Stories 2011 - 2014
Story no | Story Name | Writer(s) of this story / Topic and date | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | We did or planned this story in the class of: |
2011 | Story 2011: A Mother Leads, Words Turn to Actions, the Family Transforms | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-11 | ||
2012 | Lila's Experience, Truth Brings Peace and Wisdom | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-11 | ||
2013 | The Inspiring Influence of Sara's Family Lifestyle | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-11 | ||
2014 | Prem forgot to return the pencil | Meena Rijal (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-12 | ||
2015 | Rajesh surprises everyone in the new school year. | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-04 | yes | |
2016 | Anima Congo | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-05 | yes, in congo classes | |
2017 | Someone has put money, diamonds, and gold in your bag. | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-05 | yes | |
2018a | Saterday, most funny day [Nepal] | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-05 | ||
2018b | Sunday, most funny day [Congo] | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-05 | ||
2019 | Two Students Set an Example for All, Guided by Guru-Practice [To make the world better] | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-06 | yes | |
2020 | Two students visit Guru-Practice, for better study result | Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2024-06 | planned for 22/23 june 2024 class |
Story 2011: A Mother Leads, Words Turn to Actions, the Family Transforms
Story 2011: A Mother Leads, Words Turn to Actions, the Family Transforms
Once upon a time, there was a family consisting of a father, a mother, Aarav, and Aaron. The father worked in a vegetable wholesale business, while the mother divided her time between her role as a part-time fruit wholesaler and caring for their sons. The boys were diligent in their studies, and together they lived in harmony and peace, sharing the household chores.
Initially, the mother had a significant influence on her family. She regularly warned her husband and sons when their lifestyle became unbalanced due to, for example, excessive use of mobile devices, watching series without spiritual values, excessive playing of computer games, unhealthy eating, and neglecting bhajans, prayer, meditation, and seva activities.
But gradually, the father and sons began to listen less to the mother. She couldn't understand why her inspiring influence was waning. As a result, she decided to seek help from Guru Practice. Guru Practice listened to her story and soon understood the cause. "You also do the things you advise your family against," he said. The mother was momentarily taken aback and confessed that, although her family didn't know, she had gradually fallen into these habits as well. "Start practicing to let go of these habits by connecting everything you do with values, and come back in a week," the guru advised.
The mother felt hopeful that there was a prospect of restoring the old harmony and peace in the family. After a week of practice, she returned to the guru hoping that he would perform a miracle or give a mantra to solve her problems, but Guru Practice asked her the exact same question again. The mother admitted that she had not yet managed to let go of all the bad habits. Guru Practice continually encouraged her to keep up her efforts and to come back every week. At the fourth visit, Guru Practice said, "You can now kindly ask your family to let go of bad habits."
Now, Mother's message was truly inspiring. Her family gradually began to leave their unhealthy lifestyle behind. Mother learned that true healing begins with setting the right example yourself. Only then will your words inspire others.
Today's question: Why is it that our advice, which we do not practice ourselves, does not have a lasting effect?

Five questions of Story 2011: A Mother Leads, Words Turn to Actions, the Family Transforms
1) What did the mother warn her family against?
- a) Excessive sports
- b) Excessive use of mobile devices and unhealthy habits
2) What did Guru Practice notice about the mother’s advice?
- a) It was perfect.
- b) She was not following her own advice.
3) What did the guru advise the mother to do?
- a) To punish her family
- b) To practice letting go of bad habits herself
4) How did the family react when the mother started setting the right example?
- a) They ignored her.
- b) They began changing their habits.
5) What is the moral of the story?
- a) True healing begins with setting the right example.
- b) It's okay to not follow your own advice.
Story 2012: Lila's Experience, Truth Brings Peace and Wisdom
Story 2012: Lila's Experience, Truth Brings Peace and Wisdom
In Panauti, Bhaktapur, Nepal, Lila lived with her parents near the future main ashram of Bhagwan Baba. Lila adored sweets, and her parents often indulged her cravings. However, when they discovered that the abundance of sweets negatively affected Lila's health and teeth, they decided to drastically reduce her sweet intake.
One day, Lila noticed her mother hiding money under the fruit basket. Overcome by her craving for sweets, she secretly took five rupees and bought chocolate with it. Later, when her mother needed money for groceries and noticed the shortage, she confronted Lila. Fearing the consequences, Lila lied and denied taking the money.
As days passed, Lila's guilt over her lie grew. She wanted to confess the truth but feared her parents' reaction. During a lesson from the Soul Blossom Class, the Ssssb-guru spoke about the importance of honesty, even when it's difficult. This message deeply resonated with Lila.
Determined to be honest, Lila returned home after the lesson and confessed to taking the five rupees. To her surprise, her mother was not angry. Instead, she praised Lila for her honesty and embraced her lovingly.
When her father came home, they discussed the incident. Her parents were surprised but also proud that Lila had ultimately told the truth. Lila explained that the Ssssb-guru's lesson had prompted her confession. Her father noted that it would be desirable for all children to follow Ssssb lessons in addition to their regular subjects. Lila mentioned that there were also weekly online Ssssb family classes via Zoom, intended for children, parents, and others.
During the next Ssssb lesson, Lila shared her experience. Her teachers were delighted and proud that she had immediately applied the values she had learned. Lila eventually grew up to become a Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom Guru and led a peaceful, happy, and successful life that inspired many.
This story is based on a true situation.
Today's question: Have you also experienced a situation in which you may or may not have told the truth?

Five questions of story 2012, Lila's Experience, Truth Brings Peace and Wisdom
1) Why did Lila's parents decide to buy less sweets?
a) Because sweets were expensive
b) Because it was affecting Lila's health and teeth
2) How did Lila feel after lying to her mother about the money?
a) Happy
B) Guilty
3) How did Lila's mother react when Lila confessed to taking the money?
A) She was angry
B) She was understanding and hugged Lila
4) What did Lila's father wish for after hearing about the incident?
A) For Lila to be punished
B) For all children to receive Ssssb lessons along with their regular subjects
5) Who can attend the online Ssssb family classes via Zoom?
A) Only children
B) Everyone including parents and children
Story 2013: The Inspiring Influence of Sara's Family Lifestyle
Story 2013: The Inspiring Influence of Sara's Family Lifestyle
Sara and Olivia were friends, in the same class, and lived about a twenty-minute walk from their school. Sara lived with her parents and younger sister, while Olivia lived with her parents and younger brother.
There were many similarities between the two families:
Both families consisted of four members.
They had roughly the same studies, opportunities, and possibilities.
The income of both families was comparable.
However, there were also differences:
Sara and her sister walked to school, while Olivia and her sister were taken by scooter.
Sara's family lived simply and chose healthy food, while Olivia's family spent unnecessarily, often cooked too much, and got takeout.
Sara was proactive, friendly, helpful, well-prepared, and got high grades. Olivia procrastinated, was often unprepared, and sometimes didn't even finish her homework. When the results of the first term exams were announced, the difference was clear: Sara scored high on both academic subjects and behavior. On the contrary, Olivia had mediocre grades for both.
During the parent afternoon of the exam discussion, the parents met each other. Sara's parents were grateful and proud, while Olivia's parents were disappointed and frustrated. Sara's parents noticed the disappointment of Olivia's parents and offered them encouragement and an invitation to visit them at home.
One day, Olivia's family visited Sara's house. On the way back, Olivia's parents discussed what they had noticed. Olivia's mother: "Their decor is simple, but their house seems much larger than ours." Olivia's father replied: "No, the houses are the same size, but we have a lot of unnecessary stuff. Sara's house contains only the essentials, that's why our house seems smaller." He continued: "They live simply, they had prepared delicious and healthy meals." Olivia's mother nodded and added: "That's true. They don't waste money on unnecessary things and can even save. And so kind and caring that they want to help our children with their studies." Olivia's parents agreed that they needed to change their lifestyle to become happier, more successful, and more exemplary.
Today's question: What do you think of the lifestyles of the two families?

Five questions of story 2013: The Inspiring Influence of Sara's Family Lifestyle
1) How did Sara and her sister get to school?
A: By scooter
B: Walking
2) What did Olivia’s parents notice about Sara’s house when they visited?
A: It was smaller but full of unnecessary items
B: It seemed larger due to its simplicity
3) What did Sara's parents do when they noticed Olivia's parents were disappointed?
A: They offered encouragement and an invitation to their home
B: They ignored them
4) What did Olivia’s mother comment about their visit to Sara’s house?
A: Their house was overly decorated
B: They didn’t waste money on unnecessary things and even saved money
5) Why did Olivia's parents decide to change their lifestyle?
A: Because they wanted to spend more money
B: To become happier, more successful, and set a good example
A Humble Family
In a remote village in Nepal, there lived a humble family consisting of Grandparents, Parents, and two children, Prem and Sumi. Despite financial struggles, the family found happiness in their daily lives. Prem, the elder brother at 12, and Sumi, at 8, belonged to a poor family. Both parents worked tirelessly, with the mother in a Tailor and the father in a Biscuit factory. Despite their challenges, the family maintained a positive outlook on life, emphasizing prayer, respect, discipline, and hard work.
After Using It, Please Give It Back
Prem's school life brought unexpected challenges. One day, he forgot to bring a pencil, and Arun, a friend from a well-off family, lent him one. Arun's condition was simple: "After using it, please give it back so I can pass it on to someone else." However, Prem, unintentionally, forgot to return the pencil. Realizing his mistake at home, he confessed to his mother, who reassured him that he could return it the next day.
Determined to fulfill his promise, Prem insisted on going that evening. However, Arun had left school abruptly because his mother, a doctor, was urgently needed in another city. Prem felt guilty, but life continued. Prem completed his studies, joined a company, and, after 15 years, crossed paths with Arun in the same workplace.
A Lesson Learned, A Debt Repaid
Prem, now successful in his career, remembered the long-overdue pencil. The next day, he returned it to Arun, surprising him with the forgotten loan. Arun, in turn, realized he owed others as well and promptly returned borrowed items. From that day forward, Arun never forgot to return things, and both friends learned the importance of keeping promises and taking responsibility for borrowed items.
Today's question: Have you also experienced a situation as by Prem and Arun?

Five questions of story 2014: prem forgot to return the pencil
1) What was Prem's reaction when he realized he forgot to return the pencil?
a) Ignored it and pretended it didn't happen
b) Confessed to his mother and decided to return it the next day
2) Question: What did the humble family in the remote village emphasize in their daily lives?
a) Luxury and wealth
b) Prayer, respect, discipline, and hard work
3) What did Arun do when Prem returned the long-overdue pencil after 15 years?
a) Ignored it, considering it unimportant
b) Realized he owed others as well and promptly returned borrowed items
4) How did the humble family find happiness despite financial struggles?
a) By ignoring their challenges
b) By maintaining a positive outlook on life, emphasizing prayer, respect, discipline, and hard work
5) What lesson did Prem learn from forgetting to return the pencil?
a) Always borrow things and never return them
b) The importance of keeping promises and taking responsibility for borrowed items
Story 2015: Rajesh surprises everyone in the new school year.
Rajesh from Bhaktapur, Nepal, was always naughty at school. He was not friendly, not helpful, and only thought of himself. Everyone was worried about Rajesh's behavior and future.
During a holiday, Rajesh went to his hometown in Biratnagar, to his aunt and uncle, who were also shocked by Rajesh's character. His aunt and uncle took him to Guru-Practice in the nearby village. Guru-Practice, a former SSSSB student, practiced values daily in everything that came his way. People who knew him often came to him for solutions to their problems. Rajesh was initially hesitant to go along, but the love, kindness, simplicity, and wisdom of Guru-Practice impressed him. For the first time in his ten-year-old life, Rajesh felt understood and appreciated for who he was.
During the holiday, Rajesh visited Guru-Practice several times. One day, during his last visit, Rajesh felt deep emotions. He didn't want to leave; he wanted to stay and learn from the wise teachings of Guru-Practice. Guru-Practice told Rajesh that he would always be connected to him, even if they were far apart, if he practiced the simple but very necessary lessons of love, honesty, and helpfulness.
Back at school, Rajesh surprised everyone with his changed ways. He was loving and kind to everyone and took every opportunity to lend a helping hand. His friends, family, and teachers were amazed by his transformation. Rajesh, who was not liked in previous school years, became a role model in this school year. He wasn't the best student in terms of grades, but he improved his manners a lot.
The topic question and the heart-work for today are: What will we practice from this school year onwards to become an even better person than in previous school years?
What was Rajesh like before the new school year?
a) Friendly and helpful
b) Naughty and self-centered -
What impressed Rajesh about Guru-Practice?
a) His strict discipline
b) His love, kindness, and wisdom -
What lessons did Guru-Practice teach Rajesh?
a) To be selfish and dishonest
b) To practice love, honesty, and helpfulness -
How did Rajesh behave when he returned to school?
a) He was still naughty and unfriendly
b) He was loving, kind, and helpful to everyone -
What changed about Rajesh in the new school year?
a) He became the best student in terms of grades
b) He became a role model by improving his manners and behavior

Verhaal 2016: Amina uit Nzanza, Matadi
In Nzanza, Matadi woonde een meisje van twaalf jaar genaamd Amina. Ze ging elke zondag met haar familie naar de kerk, waar ze luisterde naar bijeenkomsten over Lord Jesus Christus en Lord Shri Sanjay Sai Baba. Amina dacht diep na over de lessen en bracht ze in praktijk.
Door niet alleen te luisteren en erover na te denken, maar ook in praktijk te brengen wat haar goede en lieve Gurus vertelden, veranderde Amina van een normaal meisje in een super lief en goed meisje. Ze werd eerlijk, vriendelijk tegen iedereen, hielp overal waar het kon, hielp ook de kleine kinderen met huiswerk en mediteerde dagelijks, waarbij ze Lord Jesus Christus en Lord Shri Sanjay Sai Baba dankte.
Haar positieve energie straalde vrede en geluk uit, wat haar vrienden inspireerde om vanaf nu niet alleen te luisteren naar wat hun Gurus vertelden, maar ook de dingen echt in praktijk te brengen. Steeds meer kinderen uit Nzanza, Matadi volgden Amina's voorbeeld. Ze hielpen anderen en oefenden de lessen van liefde en mededogen. Het dorp veranderde; kinderen en volwassenen werden vriendelijker en behulpzamer.
Iedereen uit Congo en zelfs uit andere landen wilden Amina zien, met haar praten en een handtekening van haar hebben. Alle ouders, tantes, ooms, oma's, opa's, leerkrachten en anderen hoopten dat hun kinderen ook als Amina zouden worden. Amina werd een inspiratie voor iedereen, en dankzij haar voorbeeld van vooral praktiseren, voelden alle andere kinderen die Amina's voorbeeld volgden ook de aanwezigheid, bescherming en liefde van God.
Vraag van vandaag: Hoe vind je dit verhaal en ga je ook het voorbeeld van Amina volgen?
Hart-werk: Doe bij elke gelegenheid die je krijgt goede dingen.
Histoire 2016 : Amina de Nzanza, Matadi
À Nzanza, Matadi, vivait une fille de douze ans nommée Amina. Chaque dimanche, elle se rendait à l'église avec sa famille, où elle écoutait des réunions sur Lord Jesus Christ et Lord Shri Sanjay Sai Baba. Amina réfléchissait profondément aux leçons et les mettait en pratique.
En ne se contentant pas seulement d'écouter et de réfléchir, mais en mettant également en pratique ce que ses bons et chers Gurus lui disaient, Amina passa d'une fille normale à une fille super gentille et bonne. Elle devint honnête, aimable envers tout le monde, aidait partout où elle le pouvait, aidait aussi les petits enfants avec leurs devoirs et méditait quotidiennement, en remerciant Lord Jesus Christ et Lord Shri Sanjay Sai Baba.
Son énergie positive rayonnait de paix et de bonheur, inspirant ses amis à non seulement écouter ce que leurs Gurus leur disaient, mais aussi à mettre réellement les choses en pratique. De plus en plus d'enfants de Nzanza, Matadi suivaient l'exemple d'Amina. Ils aidaient les autres et pratiquaient les leçons d'amour et de compassion. Le village changea ; les enfants et les adultes devinrent plus aimables et serviables.
Des gens de tout le Congo et même d'autres pays voulaient voir Amina, lui parler et obtenir un autographe d'elle. Tous les parents, tantes, oncles, grands-mères, grands-pères, enseignants et autres espéraient que leurs enfants deviennent aussi comme Amina. Amina devint une inspiration pour tout le monde et, grâce à son exemple de pratique, tous les autres enfants qui suivaient l'exemple d'Amina ressentaient aussi la présence, la protection et l'amour de Dieu.
Question du jour : Que pensez-vous de cette histoire et allez-vous suivre l'exemple d'Amina ?
Devoir de cœur : Faites de bonnes actions à chaque occasion qui se présente.
Story 2017 Someone has put money, diamonds, and gold in your bag.
Topic and H-w: English: There was an 11-year-old boy from Balkot, Nepal. He came from a family that was economically poor but had very good character. Besides his parents, he had an older sister and a younger sister. The parents had to work very hard and a lot to make ends meet.
One day, he came home from school and, while doing his homework, he found a box in his bag. He was surprised; where did that box come from? He opened the box and inside were 4 diamonds, 4 gold coins, and 4 stacks of money. All kinds of thoughts went through his head. He thought, "Did God put it there to help my family? I always ask God not to let my parents and sisters live in economic poverty. Maybe God put this in my bag for my 4 family members, and now they are rich." He wanted to immediately distribute it to his mother, father, sister, and younger sister... but then he thought, "But if God didn't do this, then who did?" Other thoughts also went through his mind. He didn't know what to do...
What would you do if someone put so much money, diamonds, and gold in your bag?
a] Keep it a secret and think carefully about your next steps?
b] Use it to fulfill your dreams and goals?
c] ....
Story 2018: Favorite Day of the Week [For Nepal]
There was an 11-year-old boy from Balkot, Nepal, who really liked one day of the week. And that was Saturday, because on that day he could do things he really enjoyed. On Saturdays, he could play sports, participate in the Ssssb family class, go to the ashram to see and listen to Swami, and he could also go to the market, shops, and other places. Saturday was his absolute favorite day of the week. In fact, Saturday was the only day he liked. He wished every day could be Saturday.
He didn't like the other days because he had to go to school and often had homework. On Saturdays, he woke up very early, but on the other days, he didn't feel like getting up early and pretended to be sick to stay in bed and avoid going to school.
Story 2018: Favorite Day of the Week [For Congo]
There was an 11-year-old boy from Nzanza, Matadi, who really liked one day of the week. And that was Sunday because on that day he could do things he really enjoyed. On Sundays, he could play sports, participate in the Lord Jesus and Ssssb Swami class in the church building, and he could also go to the market, shops, and other places. Sunday was his absolute favorite day of the week. In fact, Sunday was the only day he liked. He wished every day could be Sunday.
He didn't like the other days because he had to go to school and often had homework. On Sundays, he woke up very early, but on the other days, he didn't feel like getting up early and pretended to be sick to stay in bed and avoid going to school.
Today's question: Do you also have a day that you like the most, and why?
Story 2019: Two Students Set an Example for All, Guided by Guru-Practice
Two girls from grade 7 were having a conversation during recess. One said, "It's so terrible that we can't do anything for people who are sad; like sick people, unhappy, sad people, and for people where there is war."
The other student nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, you're right. I often think about this too and feel so helpless... wait, wait, let's ask Guru-Practice if we might still be able to do something."
With much hope, the two classmates went to Guru-Practice. With great emotion and nearly crying, they both said, "Sairam Guru-Practice, please help us. We want to do something for sick, unhappy, sad people, and especially for children who are in war zones, but we are children and therefore can't do anything. You have a solution for everything, which is why we have come to you for advice."
Even the wise Guru-Practice became emotional due to the love and goodness of these students. Guru-Practice said, "You can certainly do something."
The students became happy and said, "Really, Guru-Practice? But we are so small and not rich, and we are not prime ministers. What can we do?"
Guru-Practice smiled and said, "You can do these three things:
1] During light meditation, send light from God in your heart to all these people you want to help, because then the people will feel your love and goodness and have less sadness.
2] Think, see, hear, and say good things, because then your good energy will go into the world and the world will immediately become a little better.
3] Help where there is help needed and where you can help, no matter how small it may seem, because then wisdom, love, and goodness will grow even more in yourself."
The students thanked Guru-Practice, became happy, and instead of feeling helpless, now felt very needed and important for the world.
Story 2020: Transforming the Monkey Mind - The Secret to a Happy and Successful Life
Two grade 6 students from Gamcha, Nepal had upcoming exams and aimed to achieve good results. Despite receiving many tips from teachers, family, and friends, they only felt briefly inspired before slipping back into old habits.
Student 1: "I don't understand. Our teachers and my parents give so many tips on getting good results, but I can't stick to them."
Student 2: "Same here. It works for a short time, but after that, I can't keep up with them either."
Feeling gloomy, one student said, "Student life is so hard. I hope school ends soon so I never have homework and exams again. I want to work, earn money, and do fun things with my salary."
The other said, "I wish I could stay a baby. When I was a baby, I didn't have exams, and everyone was nice to me, even when I was naughty."
They decided to visit Guru-Practice, who they heard had a solution for everything. Guru-Practice listened to their troubles and gave this advice:
"The tips from teachers and family, like getting enough sleep, taking breaks, making notes, working ahead, eating healthily, and avoiding unnecessary talk, are all excellent. When I was a student, I felt like you do now. But I added one thing that made everything better. I focused completely on whatever I was doing - studying, sports, meetings, school, or home. My 'monkey mind' came more under control, I remembered things better, made fewer mistakes, felt calmer and more peaceful, and improved overall."
The boys, who hadn't laughed since receiving their exam schedules, now had hope and felt happy again. They appreciated that they could continue sports and other activities with full attention, training their monkey minds at every opportunity.
They thanked Guru-Practice and cheerfully returned to focus on all their activities.