SSSSB value Story 2011 to 2020
no | STORY | Writer of this story | Ready to use in SSSSB classes | Drawings made by | We did this story in the Ssssb2 class of: |
Story 2011 | THE COMPETITIONS IN THE WORLD (August 31, 2021, The first international Shri Sanjay Soul Blossom conferance (Zoom Meeting Bhagawan Baba and whole SSSSB families) | Bhagwan Baba | After final check | 05-01 RoleModel class, 18 sept 2021 | |
Story 2012 | NATJNA WANTED TO BECOME A DANCE TEACHER | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-44, 2022 June04 | |
Story 2013 | FANINDRA ONLY LOOKED AT THE LESS GOOD QUALITIES OF OTHERS. | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-45, 2022 June11 | |
Story 2014 | SHANOLI AND HER TWO BEST FRIENDS | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-46, 2022 June18 | |
Story 2015 | SONA WAS VERY SPOILED FROM CHILDHOOD | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-47, 2022 June25 | |
Story 2016 | MOHA, SOHAN AND THEIR LIFESTYLE | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-48, 2022 July02 | |
Story 2018 | A FAMOUS GURU AND AN UNKNOWN GURU | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-50, 2022 July16 | |
Story 2019 | A SMALL SIMPLE SCHOOL AND A LARGE MODERN SCHOOL | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-51, 2022 July30 | |
Story 2020 | A TREE THAT STARTED COMPARING ITSELF TO... | Sunil Marapin | yes | 02-52, 2022 August06 |
Story 2011: the competitions in the world

Story 2011: the competitions in the world
August 31, 2021, The first international Shri Sanjay Soul Blossom conferance (Zoom Meeting Bhagawan Baba and whole SSSSB families)
From Bhagawan Baba SSSSB-day pravachan.
“Whether you are very far, whether i am speaking to zoom, laptop, small sreen Swamies love and swamies blessing is never far from you all. I am always with you, around you and I will always remain with you”
Story about the competitions in the world:
A little boy who was very good at running and took part in a running competition. He won all stages of the competition.
Everyone clapped, cheered and complimented the boy, except one man.
The boy was very happy and proud of himself.
Then the man who was the only one not clapping said to the boy: “You have one more race to do, this is the last race, if you win this race, you will be the perfect winner. There are no other athletes in the race, just a blind man and an old lady and you.” The boy won the race very easily, but this time no one clapped for the boy. The boy was surprised and didn't understand why no one was clapping for him this time. Then the man says to the boy: "Do one more race but let the other two participants win too". The boy started the race, with one hand he held the blind man and with the other hand he held the old lady, he did not run but walked at the tempo of the two others. It takes a long time for they reach the finish line together. This time they all started clapping and complimenting the boy.
“Winning together is most important in today’s life. Only until your legs will work, until you can run, people will clap for you. Once you are weak, people slowly forget about you. so run together.”
Today’s Topic questions
1) How many poeples-groups are there in the running race story of Bhagawan Baba’s ?
2) Let’s talk about how the groups think and act !
3) To which of the persons-groups can you compare your daily life the best?
1) Let's anilize all 4 characters.
2) Which of the 4 group characters can you best compare yourself to?
There are 4 groups/characters in Swami's story:
A- The boy and his friends,
B- The public
C- the man who didn't clap
D- Blindman/Old Lady.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story.
Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, from Bhagwan Baba's Zoom Pravachan from 31 August 2021
Story 2012: Natjna wanted to become a dance teacher

Story 2012: Natjna wanted to become a dance teacher
Natjna is a 12-year-old student from group 6 and wants to become a dance teacher when she grows up.
She went to a dance school every week and was a smooth student, she learned the new dance steps and movements very quickly and well.
One day, her dance teacher sent her a Viber message: "Sairam Natjna, I've been feeling unwell for a few days, can you do tomorrow's dance class? You can repeat the new dance steps and moves we started last week. You can call or message me if you have any questions. Thanks in advance for your help. Greetings from Rashu Ma'am, your dance teacher from Sai-Rashu Dance School"
You can imagine that Natjna was very happy and started dancing for joy. On the one hand, she was not happy because her dance teacher Rashu Ma’am was sick, but very happy because she was going to teach dance for the first time in her life. She was so excited that she completely forgot to prepare for tomorrows dance class.
The next day, when the dance class started, Natjna was so nervous that she had forgot the dance steps and movements. In addition, the dance school students did not listen to her.
Today's question: Did something similar happen to you when you did something new without preparation?
Today’s game:
We have a list with 40 words. A student in turn is the leader (has to keep discipline in the class) and introduces one of the words (or an own word), in her/his own way. The other student tries to guess the word by listening carefully and asking questions.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in May 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter

2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, Natjna was a 12-year-old student of class 6 who wanted to become a teacher in the future. She went to dance school every day and learned many new steps and moves. One day her dance teacher asked her to do dance class the next day because she was not feeling well.Natjna was very happy and started dancing in happiness. But in happiness she forgot to prepare for the class. Next day the dance class started. She was very nervous so she forgot the dance steps and moves. And the students did not listen to her and all laughed at her.
We should learn from this story that we should practice for future work. We should not be like Natjma who was not preparing for the future and everyone laughed at her mistakes in her dance steps and movements.
And another thing is that we should not do works nervously. We should do everything with confidence because if we do all works in nervousness than we will not do well.
2022-September: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2013: Fanindra only looked at the less good qualities of others.

Story 2013: Fanindra only looked at the less good qualities of others.
Fanindra was an 11 year old boy in 5th grade and always looked at the mistakes of others. He never said good things about others, even though the others had many good manners. He tries to find things in others that need improvement and complained about it.
But about himself he did the opposite. He himself had many manners that still needed to be improved. Fanindra never thought or spoke of the bad manners in herself. He acted like he was perfect.
You can imagine that another student did not like the character Fanindra.
There were no students talking to Fanindra, all the students gossiping among themselves about Fanindra's bad manners.
But after a while, a student named Lubania started talking to Fanindra.
Lubania has been changing since she took part in SSSSB classes and practiced what she learned from her SSSSB gurus. Lubania was not the best student in the class, but everyone liked her very much. Finally, Fanindra and other students change because of Lubinia's manners.
Today's question: What about your manners, how you look to your manners and to the manners of the others?
Today’s game: Share a good manners or good things about others.
Everyone takes turns asking the others to say something about her or him.
The others tell a good manner or a good thing about the questioner.
Do not tell the questioner what still needs to be improved.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in June 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, there was a 11-year-5th grade boy named Fanindra who used to look at other student's faults rather than their good habits and tried to find things in others than needed to be improve. He never thought of bad habits in himself and liked to think that he was perfect. So no one in his class liked him. No one spoke to him. All the students used to gossip about Fanindra's character. But one student used to talk to him named Lubania who changed after attending Shree Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (SSSSB) class and practiced what the Shree Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (SSSSB) gurus taught her. Sometimes Fanindra and other students changed their habits because of Lubania's manners.
Like Fanindra, we should not only look at the faults of others and complain even if they are better than him. Instead of looking at the mistakes and behaviors of others, we should first look at our own mistakes and behavior that need improvements.
Another thing is that we should gossip about others like Fanindra's friends who uses to gossip Fanindra who did not look at his own faults and habits but only looked at the faults and conduct of others which needed to be improve.Instead of trying to change the character and habits of Fanindra.
2022-September: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2014: Shanoli and her two best friends

Story 2014: Shanoli and her two best friends
Shanoli was a 12-year-old girl from the 6th grade. She had two best friends. Shanti was one of her best friends who was very polite, honest and helpful. And her other best friend was Hanka. Hanka has the opposite character of Shanti's. Hanka was very quick angry, very fast jealous and lazy.
When Shanoli spent time with Shanti, her behavior and manners were very good. But when she spent time with Hanka, her behavior was the opposite. Shaloni didn't notice because she never looked critically at herself. But those around her clearly noticed the influence of her friends in Shaloni's behavior.
Today's questions:
1) Do you know this quote?, let talk about: “Tell me who your friends are, i shall tell you what you are.”
2) What is your experience with this topic? Let’s share our experience.
Today’s game: Ask the other from our SSSSB class about your manners.
Everyone takes turns asking the others to say something about her or his manners.
The others tell good manners and manners what can improve about the questioner.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in June 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-September : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, there was a 12-year-old girl studying in class 6 whose two best friends were Shanti who was very polite, honest and helpful and Hanka who was very quick to anger, very quick to get jealous and was very lazy. When Shaloni used to spend the time with Hanka,her behavior and manners were very good.But when she used to spend the time with Hanka, her behavior and manners became the opposite. Shaloni didn't noticed that because she never looked critically at herself. But those around her clearly noticed the influence of her friends in Shaloni's behavior.
Like Shaloni we should never be with bad manners and behaviors friends because if we will be with them or If we will sit with them than they will also make us like them who have bad manners and behaviors.And if we sit or be with good behaviors and manners friends they will make us like them wo is very polite,honest and helpful. And another thing we should look critically at ourselves because if we do not look critically at ourselves than we can not improve ourselves.
2022-September: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2015: Sona was very spoiled from childhood

Story 2015: Sona was very spoiled from childhood
Sona was a 11-year-old girl from the 5th grade. She was the youngest child in the family and the only girl. She has 3 brothers: Amar, Akbar and Antony. They brothers and parents were very happy with their small, cute Sona. But they spoiled her by giving everything she ask.
When Sona cry the relatives ran to pick her up and comfort her. She got compliments for everything she did. Even if she did badmaazee things the family members liked it because she was small and cute. If she didn't want to eat something, no one cared. if she wanted to eat something, mother would cook it especially for her, but often she ate 3 spoons and wanted to eat something else. The family said: “No problem, we'll eat it, she is still small and cute”.
You can imagine, it was very difficult in society for Sona. She blamed everyone by every small thing. She had never learned to stand up for herself and felt like she was the PM of the country.
Today's question:
What is your experience with this topic? Let’s share our experience.
Today’s game: Let’s act feelings and emotions
Everyone can take turns acting out a feeling or emotion from the photo.
We can also act out our own feelings and emotions that are not in the pictures.
The other will guess which feeling or emotion we are acting
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in June 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter

2022-October : Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, Sona was an 11-year-old girl studying in class 5 and was the youngest daughter in the family. Sona had 3 brothers named Amar, Akbar and Antony. All of them were happy with Sona but they spoiled her by giving everything she asked for.If Sona started to crying, all her relatives ran to comfort her and praised her for what she had done evem for the badmaasee.If she didn't want to eat no one cared,but if she wanted to, her mother would cook special food for her, but still she used to eat 3 spoons and liked to eat something else.She used to blame others for even the every small things and never learned to stand up for herself and felt that she is the prime minister of the country.
So, like Sona's family, parents should not spoil their children by giving them everything they want. Because if parents give them everything they want than they also will become like Sona. And parents should teach their children only good things and be very strict. And if parents will not teach than in the difficult situations of parents, if children ask want what they want and force them to do that.And if parents don't give their children what they want and the parents became poor than their children can to something bad to their parents or do it to themselves.
So if parents do not use to teach their children good things than children will also teach their children the same because children used to learn from their elders. Therefore, parents should not spoil their children and teach them good things and because of that they will also teach their childrens good things and they will make the society and the country good.
2022-September: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2016: Moha, Sohan and their lifestyle

Story 2016: Moha, Sohan and their lifestyle
Moha and Sohan were two 10-year-old friends from 7th grade. they were good friends and went to the same school. They both had good character. They were helpful, honest, friendly. They did their best at school and helped their parents where they could. their parents, family, friends and teachers were happy that the boys were good examples for all the other children
When they turned 11, Moha kept his good behavior but Sohan not, Sohan changed. He only wanted to do fun things like playing with other children, gaming for a long time, surfing the internet, watching TV, etc. After these things he was so tired and didn't feel like doing homework anymore. He did his homework quickly which caused him to make mistakes. If he didn't understand something, he was too lazy and tired to try to understand it. When his parents asked him to help around the house, he said he had a lot of homework. He deteriorated in school.
He was no longer the role model like his friend Moha.
Everyone was worried about Sohan except himself.
Today's question:
What is your experience with this topic? Let’s share our experience.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in June 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSBGuru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
Game: Ask the opinion of the others.
Choose a sentence and ask the others in the SSSB class to give their opinion on it.
There are 41 phrases to choose from, but you can also make up your own.
01: Try to answer teachers question always first.
02: Do daily 10 times meditation.
03: Help only the good friends.
04: Talk so much as possible.
05: I have to be the best in class.
06: Is better to be a baby then a student.
07: Copying homework from others.
08: Close doors softly.
09: Imitate others.
10: Compare yourself to others.
11: Create your own fix group of friends.
12: When others laugh, you laugh too.
13: When friends misbehave, join in with them.
14: When friends misbehave, don’t say anything to them.
15: Only pray if you have test-exam-problems.
16: Don’t talk to strangers.
17: Be extra nice to your parents when you need something.
18: Feel better then low cast students.
19: Feel better then poor students.
20: Play everyday games on mobile or laptop.
21: Give away what you don’t use to who needs it.
22: Pretend you're sleeping when your parents come to watch.
23: Pretend you're ..
24: Sit at the front of the class.
25: Act unkind to unkind children.
26: Want to have all the new things you see.
27: Talk about bad manners of others.
28: Never look at your own mistakes.
29: Complaints if the food is often the same.
30: Try to get so rich as possible.
31: Love your family more than others.
32: Dancing in front of the mirror, if you are alone.
33: Love your own country more than other countries.
34: Feel that your faith/religion is the best.
35: When bad people get in trouble, i get happy.
36: When the teacher is not in class i start talking.
37: Keep studying , even during the holidays.
38: Do the most important things first.
39: I will be different from my parents when i have kids.
40: School classes are more fun than SSSSB classes.
41: Sport, games and other activity are the best things at school
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story there were two friends of 10 years named Moha and Sohan of 7th grade. They were both good people who helped, be honest and friendly. They were best in school and helped their parents. Everyone was happy with him. At the age of 11, Moha was the same but Sohan changed. He only plays with friends, plays games for long hours, surfs the internet, watches TV, etc. He don't used to do homework in time and he used to do homework quickly. Because of which he makes many mistakes. He does not try to understand anything. He used to say "I have a lot of homework" when his parents ask him to help. He was very spoiled. He was no longer a role model like his friend Moha. Everyone was worried about Sohan except himself.
Like, Moha we should try to maintain our behavior and not like Sohan who don't used to maintain his character. So we should try to maintain our character because if we don't try to maintain our character then in future everyone will hate us because of our character and they will not help us also. And another thing we should be aware of in our child life for our future because it will help us to achieve success in our future.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2017: About Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba and other very important Avatars for us humans.

Story 2017: About Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba and other very important Avatars for us humans.
Rarely does God Himself come to Earth in human form, as an Avatar.
About the most important Avatars for us humans:
01 In Treta yuga God came as Shri Rama Avatar.
02 In Dwaper yuga, God came as Shri Krishna avatar.
03+04 In the present Kali yuga there have already been two Sai Avatars: Shri Sirdhi Sai Baba and Shri Sathya Sai Baba.
05 And right now the Avatar of God, Shri Sanjay Sai Baba, is on Earth. We who know Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba and are involved in His Divine mission should be boundlessly grateful and joyful.
Sixteen Facets of Glory (Kalas):
The avatars Lord Krishna and Lord Sathya Sai Baba were full incarnations, with all sixteen facets of glory. In the avatar of Lord Rama, of the sixteen, the three brothers (Prince Bharat, Prince Laxman and Prince Shatrughan) had one each and Lord Parasurama one.
Today's question:
01: What is your experience with Bhagawan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba so far?
Today's Game / Drama:
Let's play the role of a Guru.
Take turns playing the role of a Guru and answer the questions of the participants in today's Soul Blossom class.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in July 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
God took many avatars in this world to educate the whole world. Like our Supreme Lord Shiva who took 19 incarnations in the world and gave lessons to the world. As an avatar of Lord Shiva named Sharab Avatar. He took this avatar to control the anger of the Narashima avatar. That was the time when Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Narasimha, who was neither a man, woman,neither a demon nor a god, when demon named Hiranyakshyapu's was increasing. After Narasimha killed Hiranyakshapu, Narasimha's anger increased and he harmed the entire creation. Seeing that, Lord Shiva asked Lord Shiva's avatar Beerbhadra to decrease the anger of Narashimha. But Beerbhadra failed, then Lord Shiva himself took the avatar of Sharab. And both of them taught us that after getting success in life, we should not allow our ego to be born because it can lead us to a position of loss, so we should not be in ego after getting success.
And now our Bhagawan Baba has incarnated to teach the world a lesson. But sometimes devotees used to compare Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu but they do not know that Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are same and are devotees of each other.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2018: A Famous Guru and an unknown Guru

Story 2018: A Famous Guru and an unknown Guru
Taral was a boy of grade 6. He lived with his parents and litle sister Tara in a small town. On either side of this small town, were 2 large towns.
In one of the towns there was a famous Guru with a large ashram and many facilities, such as lodging accommodation, Large modern buildings, Bhajan hall, Meditation hall, Yoga hall, also a modern canteen and a few shops on the ashram grounds. Thousands of visitors came weekly to listen to the Guru and participate in the programs. In the other big city was a guru with a small ashram, with few facilities and few visitors.
Taral's father was a devotee of the famous guru, but Taral's mother was a devotee of the guru of the small ashram. One week father took daughter Tara to the famous guru's ashram program and the next week he took son Taral to the famous guru's ashram program. Mother did the opposite of Vader. Mother took son Taral one week and daughter Tara the other week to the unknown guru.
Taral was a very smart boy; he was very happy to visit both gurus. He looked carefully at the differences in both Gurus and their programs. Taral was trying to figure out which guru was best for him.
Today's question: How could you find out which guru is best for you in this situation?
Today's Game/ Drama: Play the role of a Guru. Take turns playing the role of a Guru and answer the questions of the participants in today's Soul Blossom class.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story there was a boy named Taral of 6th grade who lived in a small town with his parents and little sister named Tara. There were two big cities on either side of the small town.There was a famous Guru in one town who had a big ashram and many facilities. Thousands of visitors came weekly to listen to the Guru and participate in the programmes. In another town there was a guru with a small ashram, with few facilities and few visitors. Taral's father was a devotee of the famous guru, but Taral's mother was a devotee of the small ashram's guru. One week the father took his daughter and the second week the son took him to the ashram program of the famous Guru. Mother did the opposite and took one week to Taral and another week to an unknown Guru. Taral was very happy to visit both the gurus and he carefully observed the difference between the two gurus and their programs to see which guru is the best.
As in this story Taral's father and mother were devotees of different gurus, but in this story they did not compare their gurus and fought for it. As such, we shouldn't even compare and fight by saying this is better than this. We can go to any place which we like as there is no restriction to go but we should not compare the places by saying that is better than this because all have different facilities to make them good. And like that famous guru and the unknown guru, they both are the best in their works. But we can see each gurus to know the differences between them to see who is the best. We can find out which guru is the best by observing each other's good habits, manners and discipline. But if the guru only tells others to do the best etc etc., but he himself does not do so, then that guru is useless. And secondly, no person in this world is perfect.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
2022-November: Heart-work from Sidhdhima Sapkota, grade 8
As in the story Tara and taral parents were devotee of different guru but in the story it have shown that they were not comparing any guru and we shouldn't do that because the famous guru and the unknown guru are best according to there work we can identify which guru is best by observing each other manner behaviour discipline if the guru suggests you to do best etc and etc but he himself doesn't do than that guru is useless and lastly. Not every people are perfect in this world try to be the best version of yourself
Thank you
2022-November: Heart-work from Sidhdhima Sapkota, grade 8
Story 2019: A small simple school and a large modern school

Story 2019: A small simple school and a large modern school
Mira and Anita lived on the same street.
Mira came from a simple family and went to cheap, simple schools. And Anita came from a wealthy family and went to expensive, big, modern schools.
Mira not only did her best in school, but also continued to improve her manners.
Anita also tried her best but paid no attention to improve her behavior.
After both students graduated, they applied for a job.
Both (Mira and Anita) got a job at large company.
Mira kept getting promoted. In the end, Mira was promoted by the owner to the highest manager of the company with 108 employees. Why did Mira keep getting promoted? She was promoted not only for the good work she did (more employees worked as well as Mira). Mira was promoted for her good manners. Everyone loved Mira for her character. But what about Anita? Anita's contract was never renewed, everywhere she worked she was fired after the trial period. Anita also worked well, but no one liked her character. Anita was frustrated and blamed everyone, but never looked at her own behavior that needed much improvement.
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts on this story.
Today's game: Let's play a short bit of drama about the story. We can play the role of:
1) Anita and her unfriendly behavior with her colleagues
2) Anita who complains about manners of others but pays no attention to her own manners
3) Mira and the good way she treats her colleagues.
4) The owner of the company is happy with Mira and gives her promotion.
5) After meera becomes the top manager. She gives a motivational speech, inspiring all employees.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story Mira and Anita lived in the same street. Mira was from simple family and went to simple school. But Anita was from a wealthy family and went to an expensive school. Mira was the best in school and continued to improve her manners. Anita also tried her best but did not notice that she have to improve her manner. After graduation, both applied for a job in a large company.Mira continued to be promoted and became the owner of the highest manager of the company with 108 employees. She was promoted or her good deeds that she did with other employees as well as Anita. She was also promoted for her good manners and everyone liked her.Anita's contract was never renewed. Anita also did a good job but everyone disliked her. Anita was disappointed and blamed the other but never saw her behavior which needed much improvement.
Like Anita, we should not be too stupid as she was good in studies but had no moral values and manners. She was good in studies but didn't behave as she studied surely we should improve our way but she didn't. Her parents didn't even try to improve Anita's manners. But also, what can we do? Because I think Anita was not good in her behavior because of her parents were very rich and didn't taught her.But Mira tried her best in studies and also improved her manners. Like Mira, we should also improve our manners as it helps us to become better and achieve many things in such a short time. But, if we are good in study but there is no improvement in behavior then in future also we can not achieve success in long time because of our manners.
If we are poor but we are best in studies and we are improving our behavior then it will make us rich in future. But if it is not there then we will be like as before. And secondly Mira can go to another company without hesitation because her parents were rich. This means that Anita was good at reading but was absent in school when the teachers were teaching about manners.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2020: A tree that started comparing itself to...

2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story Mira and Anita lived in the same street. Mira was from simple family and went to simple school. But Anita was from a wealthy family and went to an expensive school. Mira was the best in school and continued to improve her manners. Anita also tried her best but did not notice that she have to improve her manner. After graduation, both applied for a job in a large company.Mira continued to be promoted and became the owner of the highest manager of the company with 108 employees. She was promoted or her good deeds that she did with other employees as well as Anita. She was also promoted for her good manners and everyone liked her.Anita's contract was never renewed. Anita also did a good job but everyone disliked her. Anita was disappointed and blamed the other but never saw her behavior which needed much improvement.
Like Anita, we should not be too stupid as she was good in studies but had no moral values and manners. She was good in studies but didn't behave as she studied surely we should improve our way but she didn't. Her parents didn't even try to improve Anita's manners. But also, what can we do? Because I think Anita was not good in her behavior because of her parents were very rich and didn't taught her.But Mira tried her best in studies and also improved her manners. Like Mira, we should also improve our manners as it helps us to become better and achieve many things in such a short time. But, if we are good in study but there is no improvement in behavior then in future also we can not achieve success in long time because of our manners.
If we are poor but we are best in studies and we are improving our behavior then it will make us rich in future. But if it is not there then we will be like as before. And secondly Mira can go to another company without hesitation because her parents were rich. This means that Anita was good at reading but was absent in school when the teachers were teaching about manners.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
Story 2020: A tree that started comparing itself to...
Once upon a time there was a tree that was very happy. Birds came to sit on her branches to rest. Then that tree thought, "I'm a tree, that's good. But if i was just a bird, I'd fly from one city to another and see all the beautiful things." The tree began to pray to God. And God turned the tree into a bird. The tree that had now become a bird was very happy.
But after being a bird for 1 month, the bird started comparing itself to humans. The bird thought, " I'm a bird, that's good, but it would be a lot more fun to be human than I could play football, cricket, volleyball, tennis, badminton and i could also study " The more he looked at the people how badly the bird wanted to become human. The bird began to pray to God. And God turned the bird into a man. The bird was now very happy. The bird that has now become a human was very happy.
But after 1 month of being human, she no longer liked it and was often sad. She saw people getting angry, getting jealous, arguing. If they did not get the best grades in the class, they became sad, if they lost sports and games, they were also sad. She noticed that some people were rarely happy and often sad. Then she started to think and found that her life as a tree was the most happy and fun time up to now. She started praying to God again and God turned her back into a tree. The tree was happy again as before, then she never compared herself to others, and was a very happy tree again.
Today's question: Let's share our thoughts on this story.
Today's game/drama: Let's play a short bit of drama about the story. We can play the role of:
01- A happy tree, became unhappy after being compared to a bird.
02- A bird wanted to become a human.
03- A happy person who became sad by comparing with others.
04- A tree, bird or human praying to God.
05- God responds to the prayers of tree, bird or man.
Heart-work (h-w) is: Let's give our OWN experience and our OWN opinion about the story. We can also make a drawing about the important part of story. Your h-w and points we will put on the website.
Story, game-drama written in August 2022 by: Sunil Marapin, SSSSB-Guru, SSSSO Holland Chapter.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6
As in the story, there was a tree that was happy. The bird sat to rest on its branches. Then the tree thought "If I were a bird I could do a lot of things. " The tree began to pray to the God and the God turned a tree into a bird.But after 1 month the bird started comparing itself to humans and thought "If I could be a human I could play and read." And again started praying to a god and turned into human. But after 1 month she was often unhappy with the behavior of humans. She again started praying to a god and turned into a tree and after that she never compared.
Like a tree, we should never compare ourselves to others by saying that she is very beautiful but not me, he is very smart but I am not, etc., etc. We should never compare ourselves because God has given us these forms for a good purpose. God has made trees to give oxygen to animals, birds and humans, etc.God also makes us trees, birds, animals etc according to our previous birth's works (karma) and allows us to do good deeds from this birth to become better in the next birth. But the point is we should be satisfied with what we have, what we are and how we are? It doesn't matter anything. We just have to be happy.
2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6