08 ”Sell these 2 diamonds and use the money as you please”

Story 3007: ”Sell these 2 diamonds and use the money as you please”

A youth from the Soul Blossom class decided after a few SB classes to improve her character. She began to put into practice two of the SB teachings that were easy to understand and also easy to observe.

The two teachings were:
- Look only at the good things of others.
- Improve your own less-good qualities.
To her surprise, the two teachings proved to be very effective.
Her good character made her loved by all and inspired others.

One day God appeared in her dream. In the dream she saw God put an envelope in her math book and said: “My beloved child, you are one of the few who really put my teachings
into practice, this is for you”
When she awoke later, she had forgotten the dream. But later, when she started doing her math homework, she saw the envelope and immediately remembered the dream. When she opened the envelope, she saw a letter and two beautiful diamonds. On the letter was written:
”Sell these 2 diamonds and use the money as you please”

She sold the 2 diamonds and got 25,00,000 NPR (25 lakh, Nepali rupees)
The student thought:

“How will i spend the amount?
Shall i put it in the bank?
Or shall i invest it in something?
Or should i give it to a charity?
Or shall i go for shopping?
Or shall i….?
Today Questions is: 
If you were this student what would you do with 25 Lakh, in your current situation?