option A, B or C ( a other option then A or B)
This country's rule for lost and found is: once you've found something, you get to decide what to do with it.
- A Give it back to the businesswoman
- B Keep 50% for me and my family and the other 50% donate to peoples who are really in need
- C I will ……….. (If you have a other option then A or B)
Today's game-drama: No game-drama today
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story written in Decembre 2021 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, a student was walking in the city and he saw a rich business woman and he knew that she had many companies. The businesswoman was walking there with lots of money in lots of wallets and was planning to buy everything she liked. After shopping she lost one of her wallets.
The student picked it up and thought of 2 things whether he should give it back or spend half of the money for the needy and helpless people and his own family.
First of all we have to learn that we have to take our things carefully because once it is lost and bad person found that and the bad person didn't back to us, we will definitely be sad.
And from those two things we can do anything. If we want to give her back we can give her by looking at that the business woman is very rich, she would have more money than her wallet. But, if we get a poor person's wallet we should give it back to them because they need money too.
And if we want to help others and use that money for our family too than that also we can. But one thing, we should not use that money without the owner's permission. So first we have to get the owner's permission to use that money. If business woman will say that we can use that otherwise we have to give her that money back. But, if we are also rich then we can donate the entire wallet money to the needy and helpless people.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2010: Binsa has good manners, and notices the difference with some classmates

Story 2010: Binsa has good manners, and notices the difference with some classmates
Binsa was an 11 year old girl. She always listened to her parents and teachers. Not only did she listen to them, but she also put the teachings into practice and was honest.
She noticed that some of the other classmates were not being honest with their parents and teachers.
Three examples of the children who were not honest:
1) They don't pay attention in class themselves and they also disturb other classmates by distracting them all the time
2) They didn't do their own homework and kept asking them to copy it.
3) They did all sorts of nasty things that weren't right, like gossiping, talking too loud, not being nice to everyone, fight with others, etc.
Sometimes Binsa thought: "Why are my parents so strict? If my parents weren't so strict, my life would be more fun".
Today's question: Do you recognize anything from our story in your situation?
Today's game-drama: Tell two things about yourself. The others will guess whether it is true or not.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about important part of the story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in May 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, Binsa was a very obedient student in her class. She always listened to her parents and teachers. She also put education into practice, and she was very honest. She saw her other friends not paying attention in class and disturbing others too. They did not do their homework and used to copy from others. They were not honest etc. And sometimes Binsa thought her parents are only strict. No one else's
and if her parents weren't so strict, her life would be more fun.
No one was as honest as Binsa was. So our parents and teachers have to be very very very very very strict to make us good,honest and to put good manners in us like Binsa.But, if parents and teachers will be only too much too strict than children can't improve so their parents and teachers should love their children and students and they should be very very very very very strict where necessary.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6