Story no | Story Name | Writer(s) of this story / Topic and date | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Congo class | We did or planned this story in the class of: |
2001(2051) | Our house is too small, help us Guru-Practice | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-05 | No | yes, 2024-06 | May 27, 2023, Family class 04-202sa / 7 july 2024 Congo Ssssb classes |
2002 | Ssssb Students Avinash, Pranav, and the Power of Practicing Values | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 | No | ||
2003 | Amina Sets an Example and Gives Natasha a Second Chance | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 | No | yes, 2024-07 | |
2004 | Tara's Transformation, Through the Kindness of Arza and Three Sssvm Students | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 | No | ||
2005 | Rayan visits Guru Practice for his restless mind | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-06 | No | yes, 2024-07 | June 24, 2023. Family class 04-210sa |
2006 (2054) | Is wealth the most important thing or ? | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-07 | no | July 22, 2023. Family class 04-216sa | |
2007(2055) | Sushan Compares Himself to Wealthier Children | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-09 | no | Sept 09, 2023. Family class 04-230sa | |
2008 | Amina of Matadi, The Girl Who Inspired Many. | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 | no | in Sunday class | Aug 05, 2023 04-221sa C004 |
2009 | From Influence to Insight: Faneel and Rahul's Joint Transformation | Meena Rijal (SSSSB-Guru) 2023-10 | no | ||
2010 | Story 10: Loes, The Resolute Protector of Community and Dike | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 | no |
01a - Opening and Bhajans (devotional/value songs)
02a - Do you want to say-ask something? And About the last Ssssb class
02b - Focusing on one thing: Light Meditation, Perceiving and describing something, etc.
03 - Educational quiz-games
04 - Topic / Story
04b - Heart-work: Let's share our experiences and insights through words and/or creative expression, such as art, poetry, music, drama, or drawings, to inspire each other. Practice by opportunities the value(s) of the story.
05 - Closing prayers and mantras
Story 2001 (English): Our house is too small, help us Guru-practice
Story 2001: Our house is too small, help us Guru Practice
There was a family consisting of a Father, Mother, and their daughter, Mahima. They were expecting a visit from Mahima's Aunt, Uncle, Samita, and the two younger brothers. Mahima's parents were in a panic.
Mother said, "We don't have a big house, it won't work, but we can't say no. We have often stayed at Samita's place."
Father said, "You are right, we can't say no, but what should we do then?"
Mahima said, "No problem. You two can sleep in your room. Aunt and Uncle in my room. And we four children can sleep in the living room, problem solved! And if you don't find this solution satisfactory, we can ask Guru Practice because Guru Practice practices first before asking others to do something; that's why He has a solution for everything."
The three of them went to Guru-Practice and said to the wise Guru, "We have a big problem. Five family members are coming to visit in a month, and they want to stay for a week, but our house is too small for a total of 8 people."
Guru-Practice said to the worried parents, "Don't worry, there is a solution."
Mahima said to her parents, "See, Guru-Practice has a solution because Guru ji only gives teachings after experiencing them first by himself."
Guru-Practice said, "You have a horse in the garden, bring the horse inside your house for a week, and come back next week." The parents found it a strange request from the guru but did as he said. It was a challenging week for the parents, but Mahima enjoyed having a horse in the house.
When the first week was over, the parents were very happy and quickly went to Guru Practice and said, "Guru Ji, there is no more space in the house; can the horse go back outside?"
Guru-Practice said, "A little more patience, you have an elephant in the garden, bring the elephant inside the house as well, and come back in a week."
The parents were very sad but did as the guru said. This week became the most terrible week of their lives for the parents. When the second week was over, they quickly went to Guru-Practice and said, "Guru Ji, please help us, we can't handle it anymore; there is no more space in the house; can the elephant and the horse go back to the garden?"
Guru-Practice said, "Only the horse can go back to the garden; come back next week."
The parents were relieved. They were afraid that the guru would also want the cow to be brought inside the house, but luckily, the horse was allowed to go back to the garden.
When the third week was over, they went to Guru Practice and said, "It was a great week; we had plenty of space in the house without the horse."
Guru-Practice said, "The elephant can also go back to the garden; come back next week."
The parents were happy that the elephant was also allowed to go back to the garden. A week later, when they returned to Guru-Practice, he asked, "And is your house still small?"
The parents answered, "No, Guru Ji, our house is very big; enough space for more than 5 extra people."
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts and experiences regarding this story.

Five questions of story 2001, Our house is too small, help us Guru Practice
1) Who was expected to visit Mahima's family?
a) Her grandparents and cousins
b) Her Aunt, Uncle, Samita, and two younger brothers
2) Why were Mahima's parents in a panic?
a) They forgot to buy groceries for the guests.
b) They thought their house was too small for all the guests.
3)What did Guru-Practice first suggest the family should do?
a) Extend the house
b) Bring the horse inside the house
4) After the elephant was brought inside, what was the family's main concern?
a) There was too much noise
b) There was no space left in the house
5) By the end of the story, how did the parents feel about the size of their house?
a) They still thought it was too small.
b) They felt their house was very big and spacious.
Story 2002: Ssssb Students Avinash and Pranav, and the Power of Practicing Values
Story 2002: Ssssb Students Avinash, Pranav, and the Power of Practicing Values
Avinash and Pranav, both former SSSSB students of the same age living in Nepal, came from different backgrounds.
Avinash came from a humble family and received his education in affordable schools in a neighborhood with limited financial resources. Pranav, on the other hand, came from an affluent family and attended expensive, modern schools in an upscale neighborhood.
After their studies, they both applied for the same job with a 6-month probation period at the same company. Avinash commuted to work by bicycle, while Pranav used a car.
Avinash was well-liked by his colleagues due to his friendly, grateful, and helpful nature. He paid attention to his behavior and constantly strived for character-improvement. Pranav, in contrast, only enjoyed a few days of friendliness from his colleagues before they quickly noticed his unfriendliness and lack of helpfulness. He showed no interest in self-reflection and improvement, as he considered himself superior.
After the 6-month probation, Avinash was rewarded with a permanent job, promotion, and a salary increase. Pranav, however, was not retained.
Avinash felt grateful and, as a former Ssssb student, first expressed his thanks to Bhagwan Baba, followed by his parents and Soul Blossom gurus. Pranav, on the other hand, was embittered and placed blame on others, including Bhagwan Baba, his parents, and his Soul Blossom gurus.
End of the Story
Today's question is: How is it possible that both were Ssssb students but underwent such different developments?

Five questions of story 2002, Ssssb Students Avinash and Pranav, and the Power of Practicing Values
1) How did Avinash commute to work?
a) By bicycle
b) By car
2) How was Avinash's behavior at work?
a) Unfriendly and unhelpful
b) Friendly, grateful, and helpful
3) What did Pranav's colleagues quickly notice about him?
a) His helpfulness and kindness
b) His unfriendliness and lack of helpfulness
4)After the 6-month probation, what was the outcome for Avinash?
a) He was not retained.
b) He received a permanent job, promotion, and a salary increase.
5) How did Pranav react after not being retained?
a) He expressed gratitude and thanked Bhagwan Baba.
b) He was embittered and blamed others, including Bhagwan Baba.
Story 2003: Amina Sets an Example and Gives Natasha a Second Chance
Story 2003: Amina Sets an Example and Gives Natasha a Second Chance
Amina and Natasha, two Congolese ladies, crossed paths after many years. They immediately recognized each other from their shared Ssssb classes during their childhood and youth. Amina said to Natasha, 'Let's go to this restaurant, have a coconut drink, and enjoy a delicious cassava dish.' The ladies began to converse about their lives and experiences in society at the restaurant.
Here is their conversation:
Natasha: 'Hello, Amina, it's so wonderful to see you again after all these years. Do you remember our Ssssb classes at guru practice?'
Amina: 'Sairam, Natasha! Those lessons have had such a profound impact on my life. I still practice the Ssssb teachings from our guru practice.'
Natasha: 'Really? Are you still practicing the teachings? I used to come for the fun games in class, but I remember the teachings, although I never put them into practice.'
Amina: 'What are you up to these days? I remember your parents had a company back then, and they were quite wealthy. You always received beautiful and expensive things from your parents.'
Natasha: 'What can I say? My parents initially had 1 restaurant, but later on, they had two. They returned to their hometown, where they found happiness, and they gave me both restaurants, but both... both... both... both...' Natasha began to cry.
Amina: 'Don't cry, Natasha; you're still my dear Ssssb friend. You always thought of me and gave me things I couldn't afford because my family's economic situation was weak, do you remember? What happened with both restaurants? Don't cry.'
Natasha: 'After my parents gave me the two restaurants and moved to the village, I became even more arrogant. I felt superior to others, hung out with the wrong crowd, had so much, but never did Seva, never put Swami's Ssssb teachings into practice. Everything is lost; I'm even in debt, and all my friends have left me...' Natasha began to cry again.
Amina: 'Don't cry, Natasha; what's done is done. Let's look ahead. Let me tell my story: I started selling fruit from a bicycle across from our old school. I've opened 2 vegetarian restaurants since then, one on the other side of Matadi and this one where we are now. This success is due to practicing the teachings of Bhagwan Baba in the Soul Blossom class.'
Natasha was so surprised and happy for Amina that she fell off her chair. Amina helped her up and offered her a job at the restaurant. Natasha was very thankful and immediately began to improve her manners. Finally, she became the manager of 'Sai Amina Veg Plaza,' but also helped the employees with all kinds of work. End of the Story
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts and experiences regarding this story.

Five questions of story 2003, Amina Sets an Example and Gives Natasha a Second Chance
1) How did Amina and Natasha know each other?
a) They were neighbors.
b) They attended the same Ssssb classes during their childhood.
2) What did Natasha remember about the Ssssb classes?
a) She practiced the teachings.
b) She went there for the fun games.
3) What did Natasha's parents give her?
a) Money and a house.
b) Two restaurants.
4) Why did Natasha cry when talking about the restaurants?
a) She became arrogant, lost everything, and was in debt.
b) She missed her parents.
5) How did Amina start her business?
a) By opening a restaurant immediately.
b) By selling fruit from a bicycle.
story 2004: Tara's Transformation, Through the Kindness of Arza and Three Sssvm Students
Tara's Transformation, Through the Kindness of Arza and Three Sssvm Students
Tara was a 23-year-old girl who was very spoiled by her parents, while Arza was 22 years old, simple, hardworking, honest, and always remained grateful.
On her previous birthday, Tara had received a new car as a gift. But now, with the latest model on the market, Tara wanted a pink car for her upcoming birthday. However, her father said, "No, Tara, you won't get a new car. Your current car is still in excellent condition. Please ask for something else." This response made Tara furious, and she ran crying to her room. Her mother tried to console her, but without success. Tara's brother, Bara, joined them and asked why she was crying. Now Tara began to cry even harder, as if something terrible had happened. He said, "Stop the theatrics, Tara. Dad is right." Tara got into her car and drove around without paying attention. This almost led to a collision with Arza, but fortunately, Arza was always alert and jumped off her bike in time. However, Arza's bike ended up in a ditch. Frightened and full of guilt, Tara stopped her car and rushed to Arza. She apologized, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to traffic. It seems like I'm just having bad luck today. Come on, I'll take you to the hospital."
However, Arza replied, "No, I was able to jump off the bike in time. There's nothing wrong with me, just a small scrape, but I'll put a bandage on it at home. It's just that my bike seems to have ended up in the ditch." Together, they searched for the bike, which was surrounded by fish that seemed to be enjoying their new 'ride.' Tara offered to simply buy Arza a new bike, but Arza declined the offer, saying, "No, you don't need to waste money. Let's just get the bike out of the ditch and clean it. I just hope no fish got injured because of my bike. Tara, please also take a close look to see if there are any injured fish, otherwise, we'll have to take them to the vet." Tara was completely amazed by Arza's kindness and concern. Even after causing an accident, Arza was worried about possible injured fish, and she wasn't angry with Tara at all. At that moment, three boys from the Sssvm school happened to pass by and offered their help when they saw the girls looking at the bike and the fish. They said, "Sairam Didi's, don't worry, we're happy to help." Arza saw the Sssvm logo on their uniforms and knew they were from Swami's school. Arza, a former student of Swami, still visited the Brindavan Ashram of Bhagwan Baba.
The students retrieved Arza's bike from the ditch, cleaned it, and returned it to Arza. They all said "Sairam" and continued on their way. Tara watched in amazement, as if she had entered a different world where people were kind and helpful. Tara offered the students money, but they refused to accept it and said, "No didi, we can't accept this. Give it to a good cause. Sairam." Tara was even more surprised now. She asked Arza, "Why do you keep saying 'Sairam'? Are you from another country or something?" Arza smiled and told Tara about Swami and Sssvm. Tara felt ashamed of her behavior and wanted to become as kind and helpful as Arza and the three students from Sssvm. Arza and Tara became friends, and Tara improved her manners. Her parents and brother were very grateful and happy. In the end, Tara celebrated her birthday at the ashram. She sold her car, which she didn't really need, bought a bike, and also donated a sum to the ashram and the Sssvm school.
End of the Story
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts and experiences regarding this story.

Five questions of story 2004, Tara's Transformation, Through the Kindness of Arza and Three Sssvm Students
1) What was Tara's birthday wish in the story?
a) A new car
b) A new bicycle
2) Why did Tara's father refuse to buy her a new car?
a) Because her current car was in poor condition
b) Because he believed her request was excessive
3) How did Arza's bicycle end up in a ditch?
a) Tara accidentally crashed into it with her car
b) Arza accidentally rode it into the ditch
4) What was Arza's reaction to the accident involving her bicycle?
a) She was angry and blamed Tara
b) She remained calm and forgiving
5) What kind act did the three boys from the Sssvm school perform?
a) They helped retrieve Arza's bicycle from the ditch
b) They bought a new bicycle for Arza
STORY 2005: Rayan visits Guru Practice for his restless mind
Story 2005: Rayan visits Guru Practice for his restless mind
Rayan was a boy from Nepal who struggled with a restless mind. His thoughts often wandered, making it difficult for him to concentrate. Concerned about their son, Rayan's parents decided to take him to Guru Practice, who was once a student of Ssssb.
Rayan shared his challenges with Guru Practice, who smiled and said, "Rayan, I faced the same challenge when I was your age. Since then, I've followed the advice of my former Ssssb guru and gradually gained more control over my mind." Rayan asked, "Really, Guru Practice? Did you also have a restless mind like mine?" Guru Practice replied, "Yes, Rayan, everyone has a restless mind, but with practice, it can be controlled. I'm still practicing until I've completely conquered my mind."
Rayan's parents, who were listening, thought, "It's time for us to practice controlling our minds too." Rayan asked, "What exercises can I do, Guru Ji?" Guru Practice answered, "I'll give you the three exercises I still do every day.
1- Observe your thoughts without judgment and work on improving them.
2- Eat healthily, maintain discipline, and always focus solely on what you are doing.
3- Chant God's name or a mantra and conclude with prayer and light meditation."
Eagerly following Guru Practice's guidelines, Rayan's mind became much calmer in a short time. He gained more inner peace and excelled in everything he did. He shared his newfound experience with others, helping them find more peace and tranquility within themselves. Rayan eventually became an experienced and exemplary Ssssb guru, just like Guru Practice, because he first practices himself and then shares his experiences with his students and others.
End of the Story
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts and experiences regarding this story.

Five questions of story 2005, Rayan visits Guru Practice for his restless mind
1) Who did Rayan's parents take him to for advice?
a) His school teacher
b) Guru Practice
2)What was Rayan's main problem?
a) He was always sleepy.
b) He had a restless mind.
3)What did Guru Practice suggest as the first exercise?
a) Play sports.
b) Observe thoughts without judgment.
4) How should one conclude the third exercise, as suggested by Guru Practice?
a) With a dance.
b) With prayer and light meditation.
5) What did Rayan become after mastering his mind?
a) A teacher in a school.
b) An experienced and exemplary Ssssb guru.
Histoire 2005 : Kimia visite Guru Practice pour son esprit agité.
Kimia était un garçon de Nzanza, un quartier de Matadi, au Congo, qui avait du mal avec un esprit agité. Ses pensées vagabondaient souvent, ce qui lui rendait difficile de se concentrer. Préoccupés par leur fils, les parents de Kimia décidèrent de l'emmener voir Guru Practice, qui avait été autrefois élève de Ssssb.
Kimia partagea ses défis avec Guru Practice, qui sourit et dit : "Kimia, j'ai affronté le même défi quand j'avais ton âge. Depuis, j'ai suivi les conseils de mon ancien guru Ssssb et j'ai progressivement gagné plus de contrôle sur mon esprit." Kimia demanda : "Vraiment, Guru Practice ? Aviez-vous aussi un esprit agité comme le mien ?" Guru Practice répondit : "Oui, Kimia, tout le monde a un esprit agité, mais avec de la pratique, il peut être contrôlé. Je m'entraîne encore jusqu'à ce que j'aie complètement conquis mon esprit."
Les parents de Kimia, qui écoutaient, pensèrent : "Il est temps pour nous aussi de pratiquer le contrôle de notre esprit." Kimia demanda : "Quelles exercices puis-je faire, Guru Ji ?" Guru Practice répondit : "Je vais te donner les trois exercices que je fais encore tous les jours.
1- Observe tes pensées sans jugement et travaille à les améliorer.
2- Mange sainement, maintiens la discipline et concentre-toi toujours uniquement sur ce que tu fais.
3- Récite le nom de Dieu ou un mantra et termine par une prière et une légère méditation."
Suivant avec enthousiasme les directives de Guru Practice, l'esprit de Kimia devint beaucoup plus calme en peu de temps. Il gagna plus de paix intérieure et excella dans tout ce qu'il faisait. Il partagea sa nouvelle expérience avec les autres, les aidant à trouver plus de paix et de tranquillité en eux-mêmes. Kimia devint finalement un guru Ssssb expérimenté et exemplaire, tout comme Guru Practice, parce qu'il pratiquait d'abord lui-même et partageait ensuite ses expériences avec ses élèves et les autres.
La question d'aujourd'hui :
Partageons nos pensées et expériences concernant cette histoire.
Story 2006: Is wealth the most important thing or ?
Story 2006: Is wealth the most important thing or ?
In a village in Nepal, there lived a family consisting of parents and two children. Like many people these days, Mother, Father, and Bekita also believed that money was the most important thing in life. They assumed that with enough money, you could buy everything you desired, and this would lead to a peaceful and happy life. However, the youngest daughter, Aarushi, disagreed. Aarushi, who was a Ssssb student, considered money important but not the most important thing.
Then something happened that suddenly made the family very wealthy. However, with wealth came qualities such as restlessness, stress, arrogance, and laziness in Mother, Father, and Bekita. On the other hand, Aarushi remained calm, simple, and practiced the values taught by her Ssssb gurus.
Then, something unexpected occurred. Bekita fell ill. Her parents thought, "No problem, we will go to the best hospital to cure her quickly; we have an abundance of money." They asked the hospital to make Bekita better quickly and promised to give the hospital extra money. But after an examination, it turned out that there were no medicines available for the disease Bekita had. The shock, sorrow, and panic were great among the three family members. The fourth family member, Aarushi, was also sad but at the same time calm, and she said, "Come on, let's go to the guru's practice; they surely have a solution." The parents thought it would be pointless and said, "If the best hospital cannot help, what can your guru's practice do?" Aarushi didn't like her parents talking about her beloved guru in that way, but she didn't say anything. Aarushi was also worried about her sick sister and eventually convinced her parents to go to the guru's practice. The four of them went together.
After Guru Practice had listened calmly to the parents and Bekita, he said, "The three of you have a deficiency of Vitamin G, hence this illness." The parents immediately offered money to Guru Practice to provide them with Vitamin G. Guru Practice said, "Vitamin G cannot be bought; it must be built up. Aarushi has experience in this," and looked at Arushi. Everyone now turned their attention to the young Aarushi. Aarushi leaned towards Guru Practice and waited for a sign to respond. After Guru Practice nodded, Aarushi said, "I think Guru ji means these things by Vitamin G. Vitamin G is a combination of: .... + ..... + ...... " then she looked at the wise Guru with a questioning expression, who said, "You've described it perfectly, Aarushi."
End of the Story
Question for today: What do you think Aarushi said, listing three things? And what would you say if you were in Aarushi's place?

Five questions of story 2006, Is wealth the most important thing or ?
1) What did Mother, Father, and Bekita believe was the most important thing in life?
a) Health
b) Money
2) How did the youngest daughter, Aarushi, feel about money?
a) It was the most important thing.
b) It was important but not the most important thing.
3) When the family suddenly became wealthy, what negative qualities emerged in Mother, Father, and Bekita?
a) Generosity and kindness
b) Restlessness, stress, arrogance, and laziness
4) According to Guru Practice, how can one obtain Vitamin G?
a) By buying it from the store.
b) It must be built up and cannot be bought.
5) Who in the family already had experience with Vitamin G?
a) Father
b) Aarushi
Story 2007: Sushan compared himself to wealthier children.
Story 2007: Sushan Compares Himself to Wealthier Children
In Balkot, Nepal, there lived a 12-year-old boy named Sushan. He often found himself comparing his life to other children who appeared wealthier. This consistent comparison bred feelings of uncertainty and sadness in him. Consumed by these emotions, Sushan spent much of his time and energy trying to emulate those children.
Seeking guidance, he approached Guru Practice one day and expressed, "Sairam Guru Practice, could you help me become like the children who possess more than I do?" Guru Practice, after listening attentively, counseled, "Sushan, you are a unique individual with your own set of talents. Focus your time and energy on discovering and nurturing these gifts. Never measure yourself against others; everyone has their own path, karma, sadhana, and blessings. Strive to do your best, remain honest, and be courteous, and success will naturally find its way to you."
Curious, Sushan inquired, "Guru Practice, your demeanor is so serene and filled with wisdom. How did you cultivate this?" Guru Practice reminisced, "In my younger days, I regularly attended Ssssb classes. Back then, there was no internet or Zoom. I'd walk for two hours, just to hear my Gurus and ask them questions. The insights I gained, coupled with their teachings' practical application, molded me into the person I am now."
Eager to embark on a similar journey, Sushan asked, "Are there such value classes in Bhaktapur currently? I deeply wish to emulate your path, Guru ji." Guru Practice responded, "Give me a moment, Sushan, let me see." He closed his eyes, and Sushan waited with bated breath. When Guru Practice finally opened his eyes, an impatient Sushan inquired, "Were you able to locate a Soul Blossom Class in Bhaktapur, Guru ji?"
Nodding, Guru Practice shared, "Indeed, Sushan. I found an Ssssb class in Balkot. It's conducted by Meena ma'am and Gita ma'am. Several students, including Ruvi and Anup, are regular attendees. They receive guidance not just from local Gurus, but also from those across Nepal and other countries. Additionally, many students and parents connect via Zoom, encompassing individuals like Sarita, Sonaniya, and Aarushi, and also groups from places like Katari and Biratnagar."
With this revelation, a wave of joy washed over Sushan, clarity dawning on the path he should tread.
Question for today: What aspect of this Ssssb story resonated with you the most?

Five questions of story 2007, Sushan Compares Himself to Other Children
1) How did Sushan feel when he compared himself to wealthier children?
a) Proud and confident
b) Uncertain and sad
2) What did Guru Practice tell Sushan about himself?
a) That he needs to be wealthier.
b) That he is unique with his own talents.
3) How did Guru Practice acquire his wisdom and peace?
a) By attending school.
b) By attending Ssssb classes and listening to his Gurus.
4) Who conducts the Ssssb class in Balkot that Guru Practice mentioned?
a) Guru Practice
b) Meena ma'am and Gita ma'am
5) What did Sushan want to become after talking to Guru Practice?
a) Wealthier like the other children
b) Wise and peaceful like Guru Practice
Story 2008: Amina of Matadi, The Girl Who Inspired Many.
Story 2008: Amina of Matadi, The Girl Who Inspired Many.
In the village of Matadi in Congo, children would regularly gather to study and play. Amina was one of them. Initially, she wasn't popular among the other children because she often lied, wasn't polite, and wasn't very helpful.
However, this started to change when Amina joined the Ssssb classes and began to apply the values she learned. She started speaking kindly and lovingly, became more helpful, and stopped lying. At first, Amina didn't realize she was changing. What she did notice was that the others began to like her more and more. She first thought that the others had changed, but later she realized it was because she herself had changed.
Her new approach to life made her much happier. Before, she would focus on the faults of others and only see her own good qualities. But with the teachings of the Ssssb class, she reversed this: she began to see the good in others and looked for things within herself that she could improve.
When the village faced a major problem - it hadn't rained for a long time and all the water in the wells had dried up - Amina came up with a solution. Instead of each of the 108 families digging shallow wells from which no water came, Amina suggested dividing the families into four groups and digging four deep wells. This idea worked: there was plenty of water again for people, animals, and plants. Amina was seen as an inspirer and a role model. Other villages adopted Amina's idea and they too had water again. Amina became a symbol of hope and success for the community and became a beloved girl who taught others about kindness, service, and honesty.
Amina's loving heart shone like a bright star, and her influence wasn't limited to just Matadi or even Congo. She inspired countless individuals and became a role model for people both within and outside of Congo.
Question for today: Have you, like Amina, experienced that people appreciated you more after you put the Ssssb values into practice?

Five questions of story 2008, Amina of Matadi, The Girl Who Inspired Many.
1) Why was Amina initially not popular among other children?
A) She was very shy.
B) She often lied and wasn't polite.
2) What changed Amina's behavior and attitude towards others?
A) A vacation she took.
B) Joining the Ssssb classes and applying the values she learned.
3) What was Amina's solution to the water problem?
A) To pray for rain.
B) Divide the families into groups and dig four deep wells.
4) After the water solution, how did the village view Amina?
A) As a troublemaker.
B) As an inspirer and role model.
5) What shone like a bright star, symbolizing Amina's love and kindness?
A) A special necklace she wore.
B) Her heart.
story 2009: From Influence to Insight: Faneel and Rahul's Joint Transformation
Story 2009: From Influence to Insight: Faneel and Rahul's Joint Transformation
Rahul, a boy from Lalitpur, Nepal, was known for his gentle nature and respect for others. However, lately, he began to act more demanding and indifferent, especially towards his parents and his younger sister, Ranu. This behavior was so out of character that the family wondered what could be wrong.
It soon became clear that his new classmate, Faneel, was a bad influence on him. Under Faneel's influence, Rahul also began demanding money from his parents for unnecessary expenses. When his requests were denied, he reacted with anger and frustration.
His deeply concerned parents decided to contact his school and discuss his behavior with his teacher. The teacher already had an idea that Faneel played a role in Rahul's changing behavior. After speaking with Faneel's parents, he found out that they had spoiled Faneel in the past. Now that they were unemployed, they were no longer able to meet all of Faneel's demands.
The teacher decided to talk to Faneel, who eventually admitted: "My parents always gave me what I wanted, but now the situation has changed." After a profound conversation about the value of money and the challenges his parents faced, Faneel felt remorse and decided to change his behavior.
Inspired by his teacher, Faneel took it upon himself to talk to Rahul. "Rahul," he said, "I now realize I was wrong to always ask for money and influence you." Rahul replied, "You're right, we need to change. Let's be vigilant about our ways and work hard to improve ourselves." Both boys did just that and transformed into exemplary students.
When he returned home, Rahul sought out his sister Ranu: "Why didn't you ever tell me I was changing?" Ranu, with tears in her eyes, replied: "I tried, brother, but you wouldn't listen." Rahul, realizing how much pain he had caused his family, promised to change.
Seeing this transformation, the parents of Rahul and Ranu felt a wave of relief and pride. Even the neighbors, who had witnessed Rahul's previous behavior, noticed the positive change and praised the family for overcoming this challenge.

Five questions of story 2009: From Influence to Insight: Faneel and Rahul's Joint Transformation
1) Who was having a bad influence on Rahul?
A) His teacher
B) His new classmate, Faneel
2) How did Rahul react when his demands were not met?
A) With gratitude and understanding
B) With anger and frustration
3) What did the teacher discover about Faneel's past?
A) Faneel was always a well-behaved student.
B) Faneel was spoiled by his parents.
4) What did Faneel decide after his conversation with the teacher?
A) To continue demanding money from his parents
B) To change his behavior
5) What did Rahul's sister, Ranu, say when Rahul asked her about not informing him about his changed behavior?
A) "I didn't notice any change."
B) "I tried, brother, but you wouldn't listen."
Story 10: Loes, The Resolute Protector of Community and Dike
Story 10: Loes, The Resolute Protector of Community and Dike
In an era long before the rise of the internet and mobile phones, there lived a vigilant girl named Loes in a Dutch village. Her village and the surrounding ones were situated five meters below sea level and were protected against water by dykes and pumping stations. Loes, with her attentive nature, was keenly aware of the importance of this protection.
One day, as she walked along the dyke, Loes spotted muskrats and beavers burrowing their way through the earth. From the lessons she had at school and reading library books, she knew that these animals could weaken the dyke, posing a great danger to her village. She ran to the villagers to warn them, but her stories were dismissed as childish fantasies.
Driven by a desire to protect her village, Loes devised a plan to take photos of the rats as evidence. She asked her family and neighbors to lend her a camera, but no one was willing to help. With determination, she saved enough money to buy a second-hand camera. She waited patiently by the dyke for hours until she finally captured the rats on photos
When she returned with the photos as evidence, the villagers couldn't believe their eyes. They immediately called in the dyke wardens, who were shocked to find that the dyke was already showing cracks and would soon give way. All the surrounding villages were evacuated that very day. Afterwards, the dyke was promptly repaired and reinforced. Moreover, the muskrats and beavers were captured and taken to a place where they could live freely without causing any damage. Loes was honored as a heroine, not only for her bravery but also for her perseverance and ingenuity.

Five questions of story 2010: Loes, The Resolute Protector of Community and Dike
1) What protected Loes's village from water?
A - Umbrellas and roofs
B - Dykes and pumps
2) How did the villagers initially react to Loes's warning?
A - They took immediate action.
B - Dismissed it as a child's fantasy
3) How did Loes acquire a camera?
A - She borrowed one.
B - Saved money to buy one
4) What was the condition of the dyke when the dyke wardens inspected it?
A - Perfectly fine
B - Showing cracks and near to collapse
5) What was the immediate action taken after Loes presented her evidence?
A - Festival was held
B - Surrounding villages of the dyke were evacuated