Story no | Story Name | Writer(s) of this story / Topic | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Drawings made by | We did this story in the Ssssb2 class of: |
2031 | The King and the painting competition | Roshan Karki grade 4 & Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2032 | A businesman and the security guard | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 | After final check | Not yet | |
2033 | Could the kindness of nurses and doctors help us recover faster? | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2034 | Two Friends get the chance to help | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2035 | One very rich girl and another who has much less | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2036 | What did the children do when mother suddenly gets sick? | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2037 | A school without supervision and discipline | Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06 | After final check | Not yet | |
2038 | A changed mother | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2039 | The stolen two rupees | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2040 | Culture , religion and family tradition. | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet |
Story 2031: the king and the painting competition
Story 2031: the king and the painting competition
One day the king invited all the painters of the country to a competition. The painters wondered what kind of competition the king had in mind. All 30 painters had gathered in the main hall of the palace and were amazed by the many beautiful paintings in the hall. The king welcomed everyone and said: "We are going to hold a painting competition and choose the best painter. You have 3 days to make a painting. Tomorrow you can think. And the day after tomorrow a guard will come to each of your houses. to see if everything goes according to the rules. The painting of the best painter not only gets a prize, but your painting will hang here on the wall behind me.” After the 3 painting days, the 30 painters came with their paintings for the results and prize giving. De King said: ”Painters thank you very much for participating, there are 30 stands, you can put your paintings on the stand, then we will choose the best painter”. 29 painters did this with great pride, they had made beautiful paintings. Then everyone looked at the 30th painter, and he was ashamed and looked at the ground. Then the king said: "Guardian, you put the 30th painting on the stand."
There were only 3 stripes on the painting, nothing else. All 29 painters laughed out loud and joked about the 30th painter. Then the king said: "Security officer, tell me what happened, you were special for 3 days to record everything". The guard said: ”Majesty, the first day the painter started and set the front line, an old hungry sick woman came to ask for help”. The painter said: Mother don't worry, my wife and child are not at home now, but I will cook for you, now have a glass of milk and cake and please give me some time to prepare something tasty and healthy for you”. After the old lady had eaten she said: "Ow ow ow, so much pain". The painter said: “Don't worry mother, I'll bring you the doctor”. The guard said: “When the painter came home, the painting time was over, he was not allowed to continue drawing, as you had instructed us Majesty”. On the 2nd and 3rd day exactly the same thing happened, a teenage girl and an old man came after the painter put only one line. Then the King said: “The 3 hungry and sick peoples had also been by the other 29 painters, but you did not help and some of you even scolded and rudely sent the 3 away. King: “Here's the old woman” Then the queen came on the stage. “And here's the teenage girl” Then the princess came on the stage. Let's try to guess who the old sick man was. and let's also guess who got the prize of the best painter.
Activities: Questions, our Vision, our experience, our Speech, Game, Drama etc.:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Our questions: Everyone can ask questions in the class about instructive details from the story
3) Acting - Drama: Let's recreate parts of the story. You can adapt the story for the drama
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & author(s): September 2022, by Roshan Karki, grade 4 & Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Questions – Vision - Game/Drama date and writer(s): Sept. 2022, by Roshan Karki & Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru,Holland Chapter)
Story 2032: A businessman and the security guard
Story 2032: A businessman and the security guard
who adopted old habits even if it was unjust such as: discrimination rich and poor, superstition, certain caste are unclean, etc. The company had been doing well for years, so the businessman never thought it could ever go down. But that did happen, little profit was made and often even loss. Slowly, all the money saved over the past few years ran out. He didn't have enough money to pay the basic expenses such as the rent, electricity bill, employers' wages, etc. Then came the security employee, who worked in the company from the beginning and said: "What happened sir, since a few months I notice that you are becoming more and more restless. I have an idea to save your business". Ik heb een idee om uw bedrijf te redden".
Very rudely the boss said: "Haha, you are from a low cast and you are also uneducated, stop with those big dreams. Get out of here, I'm already under so much tension, and you come with this nonsense". Security guard: “My respected boss, 22 years I work in this company, I always look to you sir. Please listen to me once, sir”. The Bose was angrier now and said: E Bhagwan you don't understand Nepali. Security guard, throw this crazy man out. Security guard: " Sir, I'm the security of the company. Boss: "Oh yes that's true, I forgot because of the tension that you are the security guard". Then the security guard gave up for now and left.
Later, after a few hours, the boss calms down and feels guilty for the way he treated the guard. Boss called the security guard: “Sorry my friend for treating you so badly, forgive me. All the people except you have let me down in trial times. Let's go to a park for some fresh air, and then you can share your idea there. There were many people in the park. Ok friend said the boss tell me what are your ideas? The security officer said, "Sir, there are too many people here, please come closer with your ear and I will tell, otherwise others will hear the ideas and use it too." Then he told his ideas to the boss. The boss was surprised and said: Oho, such good ideas... Now the question to us is, which ideas did the guard give the boss?
Activities: Questions, our Experience, our own view, Speech, Game, Drama etc.:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Our questions: Everyone can ask one questions in the class to find out the view of the others.
3) Acting - Drama: Let's recreate parts of the story. You can change the story little if it is better for your drama playing.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & author(s): September 2022, by Ishwor Budhathoki. grade 6
Activity question: September 2022, by Ishwor Budhathoki. grade 6
Story 2033: Could the kindness of nurses and doctors help us recover faster?
Story 2033: Could the kindness of nurses and doctors help us recover faster?
Tika was a girl from grade 7. She was a friendly student. But everyone was worried about one quality of hers. Tika was very inattentive, when she was outside, she ran, jumped, didn't pay attention to the people and the traffic. Once something happen. She crossed the road without paying attention. A cyclist who was up to speed could avoid her more. As a result, the cyclist, the bicycle and Tika ended up in the ditch together. The fish that lived, work and went to school in the ditch were shocked. luckily no fish was hit and did not have to go to the animal doctor. But Tika was in pain and was taken to the hospital. the bicycle had become a bit warped, and nothing had happened to the cyclist.
The hospital, with the nurses and the doctors: Tika was surprised to see all those devices in the hospital. in the textbooks she had seen pictures, but in real life it was very different. She was a little startled and thought: "The nurses and doctors are going to put me on the devices." But at that moment the sisters came running. They were very caring and friendly. A little later three doctors came to Tika, Tika was now afraid again, and thought why not 1 doctor but 3 doctors. But when the doctors explained everything in a very friendly and understandable way, she became calm and felt completely at ease.
What else Tikka had noticed among the nurses and doctors was:
1) The nurses work very well together and help each other constantly.
2) Despite the fact that the doctors were busy, they took all the time to explain everything well and also answer the patients questions.
3) Other types of hospital employees work remarkably well together.
4) The three doctors work as a team, the most experienced doctor had the same respect as the other two had for the experienced doctor. It was like a team of friends, only seeing the 3 doctors made us happy.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Statement: 2a-The right medicines are important and the knowledge of the doctors to recover!
2b-Kind sisters and doctor are also important to recover!
3) Would you like to work in medical direction (hospitals, clinic, etc.) or another profession later?
4) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story date & author(s): October 2022, Haga Ziekenhuis (the Hague) (SSSSB- teacher Holland Chapter)
Questions – Vision - Game/Drama date and writer(s): October 2022, Haga Ziekenhuis (the Hague) (SSSSB- teacher Holland Chapter)
STORY 2034: Two friends get the chance to help

STORY 2034: Two friends get the chance to Help
There were two friends Bara and Hama. They were on their way home from school. On the way they saw a man who was walking unsteadily and fell right in front of the boys. the man said: "Guys can you help me. I am in a lot of pain. Can you take me home, I live 10 minutes away from here"
Bara said: "So sad, let's take Mr. to his house"
Hama said: "Are you crazy, he must have been drinking, it's his own fault, you should never help such people or they will never learn. And we have a lot of homework to do today. Come on, let's go."
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Shall we finish the story ourselves?
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapter
STORY 2035: One very rich girl and another who had much less.

STORY 2035: One very rich girl and another who has much less.
Fuli and Izna were 2 girls from group 7.
Fuli came from a very rich family and Izna had much less.
Fuli attended an expensive modern school with all kinds of modern facilities and Izna attended a normal government school.
People sometimes assume that children like Fuli will have an easy and happy life, while Izna will have an unpleasant life.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Is wealth a necessity to have a happy and good life?
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapter

There was a family consisting of a father, mother and their two daughters: Dampa aged 12 and Ranu aged 8.
Both parents had to work to make ends meet.
Mother worked as a housekeeper for the neighbors.
She also helped grandmother who lived with them and could no longer do everything alone.
Both children respected their parents. And loved to listen to Grandma's value stories. The great thing was that the children put into practice the values of Grandma's stories, as Grandma always asked them to do. Grandma meditated and prayed daily with Grandma and therefore were calm and confident. Father worked in a store as an assistant to the store owner. One day father had gone for work, the children were ready for school at that moment mother became ill. She had a terrible headache and was unable to take the children to school. Grandma was not at home that day. Because of Grandma's value stories, the children did not panic, but made a wise decision together.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) With wise decision de two sisters take, to help their mom?
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapt
STORY 2037: A school without supervision and discipline

STORY 2037: A school without supervision and discipline
In a government school in a village where there was little government control, the teachers, students and the rest of the staff were less serious about discipline and rules. Hardly anyone did their duties well. The cleaner was not always there. Plants in the schoolyard were not always cared for. Teachers did not arrive on time. Sometimes the school closed earlier for no reason. classrooms were not clean. actually the whole school was not clean enough.
Luckily there was an SSSSB team with gurus and students visiting schools to talk about Soul Blossom, but in this school, some other things that could be improved. The SSSSB team gave ideas, which the school could use.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) If you were a member of the SSSSB team, what advice would you give to the school?
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Ishwor Budhathoki, Grade 06
STORY 2038: A changed mother

STORY 2038: A changed mother
About a family consisting of: Razia from class 6, Rani from class 3 and their parents.
The mother came from an economically weak family, but was a hardworking, disciplined girl. Father came from a very wealthy family, which also paid a lot of attention to people who were less fortunate. After the marriage, things initially went well, but mother did not cope well with the wealth and lifestyle of rich people. She suddenly started to change. She worked less hard, ate unhealthy/junk food, watched TV all day. Sinds internet was available Mom change more, her mobile was her best friend. She also paid less attention to the children. Father and the children were concerned about mother's changed behaviour.
Sometimes she didn't start cooking until the others were home. The father and daughters also helped with cutting the vegetables, washing dishes and other things. Previously, the mother spent a lot of time with the daughters and also helped them with their homework, but that too became less and less. If they didn't understand their homework and asked for help, she'd say, "Ask your father, I don't have time." The father and daughter saw all this happening, but did not dare to say anything, because as soon as they tried to discuss this, the mother always got angry and quarreled with them. The daughters especially felt sorry for their father. That he had to do so much extra in addition to his normal work, while their mother was doing less and less.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) if you were one of the kids, what would you do?
2) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapt
STORY 2039: the stolen two rupees

STORY 2039: the stolen two rupees
Today's story is based on a true story.
Archana, was a grade 2 girl from India. Archana came from a poor family, there was no money for extra things like chocolate, toys, going out, extra clothes etc. One day Archana saw her mother keep money under the sugar bowl. Since she loved chocolate, she secretly took those two rupees from under the pot. She bought chocolate with it and ate it right away. She returned home and found her mother looking for the money to go shopping. When her mother realized that two rupees were missing, she asked Archana if she had taken the money from under the pot. Archana was afraid of being scolded and beaten. She lied to her mother and said she knows nothing about the 2 rupees. Her mother now thought she might have made a mistake counting the money. Days passed and Archana felt guilty for lying to her mother.
Archana was recently in a Soul Blossom Class. This week's lesson was about speaking the truth. Through a story, the SSSSB guru told about the importance speak of truth. When Archana went home, she thought of the story of truth. How important it is not to lie. She decided today to tell the truth the two rupees. When she came home that day, she told her mother that she had something to tell her. She said, "Mother, remember the other day you asked me about the two rupees?" Her mother said, "Yes Archana, you told me you didn't take it. I must have made a mistake counting. It's okay Archana." Archana then said, "Mother, I want to confess something. I took that money and bought chocolate with it, I'm very sorry. I said I didn't know because I thought you would get mad and maybe hit me too. " Mother was surprised and very happy that her daughter spoke the sorrow. She came to Archana and gave her a big hug. She then said, "Thank you honey for telling me the truth." After this incident, Archana felt calm and peaceful within. The guilt and fear since she'd lied suddenly disappeared.
Question(s), our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our thoughts and experiences about today's story.
2) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapt
STORY 2040: culture, religion and family tradition.

STORY 2040: culture, religion and family tradition.
Culture, Religion and Family traditions in class 7 there was a statement about the importance of Culture, Religion & Family traditions.
The boys from group 7 didn't think it was that important anymore, because for a successful life we have to keep up with modern things.
The girls in group 7 did not agree at all. The girls felt that Culture, Religion & Family traditions should still be the foundation of our lives, because it has everything to live a dignified and happy life.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapt