no | STORY | Writer(s) of this story / Topic | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Drawings made by | We did this story in the Ssssb2 class of: |
2022 | DIFFERENT IS ALSO WONDERFUL | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 & Sunil Marapin | yes | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 | 02-54, 2022 August20 |
2023 | A CHILD WITHOUT FAMILY, FRIENDS AND HOME | Sunil Marapin | yes | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 | 02-55, 2022 August27 |
2024 | GOOD MANNERS, THE KEY TO SUCCESS | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 & Sunil Marapin | yes | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 | 02-56, 2022 September 03 |
2025 | THE SAD DONKEY AND HITU (Let's make the story complete in a valuable and beautiful way. | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-57, 2022 September 10 | |
2026 | ANITA, ANIL AND THEIR PARENTS ARE A BUSINESS FAMILY. | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-58, 2022 September 17 | |
2027 | HYGIENE, THE BASIS FOR A HEALTHY LIFE. | Sarita Budhathoki, Grade 8 & Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-59, 2022 September 24 | |
2028 | Holland (The Netherlands) a small country in Europe. | Sunil Marapin | not yet | Planing: after holidays | |
2029 | Influence of friends on each other’s manners. | Anamika KC gr8 | not yet | Planing: after holidays | |
2030 | The exemplary Faneel has been changing since the online classes started, due to covid rules. | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 & Sunil Marapin | not yet | Planing: after holidays |
Story 2021: Liswini focuses her full attention only on what she does and gets better at everything.

Story 2021: Liswini focuses her full attention only on what she does and gets better at everything.
Liswini was a 12-year-old girl. Who first did the things she liked, such as sports and playing with friends. After that it was late and she was too tired to study. She quickly did her homework or tried to copy it from her classmates. We can imagine that her studies did not go well. Her parents were worried about Liswini. The parents spoke to her, but it didn't help. Fortunately, the parents knew GuruAama who has solution for almost any situation. The family went to GuruAama. And told Her about Liswini's manners.
GuruAama spoke very sweetly and calmly and said: “Liswi, you know, when I was your age, I was just like you. And my parents took me to a Guru” Liswini said: 'Really GuruAama? Were you as naughty as me? What punishment did your Guru give to you?"
GuruAama laughed and said: "No Liswini, my Guru didn't punish me. He gave me values to practice. And when I put it into practice, I started to change." Liswini said: " GuruAama, what things did your Guru give you to practice? Was it yoga, meditation, prayer and so on"? GuruAama said: "No Liswini, I had to: 1-Speak the truth. 2-Total focus on what I'm doing 3-Don't do several things at once. Listen Liswini, you can keep doing your fun things, like sport and playing with friends, if at the same time you practice the 3 teachings also” Liswini was very happy and said: "Yesss, I am so happy because you don’t stop me from sport and play with my friends. GuruAama, you are the best Guru in the whole world"
Liswini did exactly as GuruAama told her. 01- She speaks the truth, 02- She focuses completely on what she was doing. 03-She didn't do several things at once. In the beginning it was very difficult but gradually it got better. Her ability to concentrate grew, she became calm, became less tired, everything she did went faster and better.
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts on this story.
Today's game/drama SSSSB2-2021:
Let's recreate bits of the story. For example, we can play the roles of:
01- Parents are not happy with Liswini manners
02- Parents take her to GuruAama and complain about her manners
03- GuruAama talks to Liswini
04- Liswini practice the lesson: 01- She speaks the truth, 02- She focuses completely on what she was doing. 03-She didn't do several things at once.
05- Family and teachers notice that Liswini gets better at everything
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Story 2022: Different is also wonderful

Story 2022: Different is also wonderful
Some people behave strangely towards people who look different.
Now a few children themselves tell what they experienced:
Child 1 "I was a member of a dance school, I was allowed to practice within the club, but was never allowed to participate in the performances, because I had the darkest skin color in the group. The management thought that I was not a good advertisement for the dance school"
Child 2 “I was a member of a table tennis club, I was allowed to practice within the club, but was never allowed to play competitions against other clubs, because I am tall”.
Child 3 "I was a member of a football club, I was allowed to train within the club, but I was never allowed to play competitions against other clubs because I am small. The management of the club did not like to see that a player was much shorter than the rest of the soccer team".
Child 4 “I was a member of a volleyball club, I was allowed to train within the club, but was never allowed to play competitions against other clubs because I am thin.”
We can imagine that the children became sad when others acted strangely towards them, because they looked different. Then one of the children came up with a clever plan. She contacted all the children and they agreed to work together.
They founded their own association. The association is called: “Different is also wonderful”. They work well together, respected everyone, no matter what someone looked like: thin, fat, tall, short, disabled, dark skin, short nose, long ear, small eye, small lip, etc., it didn't matter. They acted, danced, played sports, etc. By not giving up, but practicing harder, "Different is also wonderful" eventually became the most popular association in the country. People really enjoyed watching their performances/matches, mainly because of the differences. And then many people who used to act weird also wanted to join"Different is also wonderful"
Question(s): 1) Let's share our thoughts and experiences. 2) If you were one of the "Different is also wonderful" members, would you allow the people who first discriminated against you to join "Different is also wonderful"?
Today's game/drama: Let's recreate bits of the story. For example, we can play the roles of:
01- You're banned because others think you don't look normal.
02- You start to think and come up with the idea of creating an association for the people who are discriminated against.
03- Everyone thinks it's a great plan and want to participate.
04- The group practices a lot, but less people come to see the performances. The group does not give up, but gets even more creative, eventually more and more people come to watch.
05- People start talking about the group, media come to interview. "Different is also wonderful" is becoming very popular across the country.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story written in August 2022 by: Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 & Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, Holland Chapter
Game/drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO, Holland Chapter
Drawings made in September 2022 by: Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06
Story 2023: A child without family, friends and home
Story 2023: A child without family, friends and home
Rabin was an 11-year-old boy who came to live in the city with his parents from a village.
When Rabin saw other children playing and having fun with their brother or sister, he wanted a sibling too. Whenever he was on his way to school, he saw a boy his age in the dumps looking for something. That boy immediately stopped looking in the dirt when school kids passed by and smiled and kept looking at them. Most kids don't pay attention to this, but Rabin smiled back and waved at the boy. The boy also became very happy and waved to Rabin as well. This happened every school day. Rabin felt that he had found a brother.
One day Rabin walked up to the boy and said: "Hi brother, my name is Rabin, thank you for always smiling and waving at me, shall we be friends?" The boy said: "Hello Rabin, thank you, but I don't think we should be friends." Rabin was surprised and didn't understand and said, "But why don't you want to be friends with me, I promise you, I'm never going to argue with you, we're going to play football and do other fun things." The boy said nothing and looked at the ground, when Rabin kept insisting, the boy said: "I have no name, I am a street child, I have no friends and family. When we become friends, people are going to be ugly to you and ignore you and i don't want anyone hurt you Rabin. "Go to school now or you will be late." Rabin got tears in his eyes I walked to school sad. Then the boy shouted: "Rabin Rabin, wait...I have something for you." The boy lived on the money he earned by searching garbage dumps and selling things, with the money he earned he had a nice present for Rabin, because Rabin was the only one in the world who was kind to him. When Rabin received the gift, he was surprised and said, "Friend, you have nothing yourself, why are you doing this?" The boy said: "Because you are a good person, you must go to school now, or you will be very late. And one more thing, do your best in school and be an exemplary student, okay Rabin?”
1) Let's share our thoughts and experiences about the story.
1) If you think the story isn’t completed yet, you can come up with the ending yourself.
2) View: Let’s give our opinion on the end of the story created by thr other students.
3) Drama: Let's recreate bits of the story. For example, we can play the roles of:
01- The boy is not accepted by anyone and is not welcome anywhere
02- The boy sleeps at the entrance of the temples and leaves the place early in the morning before the priest arrives.
03- The boy looks for things in the dumps to sell and earn a living.
04- The boy does not eat for a few days to save for the best gift for Rabin.
05- The boy tries his best to improve his situation, but doesn't get the chance from anyone.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Drawings made in September 2022 by: Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06
Story 2024: Good manners, the key to success.

Story 2024: Good manners, the key to success.
Batsa and Sejun were good friends from childhood. Batsa was a smart boy but never tried to improve his manners to become a successful person. He gave many problems and tensions to the teachers, friends and family. Sejun was the opposite, he was not as smart as Batsa, but he continued to improve his character. Sejun was a great example for all students; He only used his cell phone for necessary things, helped his parents, did study and homework first and then other things like watching TV and playing with friends, he was always happy to help his friends, he treated everyone with love and respect as if they were were their own family. Sejun was always totally focused on what he was doing.
Later, when the friends got a job in the same company, their ways had changed. Batsa didn't care about his manners and caused everyone trouble and tension. But Sejun continued to practice values and became more and more exemplary. Sejun was promoted in the company, but Batsa's contract was not renewed and had to leave the company. Batsa was very sad, he blamed everyone for his dismissal, but still did not look at his own ways. After 3 days of grief and blaming everyone, he thought, “Why is Sejun so successful in everything, I am smarter than him, but I am successful in nothing. Let me go talk to my best friend Sejun and this time listen to him carefully. I never listened to him while he was always giving advice”
The two friends made an appointment and for the first time in his life, Batsa listened carefully to his friend Sejun. He promised himself and Sejun that from now on he will work on improving his own behavior. After a month, he went to apply again to the same company, but the Boss said: "No Batsa, I don't believe you have changed, sorry you can go". Then Sejun who was also present in the boss's office said: "Boss, sorry to interfere, can I say something” The boss loved Sejun manners very much and said: “Of course you can say something Sejun, you are my pride and example for everyone in our company”. Sejun Said: “Thank you Boss to give me the chance to give my view. Boss, please give Batsa a new chance, I've already noticed changes in Batsa's manners, he's not the old ill-mannered Batsa anymore” The Boss said: “Okay Batsa, Sejun's words have re-hired you, but I'll keep an eye on you, because people say they've changed very easily, but after 3 days, they start their ill-mannered behavior again.”
1) Let's share our thoughts and experiences about the story.
1) Drama: Let's recreate bits of the story. For example, we can play the roles of:
01- Batsa's behavior with his classmates
02- Sejun's behavior with his classmates
03- Sejun's behavior in the office with his colleagues.
04- Batsa has lost his job and the first time he listens carefully to Sujan.
05- In the Boss's office, with the Boss, Batsa and Sujun.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story Date & Written by: August 2022, Ishwor Budhathoki (grade 6 student) and Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Game/drama Date & Written by: August 2022, Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO, Holland Chapter)
Drawings made in September 2022 by: Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06
Story 2025: The sad donkey and hitu
Let's make a story together. We already have the beginning of the story. Anyone can add something to complete the story

Story 2025: The sad donkey and hitu
Let's complete the story. We already have the beginning of the story.
Beginning of the story: There was a donkey who was very sad and was crying.
Hitu, heard the donkey cry and went to her and said in donkey language: "Hello nice donkey, I am Hitu from 5th grade, why are you crying? Tell me the reason, I will help you"
The donkey was surprised, because Hitu was the first human to understand donkey language and she was also very nice.
The donkey said: "Dear Ritu, we donkeys work very hard, are honest, are helpful, are never jealous, are never angry, never argue, but people have no respect for us, they always think of us as stupid, that's why I cry every day 5 minutes, to process my grief."
Question(s), our experience and Vision, Game, Drama and Heart-work :
1) let's complete the story together: By adding a few lines at a time until it has a fun and valuable ending.
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about the story.
3a) Drama: Imagine that you are an animal and participate in the elections. The people and animals choose you as the Prime Minister. Give a speech to the public after you become PM.
3b) Drama: Let's re-enact parts of the story or the whole story adjusted where necessary.
4) Heart-work: Read the story and complete the story in a valuable and beautiful way.
Send your story, with or without drawings to your guru for our website
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
2022-August. Story – Questions – Game – Drama - Heart-work written by: Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru, Holland Chapter)
Story 2025: The sad donkey and hitu
Complete by Banana Gautam (grade 08)
Hitu went near the donkey and asked “ Why are you crying ?”‘.
The donkey replied “I carried a heavy load. I am in pain. People didn’t respect us.
We helped them but they never helped us. I can’t carry the heavy load.”
Hitu said “ Don’t worry. I will help you. My father is the president of this country and I will tell him to give him a speech about the abuse of an animal. ”
The donkey looked very happy and said “Thank you”.
Hitu’s dad gives a speech and all people know the importance of animals and begin to respect and love them.
The donkey was very happy and stayed healthy with his family.
2022-September by Bandana Gautam grade 08 (SSSSB-02 student)
Story 2026: Anita, Anil and their parents are a business family.

Story 2026: Anita, Anil and their parents are a business family.
There was a mother and a father who dreamed of owning their own grocery store. They work very hard and save little by little to start a shop. When they had enough money after many years of saving, they started a nice little supermarket. Meanwhile, Anita was in 8th grade and her brother Anil in 10th grade. When the store was ready to open, Dad said to Mom: "Now everything is ready, in 4 hours we have the opening of our own grocery store. You and Anita can go home. Can you make momo and chawmin on this special day? Anil and I will run the shop."
Mother and Anita were disappointed, Anita said: "Dad, that's not fair, mom and I have also worked hard, we also want to help in the store and experience everything".
Anil said: "Daddy is right, how are you girls going to lift those heavy things, this is boys' work. Mom can you make also Chatpate and Panipuri on this special day?"
The store wasn't even open yet and the fight had already started.
Then a serious conversation started between the 4 family members. Two important agreements were reached after a long discussion.
1) One week Father and Anil were in the store and the next week Mother and Anita.
2) Father and Anil were allowed to determine the rules themselves during the weeks that they were in the store & Mother and Anita were also allowed to decide for themselves which strategy they would apply during their weeks in the store.
The difference of the weeks was clearly noticeable for the customers. In the weeks that Father and Anil were in the store, almost no customers came. Because they were less friendly and less helpful. And Anil was given all the freedom to take whatever he wanted from the store for himself. Store was messy. Losses were made in their weeks.
But during the weeks that Mother and Anita were in the store, the store was full of happy customers. Because they were very helpful and caring, had nice offers, were disciplined, etc. And they made a lot of profit in their weeks.
Question(s), our Vision, Game/Drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Question: If you were one of the family members, what role would you play to help make the store successful?
3) Acting / Drama: Let's recreate parts of the story or adjust the whole story where necessary.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story – Questions – Vision- Game/Drama; Date & Written by: August 2022, Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Being friendly, honestly, helpful etc. are the most important part of our life which helps us by making us able to gain profit or success in our life.
Like Anil and Dad, we should not be rude to others, we should not make dirty or messy and we should not speak badly to others because this is what drowns us and makes a lot of loss in business.
Like Anita and Mother, if we do good things like being honest, helpful, not rude, talking well with customers, we will get success and we will make more profit in our business.
From this story we can learn that in order to achieve success in life, make profit in business and change life with more success, first we need to change the bad thoughts in our mind by talking nice to others, not being rude, helping others. Being honest, etc.
I also understood another thing from this story that if two are bad and the other two are good, two bad people should not be in the same room and two good people should not be in the same room. Instead, the bad should be kept with the good people. To make bad people good in the same room with each other.
Story 2027: Hygiene, the basis for a healthy life.

Story 2027: Hygiene, the basis for a healthy life.
Subodh was a 7th grade student. He did not consider the importance of his health. He didn't always wash his hands before eating, didn't take the time to bathe properly, didn't brush properly, etc. His parents often told him to take care of himself, but then he said: "Mom and Dad, don't worry at all I'm strong and don't get sick" His sister of grade 9 often tried to explain the importance of hygiene, but Subodh didn't listen to her at all. You can probably imagine that Sobodh would get sick, and then infect his entire family.
And it happens also, one day he was rushed to the ICU of the hospital. After several check-ups, the doctor found out that the cause of his serious situation was his unsanitary lifestyle. Doctor said to Subodh: "Subodh you live very unsanitary, that's why you got very sick and went to the emergency room". Subodh now remembers his parents and sister's warnings, which he never took seriously. Then he asked the doctor: "Mister Doctor, where is my family?" The doctor said: "They're in the hospital." Subodh said: "Okay doctor, they've come to see me, haven't they?" The doctor said: "No badmaas boy, you infected them all. By your negligence you also infected your parents and sister. They too have been admitted to this hospital“. And Subodh one more thing, the doctor said: “Do you know that your parents worked extra hard for years to save money for your sister and your future. But they have now had to spend all the money on hospital costs"
Subodh felt very guilty and began to cry. The nurses came running to comfort him and at the same time to address him: Don't cry, it's no use crying. Learn from your mistakes and improve your behavior so that this never happens again. Subodh said: “Yes nurses, I promise you that from now on I will live Hygienic and get well”. Subodh said another thing also: “Doctor and nurses, I promise one more thing. I will study very well and later tell all the children of our country and the world how important hygiene is for a healthy life.”
Activities: Questions, our Vision, our experience, our Speech, Game, Drama etc.:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Our questions: Everyone can ask questions in the class about instructive details from the story
3) Our Speech: Suppose you are Subodh and have become Minister of Health of your country. Give a speech on TV to people of the country, about the importance of a hygienic lifestyle.
4) Acting - Drama: Let's imitate parts of the story or adjust the whole story where necessary.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & Written by: September 2022, Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8 and Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Activity date & Written by: September 2022, Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8 and Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
We received: eight heart-works about story 2027 from our SSSSB students
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Because Subodh did not care about the importance of his health. He did not used to wash his hands before eating, did not used to brush properly, did not take good care of his health and he became sick. After many checkups, the doctor said that he is sick due to his unhygienic lifestyle.
Like Subodh we should never do that because cleanliness is most important in our life. We should wash our hands before eating, we should bathe well, we should brush well and we should take good care of ourselves.
Subodh came to know that due to his unhygienic behavior he got many diseases. He learned that we cannot achieve success with unhygienic behavior and that to achieve success we must be hygienic and not only success but also good friends to help us achieve success in life. Unhygienic lifestyle makes us sick, it makes us unhealthy and we face many diseases. We must be clean.
And another thing we should have to learn is that we should be confident in everything that we do but we should never be in overconfident like Subodh because he was saying to father and mother "don't worry I'm strong and don't get sick." He said that with overconfidence because he was not trying to become clean. We should be in confidence not overconfidence, overconfidence makes us unable to get success.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
2022-September : Heart-work from Enjina Budhathoki, grade 6
Enjilina's speech as Minister of heath of the country.
2022-September : Heart-work from Enjina Budhathoki, grade 6
Enjilina's speech as Minister of heath of the country.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Rabi:- Sairam everyone! Today we are live here on Hantipur Channel within Television representing our Health Minister Subodh Ji.
Subodh :- Sairam to my citizen. Today I am Subodh, Minister of Health.
Rabi:- Ok, our health minister Subodh G. Welcome to our Hantipur channel.
Subodh:- Thank you, thank you all for giving me the opportunity to come to Hantipur channel.
Rabi: Well, how did you feel after coming to Hantipur channel?
Subodh:-I am feeling pleased here in Hantipur Channel.Thankyou for calling me here.
Ravi:- Now that you are the health minister, will you explain the importance of health?
Subodh:- Yes, when I was studying in class 7, I don't used to wash my hands before eating, do not use to bath, do not use to brush, etc.Ravi:- You don't bathe, brush, wash your hands before eating. How can this happen? You are the Minister of Health. I can't even imagine this Subodh ji.
Subodh:-Yes,I am right.Because of my unhygienic lifestyle, I became sick.I went in hospital. I went in ICU. After many checkups doctor discovered that he is suffering from many diseases because of my unhygienic lifestyle.
Subodh:-I promised the doctor that from now on I will lead a healthy and hot life. I also promised that I will study well and later tell all the children of our country and the world how important hygienic lifestyle is for a healthy life. And now I am completing my promise to the doctor.
Ravi:- Well, now I have heard your story, now will you tell the importance of a hygienic lifestyle to your citizen or my audience? Yes, hygienic lifestyle is the most important factor of our life. If we become unhygienic
than will not be healthy and we will be sick, we will suffer from many diseases, etc., etc. If we live a hygienic lifestyle, everyone will admire us, our success will be ahead of us and we will have good friends.
Ravi:- Ok, Subodh Ji. What will you do for making good hygiene in our society or country?
Subodh:- That's all I wanted to say. I will create a company for sanitation where workers will plant more plants, create more sanitation areas. I will also make rivers that will be very pure.(Looking Time) Oh! I have an appointment.Thanks for this.Now I am stopping my conversation here.Thanks Ravi Ji.
Ravi:-Thank you Subodh ji. Ok audience. Now I am also going to end this now. Thank you.
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
2022-September : Heart-work from Sadikshya Khaka, grade 7
2022-September : Heart-work from Sadikshya Khaka, grade 7
2022-September : Heart-work from Bishow Rawat grade 7

2022-September : Heart-work from Bishow Rawat grade 7
Story 2028: Holland (The Netherlands) a small country in Europe

Part 02 Nice and Educational information from different countries: About Holland / The Netherlands
Holland – The Netherlands – Dutch
"God created the earth, but the Dutch created the Netherlands", it is a famous saying and most true of the province of Flevoland.
During the 20th century this piece of land was created from the sea. Currently it is home to 400,000 people.
Polder: A Polder is a piece of land (under the sea level) surrounded by dikes, within which people can regulate the water level.
5:07 minutes Video:
Story 2028: Holland (The Netherlands) a small country in Europe
Story 2029: Influence of friends on each other’s manners.

Story 2029: Influence of friends on each other’s manners.
There was a very good student of the 7th grade. But then she decided to turn a group of friends into better students. But the opposite happened. Her own character was deteriorating, she knew it but wasn't strong enough to say no. Her studies declined, because she spent little time on it, and spent as much time as possible with the friends.
She even stopped joining SB classes which she used to join every time before she join these group. She was a very smart student, but now she changes in tension giving student. Result go down and also was complained by teachers. Her parents became very disappointed and sad. She began to have many issues at school and home. Then She realized her mistake and regrated a lot. She learned that we should stay away from friends who don’t want to improve their manners. So we must be careful to select our friends. Even our best friend can change. So we have to See Always Insite, to know what change is in our manners because of the influents of friend.
Activities: Questions, our Experience, our own view, Speech, Game, Drama etc.:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Our questions: Everyone can ask one questions in the class to find out how other SSSSB members think
3) Acting - Drama: Let's recreate parts of the story. You can change the story little if it is better for your drama better.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & author(s): September 2022, by Anamika,,KC grade 8
Questions – Vision - Game/Drama date and writer(s): September 2022, By Anamika KC grade 8
Story 2030: The exemplary Faneel has been changing since the online classes started, due to covid rules.

Story 2030: The exemplary Faneel has been changing since ...
Faneel was a boy from grade 6. He was an example in almost everything. He was a good student who was always completely focused on what he was doing. He was also helpful to other students. At home he helped the family in everything. But then Covid19 increased and the government....
Faneel and his parents once watched a TV program and today the topic was "The effects of the internet, social media, games, etc. on our development." T.....
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) What are signs of internet - social media - game addiction?
3) What other negative things can happen by using the internet and social media, without values.
4) Does the use of the internet only have negative effects or are there also positive things.
5) Drama: Let's act or adapt parts of the story to our own insight and experience and act out.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & author(s): September 2022, by Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6 & Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Questions – Vision - Game/Drama date and writer(s): September 2022, Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6 & Sunil Marapin