Story no Story Name Writer(s) of this story / Topic and date Ready to use in SSSSB classes note
Story 2031a How to Improve Manners? [For 10 years and older] Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2025-01
Story 2031b: How to Be Better Friends? [ for 5-9 years ] Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2025-01

Story 2031a: How to Improve Manners? [For 10 years and older]

Story 2031b: How to Be Better Friends? [ for 5-9 years ]

Story 2031a: How to Improve Manners? [For 10 years and older]

It was the beginning of the new year, and two friends, Amara from Congo and Babita from Nepal, were talking.

Amara said, "It’s 2025 now. This year, I want to be a better person. Last year, I sometimes copied homework, wasn’t always kind, helped my parents very little, got angry quickly, and didn’t focus on the good in others."

Babita replied, "Oh, Amara, you’re not so bad! I was worse. I didn’t listen to my parents, was jealous of others, procrastinated on my homework, spent too much time on my phone, didn’t help the little ones with their homework, hardly ever attended the SSSSB class, and didn’t reflect on how I could improve my behavior."

They looked at each other and realized they needed to change their behavior. "If we keep acting like this,"Babita said, "people won’t like us, and we won’t set a good example for other students or the younger children."

They decided to ask Guru-practice for help.

Guru-practice welcomed them with a warm smile. "Guruji," they said, "this year, we want to learn better manners and become kind and good students."

Guruji smiled and said, "That’s wonderful! You just need to practice to become better. This small ashram is for everyone: for those who want to improve, for those who want to stay good, and for those who want to help others."

Guru-practice gave them simple advice: "Always think good thoughts, speak kindly, and do good deeds. If you focus on these, you’ll see yourself change." Guru-practice also gave them many examples of what they could do to become exemplary.

Today’s Question: What examples do you think Guru-practice gave Amara and Babita to help them become exemplary?

Story 2031b: How to Be Better Friends? [ for 5-9 years ]

The year 2025 had just begun. Two friends, Kofi from Congo and Ramesh from Nepal,

were having a conversation.

Kofi said, "This year, I want to be a better person. Last year, I copied homework, wasn’t

nice to everyone, didn’t help at home, and got angry quickly."

Ramesh replied, "I was worse. I didn’t always listen to my parents, I talked too loudly

during breaks, which disturbed others, I was lazy with my homework, I didn’t share my

toys with other children, and I often asked my parents for expensive gifts."

Realizing they needed to improve, they decided to visit their teacher, Guruji, for advice.

Guruji welcomed them warmly, and the boys admitted, "Guruji, we want to have better

manners this year. Please help us and tell us what to do. We feel like we are bad


Guruji smiled and said, "You’re good children; you just have a few habits to improve."

Guruji gave them simple advice: "Think good thoughts, say kind words, and do kind

things. If you focus on these, your habits will change naturally."

Guruji provided plenty of examples of what the children could do to improve.

Today’s Question: What examples do you think Guruji gave Kofi and Ramesh to help them improve their manners?
