Story no | Story Name | Writer(s) of this story / Topic | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Drawings made by | We did this story in the Ssssb2 class of: |
2041 | Is your character as ITA'S or SARA's old character? | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2042 | Always return borrowed items neatly | Meena Rijal (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2043 | A surprise change of the manners of two grils from grade 08 | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2044 | Our jealousy damage only ourself | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2045 | All Children should go to school. | Meena Rijal (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2046 | The power of Patience & total focus on the activity | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2047 | The King an Assistant and Kwina. | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2048 | The Power of SSSSB, to change our manners and inspire others | Laxman PHUYAL, ssssbb student & Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet | |
2049 | I am the best father. | Tika B. Budhathoki (Father of SSSSB students). | After final check | Not yet | |
2050 | Has lockdown changed your life style? | Sunil Marapin (SSSSB-Guru) | After final check | Not yet |
STORY 2041: Is your character as Ita's or sara's old character?

STORY 2041: Is your character as Ita's or sara's old character?
Ita and Sara join in a school. The two grade 7 girls saw each other for the first time on the first day of school. All the other students were in school before. During the breaks all the other students of the school sat in groups talking, only the 2 girls sat a bit sad on a school bench. They met and told about each other. They became friends.
Result of the First terminal examination: Ita,s result was very good, in short time she became a graet example in her class, she is always focus in the class, make always homework. Help other classmates, talk soft and polite to everyone, see only the positive things on other, and work on the things in her with still have to improve. A perfect example for every other student.
Sara was the opposite of Ita, no one like here because of here character, also her school result was low.
Ita often asked Sara to study together because she noticed that her friend was not doing well at school. But Sara preferred to spend time on doing fun things. Ita asked Sara again to study together immediately after receiving their first term results reports,sara was agree now.
Was not to late, if Sara did her best from now on, it would be all right this school year.
When she got home, Ita told her parents about her friend and also about her plans to study together. Her parents thought that was fine and were proud that their daughter was doing well in school, was an example student and also worried about Sara. Her parents were fine with the two girls studying at their home.
Sara and her parents, came first time to Ita's home, they greeted each other warmly.
They were surprise because:
1) Ita's family has is simple lifestyle and in house was a paecefull and pleasant atmosphere
2) What Sara's parents noticed was that their home was very simply furnished.
3) Very clean and tidy, but no luxury items.
So Ita's family spend money on a very smart way: They spend enough money for health food, really necasery things. They donate also to a charity. And still money was left for Emergencies. Both parents understood why their children were not doing well in school, because of their lifestyle.
Before going back home, they eat together. Also about the food they were surprised.
The food was very healthy and tasty, much better then from an 3-star restaurant.
Ita parents was always make good, tasty and healthy food.
On the way home, Sara's parents were silent, pondering what they had just experienced. When they got home, the parents immediately started a conversation. The dicide together to change their lifestyle.
After a few days, the atmosphere in the house was much more pleasant. There was a peaceful atmosphere at home, and all family members felt happy.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Is your character as Ita's character or Sara's old character?
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin SsssbGuru Holland Chapt
STORY 2042: Always return borrowed items neatly

STORY 2042: Always return borrowed items neatly
There were two friends Prem and Arun, both was student from grade 7
The mother of Prem came from a religious family so, she worships the God, greets the elders, take care of the family. The family learn meditation, some Bhajans and some mantras from Grandparents as well as from the mother. Early in the morning they pray and before take food also.
At the beginning Prem were not so good at school, but because of praying, respect to their parents and grandparents, discipline and special they improved their own character. He became calm, concentration was very strong and study was much more easy now.
One day Prem forgot to bring a pencil to school. Arun gave him one of the pencils which was in his school bag. He said to Prem: ''After using it, please give it back to me, so I can give it to the other person who needed it.'' Prem said: ''Sure, I will return it afterwards to you.'' Prem used it and after that, unknowingly, he kept it in his bag. He forgot to return it back. After school he went home back with his sister. Their mother had prepared the Tiffin to them. They had a Tiffin and went to play. After playing they started to do their Homework. He took out all the educational materials from the bag. Then he saw the pencil which was given by his friend Arun. He felt guilty and said to his mother that he had borrow it from his friend and forgot to give it back. Prem's mother said: ''If you haven't brought it intentionally, don't worry, you can give it to him back tomorrow.'' Prem said: ''Mother I have to go to his house and give it back because he told me that after using it, I should give it back so he can give it to another person who needed it.'' Then mother said: ''Now? It is getting dark. You cannot go alone. tomorrow I will go with you to school and I will tell your friend Arun." Then Prem said to mother: ''Today I forgot the Pencil, so from tomorrow I will always check my school bag before going to school and I will teach my sister to do so also.'' Then Mother said: “Good, now you understand that is your duty before going to school.”
When Prem arrived at school, he directly searched for Arun to return his pencil. But Arun left the school because Arun’s mother was a doctor and a hospital in a other city far from here needed his mother immediately to serve patents. Prem was very sad and felt very guilty he couldn't give the pencil back.
But after some years Prem met Arun, Prem remembered the pencil he had to give back to him which he had kept safely with him. The next day Prem returned back the pencil to Arun. Arun became surprised, he had forgotten that he had given to Prem when they were in school. Arun also remembered that he had taken the things from others and couldn't returned it back. Then he returned everything which he had forgotten to return to the friends and other people. Arun felt so happy when he returned all those things. So, after that he never forget to return the things which he takes from others.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Is it important to give borrowed items back?
2) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Meena Rijal SsssbGuru, Balkot, Nepal
STORY 2043: a surprise change of the manners of two grils from grade 8

STORY 2043: a surprise change of the manners of two grils from grade 8
There were two friends Palisha and Salmee, both were students of the 7th grade. Palisha had very good manners. But because she got a lot of compliments, and couldn't handle that attention well. She was beginning to feel superior, but she didn't realize it herself. and Palisha started to change, from an exemplary student she became a problem student.
With friend Salmee it was exactly the opposite She was a problem student, no one could handle her, but suddenly she started to put values into practice and became an exemplary student.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share o ur experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Until when should we be aware-careful? Is it: a) if we no longer participate in the SSSSB class. b) 5 Years , c) ..... our own answer
3) What can we do to not feel superior as Palisha to others, but feel equal than others?
2) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin, SsssbGuru, Holland chapter.
STORY 2044: our jealousy damage ourself

STORY 2044: our jealousy damage ourself
Kiki and Elisa were good friends. Both were 13 years old. They were in the same class
When the girls were very young, they were about the same with personality. But that started to change a bit recently. Kiki became increasingly jealous. Previously, the two friends often had the highest marks in class. But lately others got a higher grade sometimes and Kiki didn't like that at all, in fact she got jealous of the one who had a better grade. When the teacher complimented another classmate, she even got angry. She was used to receiving compliments herself. If Elisa got the highest rating or compliments, she didn't mind because Elisa was her best friend. But if anyone else, specially who she dont like, did anything better than her and her best friend, Kiki didn't like it at all, she even got jealous. Other things also made her sad. When another student wore new shoes or a new bag, she didn't like it at all. And also Elisa became by influence of little jealous too.
On the way home after school, Elisa asked Kiki what's going on, why she was mad at her. Kiki said the following: "No Elisa, I am not angry with you, I am so sorry that not you or I got the highest mark for math as always, but Lucia got the highest mark. She also had new shoes, exactly what I liked so much Lucia's twin sister had that cute bag that I wanted so badly but didn't get it from my parents. Did you see that Pablo who is sitting in front of us in class got a mobile phone from his parents and being cool about it? I am not allowed to have a mobile phone from my parents, that is not fair, right? I will never get angry with you Elisa, you are my best friend ".
Elisa was surprised that her friend was so badly jealous. She herself liked it that another student also had the highest score. And that new shoes, new bag and mobile phone that their classmates received was fun for them, she thought, why did Kiki mind. Normally Kiki was cheerful and joking on the way home, but today she was completely upset. Elisa thought: "I became also little Jealousy, and I know it is a very bad quality. My jealousy is not much , but Kiki Jolousy, is very much and very bad. How should I help her?"
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share o ur experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) If you were Elisa, how would you help your friend Kiki reduce her jealousy?
3) How we can know we are jealous and how the reduce our jealousy
4) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin, SsssbGuru, Holland chapter.
STORY 2045: all children should go to school

STORY 2045: all children should go to school
Anu aged 7 lived with her parents in a village.
The parents did not always have work. There was enough money for food, but no money for extra things as school cost etc.
Anu was very interested in going to school. Every day she sat in front of her house and watched the children go to school. One day she decided to follow the children to the school. She stay by the gate of the school. All the children stood up in the prayer line, she watched all the children's activities. She ran to the house and told the mother again that she wanted to go to school. Mother replied again that they did not have enough money to pay the school cost.
The next day she went again and stood at the school gate. This time one of the teachers saw her and came to her and asked: "Why are you standing in front of the gate?" Anu said: "I want to come to school, but my parents can't pay the school fees." teacher said: "From next week there is a new rule, if parents can't afford school money, they don't have to to pay.
Come tomorrow with your mother, we can arrange the registration."
The next morning they went together, and the teacher enrolled Anu.
It was Friday and Anu went to school from Sunday. She tried her best, but didn't always understand everything. Anu's mother could not help Anu because she herself did not understand everything.
One of the neighbor's daughters was in a higher class at the same school. The mother went there and asked the neighbor and her daughter Sila to help her child. Both were eager to help, and were happy to help. After that, Sila always helped Anu with her homework. Because Sila helped Anu regularly, she also gained more self-confidence. Anu made good progress, she became an example student. and eventually she also started helping classmates who needed help.
The teachers also praised her and asked how she managed to make so much progress in such a short time. Anu said, "Sila, a girl next door who is in a senior class helps me with what I don't understand." All the teachers and principal praised the two example students Anu and Sila for their success.
When Anu's father came home, he was surprised to see his daughter's success and progress. He thanked the teachers and Sila for helping the daughter.
The 4 success rules of Anu and Sila were:
1) Always listen and follow the instruction of your Parents and Teachers. If you are not agree with the instructions from your teachers and parents, talk about with your SSSSB guru to find out together a solution
2) All children are equal, never feel better than others. Help where you can help and be a great example. Don't compete with others, but with your own things that can be even better
3) Do light meditation and prayers daily. Keep your mind total focus on what you are busy. Do not do several things at once (multitask)
4) Monitor the change in your character / behavior daily before going to sleep
Anu and Sila both very successful persons in all areas. They have seen how important tuition classes were. They started with a tuition organization.
And ask al the tuition students to follow the 4 rules with make them so successful:
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Do you have any experience with the 4 rules?
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Meena Rijal SsssbGuru, Balkot, Nepal
STORY 2046: the Power of patient & total focus on the activity

STORY 2046: the power of patient & total focus on the activity
Zaki was a 12-year-old boy who loved sports. Football, tennis, volleyball, table tennis, basketball etc.
But Zaki felt that he was not making progress. Even if he practiced a lot, he made no progress. He became despondent. Zaki told this to his friend Anand who was really good at sports.
Anand said: "Zaki, I had this same problem in the past, but I've talked to different sports trainers and they gave different answers."
Anand went on to say: "I then started experimenting with the instructions from the sports teachers and 2 things really worked by me".
Zaki regained hope and said: "Anand which two things have worked for you".
Yes, I like to tell you my dear friend: "The two clues were:
1) Be patient, never get impatient.
2) Focus completely on what you are doing.
Zaki was surprised and thought: If such easy things work well, I'll start today"
Zaki kept getting better, in all sports, and he made a lot of progress.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Do you have any experience with the 2 rules with the boys practice and make a Lott of progress.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin, SsssbGuru, Holland Chapter.
STORY 2047: the king, an Assistant and Kwina.

STORY 2047: the king, an Assistant and Kwina.
Kwina was a 12-year-old girl who had heard that the king has an assistant for everyone. The Assistant was very useful if people use their assistant properly, otherwise the assistant can cause a lot of unrest. Kwina went to the King and said:
"Mayasty I understand that everyone could pick up an assistant from you, who is very helpful and can help with everything"
the king said: "That's right Kwina, but do you also know that you have to keep the assistant busy with something, otherwise you won't have any rest. because the assistant was supperactive and fast". Kwina said: "Majasteit, I have a lot of work for the assistant, I'll keep him busy for 24 hours".
King: " Okay fine, here's your assistant, so it's a monkey, you're going to help with everything."
Kwina said: "Your Majesty, but this monkey won't be able to help me with my homework."
King: "Haha, no child, this assistant can also help you with homework."
Kwina was happy with the monkey now, she loved animals.
Then Kwina thanked the king and took her Monkey home. On the way the monkey started to ask for work. The monkey said: Boss give me work, give me work. then kwina said, we'll be home soon, then I'll help you enough work for you. When she got home she gave the Assistant / monkey. lots of work to do but to her surprise the monkey was super fast. The monkey kept doing her job and Kwima kept getting bored: "Boss Give me work, Give me work". Kwina panicked a bit, but the monkey couldn't go back to the King. Then she called her SSSSB guru and asked. The SsssbGuru, said "Don't worry kwina, when the assistant has done all the work, have them build a bridge over the ditch behind your house. and keep walking from one side to the other. Until you need the assistant again, then immediately walk across the bridge again, until you call her".
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) What this story try to tell us?
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin, SsssbGuru, Holland Chapter.
STORY 2048: the Power of SSSSB, to change our manners and inspire others

STORY 2048: the Power of SSSSB, to change our manners and inspire others
Once upon a time there was a village named Rampur. It was small and beautiful. It was located beside the forest. There were small ponds, the village was green, full of natural beauty, peaceful and it was near the forest. The mountains can also be seen from the village. Most of the tourists were attracted by the beauty of the village. In that village there was also the family of Raj. Raj lives together with his father and Mother.
The father was a helpful person. He was always happy and satisfied with the things he had. He never looks at others property. He worked at a government office. The mother worked as a principal at school. Raj’s family had one close neighbour. The neighbours name was Samagra. He had one son and a daughter. Samagra was a businessman. Samagra was an rich person. For Samagra it was not important have much contact with his neighbours. Compare the two families, make clear that raj's family was simple and happy.
In that village there was one Shri Sanjay Sai group. The group did: bhajans, seva and also Soul Blossom (SSSSB) classes. It was run by Raj's father and mother often helped father in the Soul Blossom class. Most of the children came from the village. Some children from another village also participated. Mother's salary was used to fund the Soul Blossom class. And father's salary was used for household expenses.
All the kids loved going to the Soul Blossom class. All children call Raj father “Guru Buba” and Raj mother "Guru Aama".
One day a few large orders were cancelled.
mr. Samagra's company ran into financial difficulties.
There was not enough money to pay the costs.
He asked his friends for help, but none of the friends helped.
mr. Samagra was very sad and nervous. He didn't know what to do. Then thought Mr. Samagra: "I'm going to apply for a job somewhere to earn money so that I can pay my family's expenses".
But he didn't get a job anywhere. Maybe because he was never kind to simple people.
Then he went to some banks to borrow, but the banks didn't give a loan because he had no more income.
Mr Samagra and his family suddenly had nothing left. They were now poor. They didn't know what to do. His closest neighbor Raj family wanted to help him. But mr. Samagra did not want their help, because he had little education and was of a lower caste.
Mr. Samagra tried it several times with his circle of friends, but they refused again.
In the meantime Raj's family had gathered some from the villagers, gave everyone what they could spare.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) The SSSSB program made the villagers understand the value of seva better. And they help even Mr. Samagra wo was rarely nice to the villagers.
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting skills better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): 2022 October, Laxman PHUYAL SSSSB student Nepal, age 15 & Sunil Marapin, Soul Blossom Guru chapter Holland.
STORY 2049: I am the best father

STORY 2049: i am the best father
There were three fathers, who disputed how good they were, each thought they were the best fathers.
Let's see what qualities good fathers should have.
Question(s), our experiences, our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) How should a good father be., give examples
3) Let's recreate parts of the story. We can also adjust things in the story if it suits your acting better, be creative.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also draw a picture about the most important part of the story.
We put your h-w and points on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Tika B. Budhathoki (Father of SSSSB students).
STORY 2050: Has the Lockdown changed your lifestyle?

STORY 2050: Has the Lockdown changed your lifestyle?
Suddenly everyone had to stay inside. Because little was known in the beginning, people became very anxious. Fortunately, we now know more about covid, so we can protect ourselves better. The Prime Minister (PM) would tell on TV, radio and the internet at 8 p.m. why people were no longer allowed to go outside. a lot has changed in the world: schools closed, shops closed. Schools started doing online classes, but had little experience with this. not everyone had internet or a suitable mobile or laptop for online classes. Students who did not feel like learning could easily trick the teachers and sometimes parents.
Question(s), our experiences , our Vision and activities such as games and drama:
1) Our Vision: Let's share our experiences and thoughts about today's story.
2) Has lockdown changed your lifestyle?
3) Have online classes given you more discipline or less?
4) We can play the role of the Prime Minister of the Country by speaking for the Country.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, questions, author(s): October 2022, Sunil Marapin, SsssbGuru, Holland Chapter.